- 网络Smolensk;Smolenskaya;Roslavl-Elnya-Smolensk

Jacek Kucharczyk , of the Warsaw-based Institute of Public Affairs , says the crash at Smolensk did just change the date of the election .
Bnd Radek Sikorski , the Polish foreign minister , praises the openness of the Kremlin in investigating the Smolensk air crash and says Poland is an ally .
Smolensk was abandoned against the will of the Tsar and the whole people .
The plane came down in a forest as it tried to land in fog in Smolensk airport .
Preparations were made to attack the French before Smolensk . A general was sent to review the position .
Kaczynski had been flying to Katyn , near Smolensk , to commemorate the victims of the Katyn massacre .
The Russian army and population fall back , avoiding a battle , to Smolensk , and from Smolensk to Borodino .
Mr Kaczynski is the twin brother of the previous president who was killed in the Smolensk plane crash three months ago .
The debris of president Kaczynski 's plane is spread through hundreds of meters of woodland on the edge of Smolensk aerodrome .
Should he continue to pursue the Russian army ? Or should he keep his army in Smolensk for the approaching winter ?
Polish and Russian officials said no-one survived after the plane apparently hit trees as it approached Smolensk airport in thick fog .
The Polish Foreign Ministry confirmed that the president and his wife were aboard the plane that crashed Saturday near the city of Smolensk .
In August , the French and Russian armies engaged at Smolensk , in a battle that left over ten thousand dead on each side .
The governor of the Smolensk region , where the crash took place about 11 a.m. ( 0700 GMT ) , said no one survived .
In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further , though , as we see now , that advance meant inevitable ruin .
April 10 : A Tupolev 154 plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashes near the Russian airport of Smolensk , killing more than 90 people on board .
By October , when the French were fleeing to Smolensk , there were hundreds of these companies , differing widely from one another in number and in character .
Television pictures showed the burning fuselage and fragments of the plane scattered in a forest . The crash occurred about 2 km ( 1.3 miles ) from Smolensk airport .
The fascist air force is extending the range of operations of its bombers and is bombing murmansk , orsha , mogilev , smolensk , kiev , odessa , and sevastopol .
What would have happened if later on Napoleon , on reaching Tarutino , had attacked the Russians with one-tenth of the energy with which he had attacked them at Smolensk ?
Mr. Kaczynski , his wife and 94 others in a high-level delegation were killed Saturday when their plane crashed on landing outside the western Russian city of Smolensk , officials said .
The election date was after Poland 's president , Lech Kaczynski , was killed along with 95 others in a plane crash on April 10th near the Russian town , Smolensk .
In every town and village on Russian soil , from Smolensk onwards , without the assistance of Count Rastoptchin and his placards , the same thing took place as happened in Moscow .
Russian state television reported that the Tupolev-154 jet crashed about a kilometer short of the runway on its second attempt to land in heavy fog at the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport , shortly before 11 a.m. Moscow time .
But Smolensk was burnt by its own inhabitants , who had been deceived by their governor . And those ruined inhabitants , after setting an example to the rest of Russia , full of their losses , and burning with hatred of the enemy , moved on to Moscow .