
  1. 由于具有低延迟和超快速的下载速度,随着5G的到来,如短视频一类的可视化的新闻产品有望变得越来越流行。

    With low latency and ultra-fast download speed , visualized news products such as short videos are expected to get even more popular with the arrival of 5G .

  2. 同其他精神产品一样,新闻产品也是商品。

    As other ideological output , news is also commodity .

  3. 杂志社经营范围为:杂志出版发行,网络传媒经营广告代理发布新闻产品营销。

    The magazine scope of business : magazine publishes , network media management agency news release product marketing .

  4. 结合理论解释和实证研究结论,论文提出了三大媒介之间的竞争和提供新闻产品时一些建议。

    Combining the theory explanation , the paper proposed some suggestion about the competition among three media and providing news .

  5. 《南方日报》的改版,从新闻产品的角度来看,这是一次从内容到形式的全新改进和包装;

    It is a complete amelioration and packing from the form to the content at the angle of news product ;

  6. 第四章则从经济学的角度分析媒介融合促进新闻产品升级的经济原因。

    The forth chapter analyzes the reasons that media convergence promotes the upgrade of news products from the perspective of economics .

  7. 此外,社会类、娱乐类新闻产品不得宣扬一夜成名、炫富享乐、自私自利、勾心斗角。

    Moreover , social and entertainment news products must not advocate overnight fame , wealth parade or hedonism , selfishness or intrigue .

  8. 《纽约时报》为吸引读者独辟蹊径,推出新型新闻产品——以双向短信形式直击夏季奥运现场。

    The New York Times has embarked on a new form of storytelling to enhance its coverage of the Summer Olympics : Two-way text-messaging .

  9. 在传统观念里,西方报业集团的出现使意见市场的多样性减少,造成新闻产品质量下降。然而事实并非如此。

    In traditional concept , the emergence of News Group results in the singularity of the opinion market and poor quality of news products .

  10. 博客使得每个人都可以写作、编辑、设计和出版自己的新闻产品,并被数以百计的人阅读和品头论足。

    With Blog , everyone can write , edit , design and publish his own news product which will be read by hundreds of people .

  11. 他估计,国外硬新闻产品可能会被屏蔽,但娱乐产业已经成为纯粹的商业,就像烤面包机和其他领域一样。

    Foreign hard-news products , he reckons , can be blocked on other grounds , but entertainment has become a commodity , like toasters or anything else .

  12. 纸质媒介和电子媒介需要不同类型的新闻产品,对于同样的新闻线索,编辑部内部也要对其进行不同方式的分拣和整合。

    Two different media require different types of information products , for the same news leads , within the editorial department is also necessary in the sorting and integration of different ways .

  13. 在技术与社会转型的背景下,新闻产品以及其内容的编制和发行早已脱离了通过单一的媒介而运作的局面。

    In the context of technology and social transformation , news products and content creation and distribution has long been out of the situation and now operate through a single but comprehensive medium .

  14. 在媒介新格局的形成过程中,传媒产业为了适应新形势,在对新闻产品的生产过程也必须进行变革,才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得利润。

    In the process of formatting new media pattern , the media industry must change the way of producing news to adapt new environment and get to win profits in the fierce market competition .

  15. 本研究从媒介融合对新闻产品升级的影响入手,探讨媒介融合这一媒体大环境对新闻内容产品的影响,并从经济学的视角分析其中的原因。

    This study is commenced with the influence of upgraded news products which is given by media convergence ; besides , it is committed to discuss this effect to news products so as to analyze the reason from the perspective of economics .

  16. 在德国通过法律允许出版商在其文章出现在网络上时,向聚合网站收费之后,谷歌从其新闻产品中删除了许多德国新闻机构的内容,导致部分报纸的网站流量骤减。

    After Germany passed rules that permitted publishers to charge aggregating sites when their articles appeared online , Google removed many German organizations from its news product , which led to a drastic fall in online traffic to some newspapers ' sites .

  17. 这种新型的生产继续依靠报纸记者作为新闻产品的生产终端,而报社内部分化出的报纸编辑和网站编辑,分别对记者提出写稿要求,以获得取得满足各自媒体所需的稿件。

    This new production continues to rely on the newspaper reporter as a news producer , while the newspaper division within a newspaper editor and Web site editor , told reporters writing requirements to get the manuscript to meet their media needs .

  18. 第二章首先界定了新媒体概念,再由新媒体的特性推演出新媒体是促进媒介融合形成的重要因素,并对什么是新闻产品以及新闻产品升级的概念进行了界定。

    The second chapter defines the concept of new media and then deduces that characteristic of new media is a vital factor for the formation of media convergence . Additionally , it also defines the conception of news products and that upgrade as well .

  19. 请查看相关新闻及产品主页来了解关于WindowBuilderProv7.0功能和价钱的更多信息。

    For more information on availability and pricing , see the press release or the corresponding product page .

  20. 表现型站点的例子有新闻或产品文档页面。

    Examples of presentational sites are news or product documentation pages .

  21. 国际新闻纸产品的比较

    Comparison of Newsprint Products in the World

  22. 受众是新闻频道产品的消费者,他们的需求决定了频道的生产目标。

    The audiences are the customer of news production whose requests decide the product targets .

  23. 报纸是一种产品,报纸产品具有信息产品、媒介产品、新闻媒介产品、文化产品的特性。

    Newspaper , as a product , has features as information product , medium product , news medium product and culture product .

  24. 随着参与世界竞争步伐的加快,中国的通讯社不仅要有各种形式的报道,更要通过加强内部管理和市场营销环节来实现通讯社新闻信息产品的价值。

    Along with the quickening of step participating in the world competition , Agencies in China needs not only various forms of reportage , but also it is necessary for this agency to use marketing , this channel , for realizing the value of its news information products .

  25. 2006中国工程机械十大新闻暨年度产品TOP50

    Top 10 News of Construction Machinery Industry 2006 Unveiling of Top 50 Products

  26. 01/06/08-ReadmyCoP新闻对关键产品宣告正在发生的事,实施事件等等进行了阐述&10分钟。

    01 / 06 / 08-Read my CoP news feeds to understand what is going on with key product announcements , enablement events , etc & 10 minutes .

  27. 美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)发布新闻声明以及产品召回和公司从市场退出的通告,以服务于消费者、媒体和其他合作者。

    FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers , the media , and other interested parties .

  28. 它们面临24小时的恶性竞争,竞相发布公司新闻、新产品和企业丑闻。

    They face malign competition of24 hours , release company news , new product and enterprise scandal eagerly .

  29. 通过利用20%的工作时间,工程师可以做自己想做的项目,由此诞生了Gmail和Google新闻等伟大的产品。

    Its ' 20 % time ', allowing engineers a fifth of their working week to pursue their own projects , led to products as significant as Gmail and Google News .

  30. 为企业组织新闻发布和新产品推介会。

    Organizing news release and new product introduction meeting .