
  • 网络new technology commercialization
  1. 新技术商业化分阶段评价模型研究

    Study on Different Stage Oriented Assessment Model of New Technology Commercialization

  2. 未来突发事件对企业新技术商业化决策的影响

    Effects of Future Unexpected Events on New Technology Commercialization Decisions of Firms

  3. 关于新技术商业化关键影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Key Factors of the New Technology Commercialization

  4. 新技术商业化及其评价的研究综述

    Researches review on commercialization of new technology and assessment

  5. 新技术商业化是知识形态的科学技术转化成为物质形态的生产力的过程。

    New technology commercialization is the process of transforming science and technology knowledge into productivity .

  6. 目的是希望通过调查和统计分析找出哪些关键影响因素对新技术商业化顺利实施是非常重要的。

    An important question in this thesis is that who should pay for the commercialization of the accounting information .

  7. 笔者一方面总结出了新技术商业化整个过程的综合评价指标体系,为后续研究提供了基础,另一当面还发现了相关研究的局限,从而在实证研究之前提出了若干待验证的假设。

    The author summarized a systemic model of key elements in technology evaluation of the new technology commercialization process , which became the basic of the following study .

  8. 本文在借鉴国内外已有研究的基础上,通过实证研究,建立了新技术商业化分阶段的评价模型体系。

    After the studying of the literatures , the author drew a conclusion by descriptive research and set up a different stage oriented assessment system of new technology commercialization .

  9. 针对中国的新技术商业化研究,可能因为市场环境的不同,商业化过程的特征与国外可能存在一些较大的差异,需要调查数据的进一步佐证。

    Aim to research of commercialization of new technology in China , due to the difference in market surroundings , the characteristic of commercialization has a large difference from abroad , which need more positive research to test .

  10. 在此基础上,本文最终形成了新技术商业化分阶段的评价工具。该工具可以帮助技术转化人员和评估人员将定性的指标加以量化,从而成为过程控制或者决策的参考。

    Finally , the author constructed a tool of new technology commercialization assessment by stage , which can help technology transfer practitioners and evaluation people in quantifying the qualitative index and provide them a controlling or decision-making tool .

  11. 基于2005年的问卷调查数据,本文对新技术商业化过程中项目管理层级差异、管理团队的职业经验差异与项目绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data from questionnaire in 2005 , this paper launches an empirical study of the impact of management level difference and career experience difference of management teams on the performance of project during the course of new technology commercialization .

  12. 第二层由实验室组成,负责新技术的商业化。

    A second tier of labs commercialise new technologies .

  13. 不过,要向日本新技术的商业化注入一些硅谷的活力,存在着可怕的障碍。

    However , there are formidable barriers to injecting some of the PEP of silicon valley into the commercialisation of new technology in Japan .

  14. 企业技术创新的目的是新技术的商业化运用,包括R&D、工装模具、供应商选择及人员培训等环节。

    Besides R D , many non-R D activities should be included in industrial innovation such as equipments and tooling , training and so on .

  15. 技术整合指企业通过有效整合内外部各种资源,为实现新技术的商业化构建价值链的过程,是企业技术创新和研究成果商业化的必要途径。

    As the necessary stage in innovation , technology integration ( TI ) is a set of activities that firms construct the value-chain for the commercialization of new technology by integrating different kinds of resources both inside and outside .

  16. 技术创新作为技术与经济联结、为促进经济发展而进行的新技术应用与商业化活动离不开制度的约束,制度对技术创新发展具有持续的积极的作用。

    Technological innovation binds as technology and economy and the new technical application and commercialized activities that carry on for bringing about an advance in economy , and it leave the restraint of the system . The system has lasting and positive effect on technological innovation development .

  17. 在这种背景下,组织间合作进行技术创新被广泛应用于新技术的开发与商业化。

    Thus , inter-organizational collaboration is widely used in development and commercialization of new technology .

  18. 而全新技术的出现,比如闪存,则会使市场上的新玩家能够利用这个机会更快地赚到钱,更快地实现新技术的商业化。

    Whereas the introduction of an entirely new technology , such as flash storage , gives the advantage to new players who can capitalize on the opportunity and commercialize it more quickly .