
  • 网络Steiner;George Steiner;rudolf steiner
  1. 文章提出一个关于延迟驱动的矩形边斯坦纳树(简称RCST)的混合遗传算法(RCST-GA)。

    This paper presents a mixed genetic algorithm of Timing-Driven Rectilinear Steiner Tree ( RCST-GA ) .

  2. 提出一个关于最小矩形边斯坦纳树(minimumrectilinearSteinertree,MRST)的混合遗传算法。

    An adaptive evolution genetic algorithm for Minimum Rectilinear Steiner Tree ( MRST ) problem is investigated , which is tree coded according to the characteristics of MRST .

  3. 5.ADaytoSayThankYou感恩之日每年的6月14号,是纪念卡尔.兰德斯坦纳诞辰的的日子,他因发现ABO血型系统而荣获诺贝尔奖。

    This day takes place on 14 June every year worldwide which also honors birth of Karl Landsteiner , the Nobel Prize winner for discovering the ABO blood group system .

  4. ABO血型系统的使用能够达到安全输血目的,这是由卡尔.兰德斯坦纳于1868年6月14日发明的。

    For safety blood transfusions the ABO blood group system is used which was created by Karl Landsteiner on 14th June 1868 .

  5. 这一天也是诺贝尔得主卡尔.兰德斯坦纳诞辰纪念日,是他发现了ABO血型系统。

    This day has another significance as well since it marks the birthday of Karl Landsteiner who is a Nobel Prize winner for his discovery of the ABO group system .

  6. 斯坦纳被认为是有创见但非正统思想家。

    Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker .

  7. 斯坦纳阐释运作理论的应用:问题与方法

    Application of G.Steiner 's Theory of Hermeneutic Motion : Adaptation and Extension

  8. 莫:好的,我们恭候您的光临,斯坦纳先生。

    O. K. we look forward to seeing you then , Mr. Steiner .

  9. 斯坦纳在这个公司有很大的股份。

    Steiner has a large stake in this company .

  10. 斯坦纳一个人在那里焦虑着,心神不安。

    Stener was quite alone , worried and distraught .

  11. 正多边形顶点集上的斯坦纳最小树

    Steiner minimal trees on vertices of regular polygons

  12. 本文利用统计分析法,提出求解矩形斯坦纳树问题的多项式时间算法。

    This paper presents a polynomial time algorithm for finding Rectilinear-Steiner-Trees by statistical analysis .

  13. 最小直线斯坦纳树及其在详细布线中的应用

    MRST and Its Application in Detailed Routing

  14. 矩形斯坦纳树的统计分析法

    On Rectilinear Steiner Trees by Statistical Analysis

  15. 他停顿了一下,因为斯坦纳的面上堆起了一层愁苦的神色。

    He paused , for stener 's face had become a jelly-like mass of woe .

  16. 一种生成直角斯坦纳树的算法

    An algorithm for rectilinear Steiner tree

  17. 现代阐释学语境下斯坦纳的翻译观&兼谈译者主体性

    Steiner 's View on Translation under the Modern Hermeneutics Context on the Subjectivity of the Translation

  18. 我们不仅买,更全部重新装修了所有的房子,斯坦纳说。

    Not only do we buy , we 've completely redecorated all our homes , says Steiner .

  19. 该算法对平面上给定的任意分布的节点集合,得到了统计最优的矩形斯坦纳树。

    An optimal Rectilinear-Steiner-Tree can be obtained in statistical sense for any given set of points on a plane .

  20. 翻译的第二步是侵入,在斯坦纳看来,译者无法不对他的时代和背景妥协。

    The second step of translation is aggression . According to Steiner , translators cannot neglecting his time and background .

  21. 斯坦纳一开篇就提出理解也是翻译,由此奠定全书的阐释学基调。

    In the first chapter , Steiner puts forward " understanding as translation ", a typical slogan of much hermeneutic color .

  22. 许多已知算法考虑了有障碍的直角斯坦纳树问题,但是对于布线区域存在边界的情况并没有涉及。

    Many known algorithms take into account the rectilinear Steiner tree problem with obstacles , but there is little consideration of the boundary .

  23. 本文首先介绍了超大规模集成电路的物理设计流程,在此基础上引出直角斯坦纳树问题。

    At first , this thesis introduces the VLSI physical design process , based on this leads to the rectilinear Steiner tree problem .

  24. 斯坦纳的罪行要判处最高的刑期,借以表示党与法庭的公正无私。

    Stener was to be sentenced the maximum sentence for his crime in order that the party and the courts should appear properly righteous .

  25. 他记得。在他处于半清醒状态时听到人们说:斯坦纳被射中了头部。

    He remembers people saying , as he was sort of half-conscious , he remembers people saying , Steiner 's been hit in the head .

  26. 斯坦纳和勒代雷的阐释翻译理论评介用乔姆斯基的理论分析翻译中的某些问题

    On the Introduction and Analysis of the Hermeneutic Motion in Translation Based on Steiner and Lederer ; Some Problems of Translation in the Light of Chomskian Theory

  27. 然后根据相关的优化理论,提出了求解时间目标数学模型的最小生成树算法和求解距离目标数学模型的最小矩形斯坦纳树算法。

    According to the related optimizing theory , the Minimum Spanning Tree arithmetic and the Rectilinear SteinerMinimum Tree arithmetic were selected as the solution of the problem in this thesis .

  28. 考虑了在带区间数据的不确定网络中,最小风险和模型以及最小最大风险模型下的斯坦纳树问题。

    Based on the models of minimum risk sum and minimum maximum risk , this paper is concerned with the minimum Steiner tree problems in uncertain networks with interval data .

  29. 该算法通过引入软边和移动斯坦纳点概念,来推迟精确走线的确定时机,以避免过早固定走线带来的盲目性,为布线提供更加全局化的考虑和极大的布线灵活性。

    To avoid the blindness introduced by prematurely fixed routing and supply overall consideration and flexibility for routing , this algorithm postpones fixing exact routing by the soft edge and mobile Steiner node .

  30. 斯坦纳将阐释学的理论观与翻译结合起来并正式提出了理解即翻译的观点,并在阐释学理论基础上提出了翻译过程的模式,即为四个步骤:信任,侵蚀,吸收和补偿。

    Combing the theories of hermeneutics and translation , Steiner puts forward an idea that translation is a kind of interpretation , and divides the translation process into four steps : initiative trust , aggression , incorporation and compensation .