
  • 网络Stans;Stan;STEIN;Palestine;Jeremy Stein
  1. “他和斯坦夫人有个计划,”她解释说。

    ' He and Mrs Stein have a plan , ' she explained

  2. 在斯坦举办的一个聚会上他不请自到。

    He came uninvited to one of Stein 's parties .

  3. 斯坦开动了链锯。

    Stan had the chainsaw running .

  4. 我拜托你看在斯坦的份上好好干。

    I trust you to do a good job for Stan 's sake

  5. 希拉想帮助斯坦是另有所图的。

    Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan

  6. 斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。

    Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad

  7. “大家都想念她,”斯坦面带愧色地说。

    ' Everybody missed her , ' Stan said with a hangdog look .

  8. 斯坦说得比平常还要慢。

    Stan was speaking even more slowly than usual .

  9. 我轻轻推了推斯坦,又指了一下。

    I nudged Stan and pointed again

  10. 啊,谢谢你,斯坦!

    Gee thanks , Stan .

  11. 更有趣的是,斯坦的其中一个任务就是为塑料购物袋背后的行业辩护。

    What is even more interesting is that one of   Stein 's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags .

  12. 考虑到这些不利因素,塑料袋制造商正在聘请像斯坦这样的科学家来证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害。

    Eyeing these headwinds , plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like   Stein   to   make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume .

  13. 莎拉·安德烈奥蒂博士�斯坦陵布什大学

    Dr Sara Andreotti , University of Stellenbosch

  14. 斯坦·李(注:漫威编剧、漫画家)的葬礼将会是一个反转过来的配角群戏,所有的超级英雄都会成为他的人生故事的背景。-4-

    Stan Lee 's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story .

  15. 温斯坦公司的《艺术家》(TheArtist)在2011年11月底上映,后来获得了最佳影片奖。

    The Weinstein film The Artist , which would win best picture , was released in late November 2011 .

  16. 温斯坦公司的《艺术家》(TheArtist)在2011年11月底上映,后来获得了最佳影片奖。

    The Weinstein film " The Artist , " which would win best picture , was released in late November 2011 .

  17. 两个儿子,一个叫乔(Joe),一个叫斯坦(Stan),都是年轻人,穿着扣鞋。

    The sons , Joe and Stan , were young men in buttoned shoes .

  18. Weinstein的发言人说,该公司首席执行长(CEO)温斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)对此不予置评。

    A Weinstein spokesman said Chief Executive Harvey Weinstein declined to comment .

  19. 国有炼油公司印度斯坦石油公司(hindustanpetroleumcorporation)昨日表示,该公司从沙特进口的原油将增加一倍。

    Hindustan Petroleum Corporation , a state-owned refiner , said yesterday it would double imports of crude oil from Saudi Arabia .

  20. 他的朋友阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)和经济学家奥斯卡•摩根斯坦(OskarMorgenstern)也陪他前往。

    His friends Albert Einstein and the economist Oskar Morgenstern came along .

  21. Netflix公司、温斯坦公司通过Imax公司找到了类似的变通方法。

    With Imax , Netflix and the Weinstein Company have found a similar workaround .

  22. JohannesVerreynne现在就职于斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity),CarolLovatt来自加州大学河滨分校(UniversityofCalifornia-Riverside)。

    Johannes Verreynne is now at Stellenbosch University in South Africa . Carol Lovatt is at the University of California , Riverside .

  23. NPR新闻的罗布·斯坦将带来详细报道。

    NPR 's Rob Stein has details .

  24. 包括华特迪士尼(WaltDisney)和温斯坦公司(WeinsteinCompany)在内的媒体集团警告称,如果该法案被批准为法律,它们会考虑将制作活动迁出佐治亚州。

    Media groups including Walt Disney and The Weinstein Company warned they would consider moving productions out of Georgia if the bill became law .

  25. 约翰-麦克尼克尔,Les斯塔布斯,斯坦-维克斯,PeterSillett都来自低级别的联赛。

    John McNicholl , Les Stubbs , Stan Wicks and Peter Sillett all arrived from he lower leagues .

  26. 被称作“大对冲斯坦”(greaterhedgistan)的地区,是一个少数富人聚居之地。

    Greater hedgistan , as it is now being called , is a land inhabited by the prosperous few .

  27. 影片角色出自斯坦?李(StanLee)之手,这位89岁的老人创作了绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Ironman)等经典形象。

    The character has been invented by Stan Lee , the 89-year-old creator of figures such as Hulk and Ironman .

  28. 得益于此,包括纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)已故老板乔治・斯坦布莱纳(GeorgeSteinbrenner)等在内的好几位亿万富豪的继承人留住了本来要交给美国政府的数亿美元。

    As a result , the heirs of a handful of billionaires-including late New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner-got to keep hundreds of millions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to Uncle Sam.

  29. 据NPR新闻的罗布·斯坦报道,女孩的母亲在脸书上公布了手术的进展。

    As NPR 's Rob Stein tells us the girl 's mother posted the news of the development on her facebook page .

  30. 来自加州的民主党参议员黛安.范斯坦(DianeFeinstein)表示,美国或许可以同伊朗的最高领袖哈梅内伊进行接触。

    Senator Dianne Feinstein , a California Democrat , suggested the United States engage with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei .