
  1. 新闻时评的出现,可以追溯到上个世纪之初,在经历数次起伏之后,于上世纪90年代开始复兴并重新繁荣起来。

    News commentary appearing in the early 20th century , after a period of silence , began to revive and prosper gradually in the 90s of 20th century .

  2. 按照功能的不同,网络民意通道可以划分为政府行政类网站、社区论坛类、新闻网站时评类栏目、博客等自媒体形式等几大类。

    In accordance with the functions of different public access network can be divided into categories of Government Administration website , community forum category , news website category Commentary column , blog and other forms of media , such as from several major categories .