
xīn chū lú
  • freshly baked;newly produced/manufactured
  1. 新出炉的香蕉面包的香气,或某人亲吻我脸颊的方式,都会让我脑海中突然闪现出她的身影。

    The scent of freshly baked banana bread , or the way someone will kiss me on my cheek will bring a quick flashback of her .

  2. 或许更能说明问题的是,在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)最新出炉的世界前100位最佳CEO的榜单上,24人获得过工程学学位。

    Perhaps more tellingly , 24 of Harvard Business Review 's latest list of the world 's 100 best-performing CEOs have degrees in engineering .

  3. NameCandy是一个专注于分析婴儿名字及流行文化的网站。日前,这个网站最新出炉了美国各州新生儿名单。

    Name Candy , a website devoted to analyzing baby names and pop culture , has compiled a list of the first reported babies born this year by state .

  4. 几乎没有其他哪个公共活动能展示如此丰富多样的艺术作品,从毕加索(Picasso)1918年的作品到一位很有前途的迈阿密艺术家新出炉的画作。

    Few other public events display a dizzying variety of artwork , from a 1918 Picasso to a not-yet-dried painting by an up-and-coming Miami artist .

  5. 亨氏(Heinz)将收购卡夫食品(KraftFoods),缔造北美最大食品公司之一。这一最新出炉的巨额交易是在沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)和巴西3G资本(3GCapital)的强大合作下促成的。

    Heinz is to take over Kraft Foods to create one of North America 's biggest food companies in the latest blockbuster deal engineered by the formidable tandem of Warren Buffett and Brazil 's 3G Capital .

  6. 袁淑琴是2003年在新出炉的qfii计划下购买股票的第一人,她认为该计划已经走到了“困难关头”。

    MS Yuen , the first person to buy shares under the QFII scheme after its launch in 2003 , says the programme has reached " a difficult juncture " .

  7. 新出炉的高科技企业也助燃了股市的兴奋情绪。上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)在过去一年大涨115%,即便经济增长放缓,而工业利润(制造业健康状况的衡量标准)在第一季度下降2.7%。

    Newly-minted tech companies also feed into the euphoria which has propelled the Shanghai Composite index up 115 per cent in the last year - even as the economy decelerated and industrial profits , a gauge of health in the manufacturing sector , fell by 2.7 per cent in the first quarter .

  8. Reuters官方报告刚刚证实长期以来人们担心的中国土壤污染状况,新出炉的官方数据又显示中国大部分地下水监测点水质差,尽管中国政府已花费数十亿美元试图治理水污染。

    Fresh off an official report that confirmed long-held fears over the state of China 's soil , new government figures show the majority of the country 's water remains polluted despite billions of dollars spent trying to clean it up .

  9. 区域投放,一块新出炉的蛋糕

    Regional Ads Investment , A Baked Cake Fresh Out of the Oven

  10. 哇外面好多新出炉的“布鲁克林”

    Oh . That is a lot of fresh Brooklyn .

  11. 每天新出炉,他们的鸡鲜美又嫩滑。

    Roasted daily , their chicken is fresh and tender .

  12. 不过一份新出炉的报告猜测,应该要责备的,真的是小猪。

    A new study , however , suggests pigs really were to blame .

  13. 下文中我们为您奉上最新出炉的爆笑美剧大餐,这些剧集主题涵盖了爱情、家庭、闺蜜,甚至还有警匪。《这个警察有点烦》

    The following fresh picks cover the themes of romance , family , girlfriends , and even the police .

  14. 理论上,投资银行家无私地将公司上市后新出炉的百万富翁介绍给私人银行业的同行。

    In theory , investment bankers unselfishly introduce newly minted millionaires , post-float , to their private banking colleagues .

  15. 新出炉的浇模机可以卖给别人,新机主还可以复制浇模机,再卖。

    The new copies can then be sold to other people , who can in turn copy the machine and sell on .

  16. 就在白宫和国会就经济问题唇枪舌剑地相互指责的时候,新出炉的经济数据可以说是有好有坏。

    The back-and-forth between the White House and Capitol Hill on economic matters came amid a mixed batch of U.S. financial indicators .

  17. 美国投资银行派杰的新出炉的调查发现,大于90%的美国青少年定期的使用社交平台。

    A new survey by investment bank Piper Jaffray found that more than 9 out of 10 American teenagers regularly use social media .

  18. 新出炉的“2009中国25家最受尊敬上市公司全明星榜”,更好地体现了今天的中国上市公司所面临的竞争环境。

    The new-baked " 2009 China's25 most respected companies All-Star List " to better reflect today 's China 's listed companies are facing competitive environment .

  19. 它们还供应多种新出炉的面包和牛角包,许多店也为午餐和晚餐提供熟食,三明治、肉馅卷饼、炸饺子等一应俱全。

    Paderias also offer a wide assortment of fresh-baked bread and croissants and many have deli fare for lunch and dinner , from sandwiches to empanadas to pastels .

  20. 依据英国一项新出炉的调查研究指出,超过十分之一的科学家宣称在商业利益的压力下,曾量身订作「修改」其研究发现。

    More than one in10 scientists claim to have been pressurised by a commercial financial backer to " tailor " their research conclusions , according to a new survey .

  21. 法国缺少训练有素的大厨,而挪威则在全球搜求屠夫,世界各国都面临着一份新出炉的报告所称的全球“人才荒”。

    France is running short of trained chefs , while Norway is scouring the world for butchers as countries deal with what a new report calls a global'talent crunch . '

  22. 最新出炉的“莎翁照片”与我们原有对这位吟游诗人面相的理解大有出入呢。

    The image shows every wrinkle on the playwright 's face and the figure 's haunted stare is radically different from existing images which purport to be of the Bard .

  23. 是她?不是她?杰西卡·辛普森是否怀孕的话题最近在网络上炒得沸沸扬扬。而周二最新出炉的街拍更是为这则传言添了一把火!

    Is she or isn 't she ? The Internet has been abuzz lately about whether Jessica Simpson is pregnant , and speculation reached a fever pitch after new photos surfaced Tuesday .

  24. 联合国一份新出炉的报告警告,由于欧洲、日本和美国的经济成长更加缓慢而有可能使亚洲和太平洋国家今年的出口增长减少一半。

    A new United Nations report warns export growth in Asian and Pacific nations may fall by half this year due to slower growth in Europe , Japan and the United States .

  25. 大部分超市会在前门附近腾出很大一部分空间来作为花饰以及新出炉的烘烤食品,这样,当你心情好的并且手推车空着的时候就会遇到它们。

    Most supermarkets put high margin departments like floral and fresh baked goods near the front door , so you encounter them when your cart is empty and your spirits are high .

  26. 他审视着面前这个备受折磨的妇女郎满是皱纹的脸,想起了她的菜汤和新出炉的面包,一种最为温暖的感激和悲悯之情便在他心里油然而生。

    Then he studied the deep-lined face of the toil-worn woman before him , remembered her soups and loaves of new baking , and felt spring up in him the warmest gratitude and philanthropy .

  27. 尽管新出炉的纲要网络大量致妇女心脏病的危险因素,但是他们仍然呼吁有效的措施控制已知的致心脏病因素像高血压和肥胖。

    While the new guidelines cast a wider net to catch women at risk for heart disease , they also call for aggressive steps to control known risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity .

  28. 投资者很难对新出炉的交易进行估值。随着利率开始攀升,并购活动披上了更为理智的外衣,从新经济网络公司,转向实实在在的旧经济企业。

    Investors struggled to value new - fangled deals , and as interest rates began to climb , MA activity took on a more sober mantle , shifting from new economy clicks to old economy bricks .

  29. 在经过了一个相对平静的夏季后,金融市场周四大幅走低。当日,欧洲领导人加大了对希腊的施压力度,同时,欧洲、美国和中国新出炉的有关经济情况的报告显示全球经济低迷。

    Financial markets got a jolt Thursday after a relatively calm summer , when European leaders ratcheted up pressure on Greece and new reports on economies in Europe , the U.S. and China pointed to global weakening .

  30. 根据美国最新出炉的对年轻人来说最佳工作前15名的名单,那些希望有一份收入不错、时间灵活、而且较有保障的工作的年轻人可以考虑就职于医疗行业。

    Young people looking for a job with good pay , flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care , according to a list of the top 15 best jobs in the US for young people .