
  • 网络The Stoic
  1. “他表示斯多葛观察认为,”一切都改变了对9-11。

    " He expressed the stoic observation that " everything changed on 9-11 .

  2. (约公元前335-263年)创立斯多葛学派哲学的古希腊哲学家。

    ( ca 335-263 BC ) Greek philosopher who found the Stoic school .

  3. 总体而言,斯多葛学派所主张的就是这一点:生活是一盘很大的棋局。

    And what the Stoics say in general is simply this : there is a larger plan in life .

  4. 上周,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)介绍了瑞安.霍利迪(RyanHoliday),现年29岁的霍利迪曾经是服装公司AmericanApparel的公关人员,现在以传播斯多葛主义为生。

    This week , the New York Times profiled Ryan Holiday , a 29-year-old former publicist for American Apparel , who makes his living as an evangelist for Stoicism .

  5. 被命运重创的创业家们和被颠覆性变化猛击的企业领袖,现在抓住了斯多葛学派哲人塞内加(Seneca)和克律西波斯(Chrysippus)的冥思。

    The musings of Seneca and Chrysippus are being seized upon by entrepreneurs whipsawed by fate , and corporate leaders battered by disruption .

  6. 试析斯多葛学派命题逻辑研究中的命题函子理论

    Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism

  7. 到古罗马时期,斯多葛学派的自然法观念得到了继受和发展。

    The Stoics ' idea of natural law is accepted in ancient Roman .

  8. 斯多葛学派哲学家通过对命运的服从获得幸福快乐。

    A stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny .

  9. 斯多葛:我能掌握这大便。

    Stoics I can handle this shit .

  10. 关于斯多葛学派或其追随者的。

    Pertaining to Stoicism or its followers .

  11. 每一个斯多葛派的人都是斯多葛主义者;但在基督教世界,哪儿有基督教徒?

    Every Stoic was a Stoic ; but in Christendom , where is the Christian ?

  12. 斯多葛学派的哲学体系追随古希腊哲学家芝诺的教义。

    The philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher zeno .

  13. 年迈的国王,一直很虚弱,用他英勇的斯多葛哲学忍受着身体的病痛和神父的折腾。

    The old man , continuing to weaken , bore both pain and priest with gallant stoicism .

  14. 对于斯托克代尔而言,斯多葛主义并不是一组机智、给人慰藉的警句,而是一种令人筋疲力尽的实践。

    Stoicism for Stockdale was not a set of cute , consoling aphorisms , but a gruelling practice .

  15. 他把古希腊,尤其是早期斯多葛学派的自然法观念加以通俗化、系统化和理论化,使之获得了最为完备的形态。

    He makes the Stoics ' idea of natural law popular , systematical and theoretic and makes it complete .

  16. 柏拉图主义、斯多葛主义和保罗的因信得救说,是基督教普遍主义的主要思想来源。

    Platonism , Stoicism and Paul 's theory about salvation by faith , are the main thought source of Christian universalism .

  17. 斯多葛主义是新的禅,这套被重新发现的思想似乎是为一个快速变革的时代量身定制的。

    Stoicism is the new Zen , a rediscovered set of ideas that seem tailor-made for a period of rapid change .

  18. 我们大部分人并不认同,但我们认为在保罗的信中可以看到一点斯多葛主义的影子。

    Most of us don 't buy that , but we think you might see traces of Stoicism in Paul 's writing .

  19. 从苏格拉底,经斯多葛学派、笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎,最后至康德达到顶峰。

    It developed from Socrates to the Stoics and to Descartes , Spinoza , and finally to Kant who pushed it to its peak .

  20. 斯多葛学派教导我们,不快乐,消极情绪,以及我们今天所称的压力,都是我们对外部环境所做判断的结果。

    Stoicism teaches that unhappiness , negative emotions , and what we would today call stress are the result of the judgments we make about external circumstances .

  21. 斯多葛学派是古希腊和古罗马时期的一支地位举足轻重的思想流派,其代表人物有芝诺、爱比克泰德、塞涅卡等人。

    The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome , it 's representative men include Zeno , Epictetus and Seneca etc.

  22. 斯多葛学派认为,唯有在我们能够掌控自己的内心世界时,我们获得的幸福才最安稳。

    To the Stoics , the most secure kind of happiness could be found in the only thing that we are in control of & our inner world .

  23. 冯小刚(他也是一位导演,执导了中国若干最卖座的票房大片)在片中饰演固执的六爷,带有一种无懈可击的斯多葛主义。

    As the rough-hewed Mr. Six , Feng Xiaogang ( who is also a director of some of China 's biggest blockbusters ) carries himself with impeccable stoicism .

  24. 斯多葛学派是首个提出完备的、系统化的自然法思想的学派,在西方思想史上有着重要地位。

    Stoic is the first School , which put forward a comprehensive , systematic natural law thinking , and has an important position in the history of Western thought .

  25. 公元前207年:古希腊斯多葛学派的哲人克里斯帕斯笑死了,因为他看见一只喝醉的驴子试图去吃无花果。

    BC : Chrysippus , a Greek stoic philosopher , is believed to have died of laughter after giving his donkey wine then seeing it attempt to eat figs .

  26. 斯多葛学派教导我们,不快乐,消极情绪,以及我们今天所称的“压力”,都是我们对外部环境所做判断的结果。

    Stoicism teaches that unhappiness , negative emotions , and what we would today call " stress " are the result of the judgments we make about external circumstances .

  27. 理论上,斯多葛学派是一群苦修者,他们对欢愉和痛苦、财富和贫穷都漠不关心,与困扰着一般人的心灵的情感保持距离以让自己的内心强大。

    The Stoics were in theory a hair-shirted bunch , indifferent to pleasure and pain , wealth and poverty , fortified by their distance from the emotions that trouble ordinary minds .

  28. 那些真正能做到抛开妒忌,贪婪,憎恨,以及其它人类情感的人,是典型的斯多葛主义者,忍受着肉体和精神的苦痛而毫无怨言。

    Those who actually can give up envy , greed , jealousy , hatred , and other human passions are typical of stoicism , who suffer mental and physical pain without complaint .

  29. 日本人对灾难的态度令人印象深刻,世界对他们斯多葛哲学充满敬畏。日本人的这种作风可能重新架构起该国急需的自信。

    It may be that the Japanese people 's impressive response to disaster , and the rest of the world 's awe in the face of their stoicism , restores the self-confidence the country so badly needs .

  30. 如果把加州山景城中的一位创业者遭受的折磨,与身处帝国存亡边缘、面对战争和死亡的马可.奥勒留的痛苦比较一下,现代人对斯多葛主义的奉行似乎不值一提。

    The modern embrace of Stoicism seems vapid if one tries to compare the torments of an entrepreneur in Mountain View with the agonies of Marcus Aurelius facing war and death on the fringes of his empire .