
  • 网络news online
  1. 根据Apache新闻在线的消息

    According to the Apache News Online

  2. 基于信息推理的网络新闻在线评论情绪分类

    Information Inference Based Sentiment Classification for Online News Comments

  3. 例如,WebServicess可用于获取最新头条新闻、在线图书商店的最新列表或者某个特定地理位置的捕渔报告。

    For example , web services can be used to get the latest headlines , the newest listings at an online book store , or historical fishing reports from a particular geographic region .

  4. 面向互联网新闻的在线话题检测算法

    Online Topic Detection Algorithm for Internet News

  5. 互联网技术的飞速发展为英语新闻的在线广播创造了良好条件。

    The rapid development of Internet technology has created good conditions for broadcasting English news online , whose advantages are briefed first in this paper .

  6. 重点讲解:他声称这项新服务旨在拉高收入和读者数,而且最重要的是目的在于搞清楚人们怎样对新闻进行在线阅读。

    He said the new service wa s aimed at driving up revenues and readership and above all about understanding how news is read online .

  7. 调查显示,中国网络用户最主要的应用是音乐,接下来依次是新闻,在线聊天,搜索,影视,游戏,电子邮件,博客,论坛和购物。

    According to the survey , Chinese web users use the internet primarily for music , followed by news , instant messaging , search , video , gaming , email , blogs , forums , and shopping , in that order .

  8. 在互联网上持续发表新闻,以及在线销售,都拓宽了供应链。

    Continuous news release on the Internet and on-line sales widens supply chain .

  9. 现在,看看谷歌新闻:世界在线新闻来源,可定制用户的个人喜好。

    Now , look at Google News : a world of online news sources , which can be customized to an individual users preferences .

  10. 作为最受欢迎的新闻平台,在线方式仅次于地方电视新闻,而且随时都有超越它的可能。

    It was second only to local TV news as the most popular news platform and seems poised to pass that medium , too , project director Tom Rosenstiel said .

  11. 吉利和腾讯将联合持有这一名为动车网络科技有限公司的企业49%的股份。该公司将提供WiFi连接、娱乐和休闲服务、新闻和信息、在线餐饮和购物以及其他智能服务。

    China Railway Gecent Technology Co Ltd , with Geely and Tencent taking a combined 49 percent stake , will offer WiFi connection , entertainment and leisure services , news and information , online catering and shopping , and other smart services .

  12. 新闻管理系统支持在线新闻管理,方便添加、删除,生成等操作!

    Information management system to support online news management , helping to add , delete , and generating action !

  13. 迄今为止,这个大陆经济体的威权统治者们一直能够强迫新闻、媒体、在线搜索及软件公司遵从其繁琐的审查规定。

    The authoritarian rulers of this continental economy have , until now , been able to force news , media , online search and software companies to comply with their onerous censorship requirements .

  14. 据安徽省级官方新闻网站《安徽在线》报道,这一项新的奖励措施已经安徽省东部芜湖的安徽师范大学实施了,这也是该大学计划在全校范围内提高学生礼仪的举措之一。

    The new incentive has been implemented at Anhui Normal University in the eastern city of Wuhu , as part of campus-wide campaign to improve students ' manners , the official provincial news site Anhui Online reports .

  15. 流媒体技术已经广泛应用于实时新闻现场发布、在线直播、视频点播、网络广告、电子商务、远程教育、远程医疗、网络电台、实时视频会议等领域。

    Streaming media technology has been widely used in real-time news site published , broadcast live online , video-on-demand , online advertising , e-commerce , distance education , telemedicine , internet radio , real-time video conferencing and other areas .

  16. 从新闻线人看支票新闻诞生时尚在线

    Analyze the Emergence of " Check News " from " the News Informant " Fashion on Line

  17. GoogleNews是一个新闻聚合服务,它从全世界大量不同的新闻机构和在线网站抓取新闻,然后将这些新闻显示在一个便于搜索的统一站点中。

    Google News is a news aggregation service , which draws from many different news agencies and online sites around the world to present the news in a single unified site which is easily searchable .