- 网络Amphibolite;Plagioclase amphibolite

Grade of ore formed from marble is higher , that formed from amphibolite is lower .
The Qinling Group is lithologically composed of four closely related but different rock sequences , gneiss , amphibolite , metadolerite and marble .
PT path of metamorphism of amphibolite in Yunkai group complex in southeastern Guangxi and its dynamic significance
The increased metallogenic element such as Zn and the decreased , Ni , Co , Cr , Cu entered adjacent rock or agglomerate in shell amphibolite .
Metamorphic newly produced zircons , shrimp ion microprobe U-Pb age of Amphibolite of Hexi group , Zhejiang and Its Implications
Amphibolite-leptite is meta-volcanic rocks resulting from continuous differentiation of the same magma . Zircon Pb loss is serious and the 207Pb / 206Pb age is ≥ 2488 ± 8 Ma .
Two amphibolite samples ( 09T-2,09T-10 ) were carried on zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope study .
The experimental v P in amphibolite was corrected by this method and compared with the v P without correction : the absolute correction value turned greater as the temperature increased ;
As a result , the eclogite was transformed to epidote-bearing amphibolite .
It has obvious horizontal zoning from marble , talc ore body to amphibolite .
The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world 's metamorphic tholeiite .
The role of volatiles in the formation of scapolite in amphibolites of southern West Kunlun Mountains
Qinglongcun Group consists mainly of gneiss , amphibolite , fine-to coarse-grained schist and laminated marble .
This paper studied the contact relation between eclogite and its country rock in Junan-Rizhao area .
New Opinion on the Genesis of the Amphibolite Marble Type Talc Deposit in Pingdu , Shandong Province
The characteristics and distributing features of the amphibolites from Archaean era are discussed in this paper .
Gneiss is the country rock of eclogites , and there exist mutational relationships in major element components .
Origin of low-velocity layer in the lower crust of Southwest tarim : limits of velocity and attenuation for plagioclase amphibolite
They were transformed to amphibolite , serpentinite , gneiss , quartz-mica schist , quartzite and marble during the amphibolite-facies retrogression .
It was shown that the amphibolite was transformed from oceanic tholeiitic basalts and the leptynite was converted from acidic sedimentary rocks .
Shushui rock group remains in Xiyao gneiss , and made up of amphibolite , magnetite quartzite , biotite granulite , calc-schist and dolomitic marble .
Experimental Studies on Plagioclase Amphibolites of Kangding Group and Preliminary Discussions on the Formation Cause of Low Velocity Layers in the Crust of Kang-Dian Tectonic Zone
A dark , fine - grained igneous rock ; diabase . The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world 's metamorphic tholeiite .
This study of the geochemical characteristics of the amphibolites from the Dabie core complex is important for tracing the origin of the Dabie core complex unit .
Mafic granulites and amphibolites crop out in the Grove Mountains ( GMs ), 450km south of Zhongshan Station on the coast of Prydz Bay , East Antarctica .
The Precambrian metamorphic rock series include of gneiss , amphibolite , shist , quartzite and pyroxenite with lenticular eclogite or garnet amphibolite which formed in retrograde stage .
In the area of Zhoukoudian , Beijing , there is a metamorphic complex compo-sed of gneiss , amphibolite migmatites and mylonites , along with the Fangshan intrusive body .
The Mengjiatun Formation complex is a suite of supracrustal rocks formed in the early Neoarchean , and its typical rocks include garnet quartzite , biotite-quartz schist and amphibolite .
Mechanisms of Development and Components of Foliations in Metamorphosed Mafic Rocks ( Amphibolites ) from Lower Crust & Taking the metamorphic mafic rocks from Haicheng , Liaodong Peninsula for example
The gold abundance of main types rock in this gold deposit fluctuates within the range of 3.18-4.2 ppb while it is 4.2 ppb for issite which is regarded as main source-bed of gold deposit .