
  • 网络SINA;SINA Corporation;sina.com.cn;SINA.com
  1. 上周,中国政府吊销了新浪公司(SinaCo.,SINA)的《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,导致其股价在两天内下跌10%。

    Last week , Beijing stripped portal site Sina Corp. of some publishing licenses over pornographic material , sending shares down 10 % over two days .

  2. 新浪公司(SinaCorp)警告称,其人气颇高的微博服务新浪微博(SinaWeibo)将受到中国官方实名制要求的打击。

    Sina Corp has warned that its popular microblogging service will suffer from Beijing 's requirement that users of Sina Weibo register under their real names .

  3. 阿里巴巴集团周一向新浪公司(SinaCorp.)与推特(Twitter)类似的微博业务投资了5.86亿美元,此前,阿里巴巴集团上个月对其自己的手机操作平台进行了宣传推广。

    Its $ 586 million investment in Sina Corp. 's ( SINA ) Twitter-like Weibo microblog business on Monday followed an earlier move this month to promote its mobile platform .

  4. 中国官方媒体周四报道,中国政府决定吊销新浪公司(SinaCorp.)有关互联网出版和网络传播视听节目的两份许可证。目前中国政府对互联网采取了更大力度的“扫黄打非”行动。

    The Chinese government stripped popular Internet portal Sina Corp. of two online-publication and distribution licenses , official media said on Thursday , as a government crackdown on Internet pornography intensified .

  5. 在类似推特(Twitter)的新浪公司(SinaCorp.)旗下微博(Weibo)上拥有1600万粉丝的潘石屹通常都很健谈,无论是与人交谈还是在镜头前。

    Mr. Pan , who boasts more than 16 million followers on Sina Corp. 's popular Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service , is typically a smooth-talker , whether in person or on camera .

  6. 对于科斯特罗,另外一个例子可能更有参考价值,这就是新浪公司(SinaCorp.)旗下的微博(Weibo)。新浪微博推广了一些功能,而这些功能将最终使它媲美推特。

    Another example that likely hits closer to home for Mr. Costolo is Sina Corp. 's Weibo , which popularized a number of features that would eventually make it into Twitter .

  7. 作为一家私营企业,新浪公司会再几个小时内就把对党有害的信息删除掉。

    Sina Corp , a private firm , deletes postings that annoy the party within hours .

  8. 总部位于北京的新浪公司拒绝评论它将从何时开始、以何种方式执行新的实名注册规定。

    Beijing-based Sina declined to comment on how and how soon it would implement the new requirements for real-name registration .

  9. 新浪公司执行总裁曹国伟说,公司在最近几个月中,微博用户经历了微博用户惊人的增长。

    Cao Guowei , chief executive officer of Sina Corp , said that the company has seen an amazing growth in Weibo users in recent months .

  10. 新浪公司大多数的收入来源于网络广告,无线增值业务的提供,其小部分的收入来源于搜索以及收费服务。

    The Company generates the majority of its revenues from online advertising and MVAS offerings and , to a lesser extent , from search and fee-based services .

  11. 最后应用修正后的贴现现金流量法对亚马逊公司和新浪公司的价值进行了评估,初步验证了本文评估思路的可行性。

    At last , author assess respectively the value of Amazon , com and Sina by modified discounted cash flow method , the result of analysis preliminary verify feasibility of evaluating method .

  12. 此前也就是查封网站、封停社交媒体账号,但基本上不干涉新浪等公司的运营。

    In the past , sites would be taken down and social-media accounts suspended , but the operations of companies like Sina were generally left alone .

  13. 腾讯、百度、新浪已经其他科技公司也在提供类似的产品。

    Tencent , Baidu , Sina , and other technology companies are offering competing products .

  14. 国内微博网站新浪微博和咨询公司艾瑞近日发布的一份报告显示,过去一年中,网红数量及其粉丝规模均迅速增长。

    Both the number of online celebrities and their fans have seen rapid growth in the past year , according to a report by Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo and consulting firm iResearch .