
dòu zhēnɡ xìnɡ
  • militancy;fighting spirit
  1. 对矛盾斗争性原理的质疑和建议

    Doubts about the " Fighting Spirit of Contradiction "

  2. 矛盾的同一性与斗争性是无产阶级与资产阶级之间既联合又斗争的哲学依据;

    The identity and fighting spirit of the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie was the philosophical basis of uniting and fighting policy .

  3. WTO体系矛盾的斗争性和同一性是WTO体系矛盾的基本属性和基本关系。

    Belligerence and identity are basic attributes and relations of the WTO system .

  4. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性矛盾同一性的相对性

    Identity and struggle of opposites relativity of the identity of contradictories

  5. 矛盾斗争性特点问题探析

    On the Issue of the Struggle Characteristics of Contradiction

  6. 贝多芬第九交响曲中的英雄性和斗争性

    Heroism and Belligerence in No.9 Symphony by Beethoven

  7. 矛盾斗争性的绝对性

    Absoluteness of the struggle of contradictories

  8. 同一性和斗争性作为矛盾的两个基本属性,在不同的条件下,其侧重点是不同的。

    The two basic attributes of contradiction identity and conflict have different emphasis in different conditions .

  9. 关于矛盾的斗争性和统一性&关于列宁的对立统一规律(三)

    On the Struggle and Unity of Opposites & About Lenin 's Law of the Unity of Opposites (ⅲ)

  10. 思想政治工作内在矛盾的斗争性、同一性、联结点驱动着前沿不断地向前发展。

    The conflict , unity and ties of the work of thoughts and politics drive the front to develop forward .

  11. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性在争斗不休的灰暗生活中,拥有短暂的和平宁静。

    In the continuous battle gloomy life , you are able to pass through a short tranquil and peaceful period .

  12. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性问题在马克思、恩格斯以前是没有相对、绝对之分的。

    Before Marx and Engels , nobody believed that identity of contradiction is relative or absolute , either is conflict of contradiction .

  13. 苏联和美国的领导人对于冷战所发表的斗争性演说使整个世界长期以来处于紧张情绪。

    Belligerent speeches by leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States throughout the Cold war kept the world on edge for years .

  14. 正治反治不仅运用了矛盾的斗争性,也运用了矛盾的统一性。

    Routine treatrment and contrary treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine reflect not only the opposition of contradiction , but also the unity of contradiction .

  15. 不同的政治历史环境中,如果仍延续左翼文艺运动尖锐的斗争性批评模式,必然有害于文艺创作和文艺批评,这是应该引起我们的反思的。

    However , if the criticizing mode is extended in any political and historical environment , it will surely do harm to literary creation and literary criticism .

  16. 在张载一物两体思想基础上,提出了关于矛盾的同一性和斗争性思想;

    He , based on Zhang Zai 's thought of " two aspects of an object ", put forward the thought on the identity and conflict of contradiction .

  17. 沦陷区人民的社会心理主要表现为不畏强暴的斗争性,被迫统治的奴性,麻木不仁的惰性。

    The peoples social psychology in the enemy-occupied area showed that their struggle of defying brute forces , their slavishness of having been obliged to be ruled and their inertia of indifference .

  18. 绝对真理与相对真理、矛盾同一性和斗争性相对与绝对的问题,在马克思主义认识论的教学和研究中,一直没有解决。

    What remains unsettled in the instruction of and research on Marxist epistemology are the relationship between the absolute truth and relative truth , and the relationship between the identity and struggle of the opposites .

  19. 在对外开放过程中,社会主义中国同国际资本主义双方的矛盾同一性是占据主导地位的,同时也必然存在着矛盾斗争性,但这是第二位的。

    In the course of the opening up , the identity of contradiction between Chinese Socialism and International Capitalism occupies a leading position . Meanwhile , there must exists the struggle of contradiction , but it is secondary .

  20. 只有坚持辩证思维,坚持矛盾解决中的斗争性、同一性与价值性的辩证统一,掌握这种统一的适度原则,落实相关的制度安排,才能促进和谐社会建设。

    Only insisting dialectics thought , insisting the dialectics unification of value , homogeneity and the militance in contradictory solution , grasping the appropriate principles of this kind of unification and implementing related system arrangement then can promote harmonious social construction .

  21. 据介绍,最终生成原创画作的算法由两个相互矛盾的部分组成,分别被称作“‘生成者与“辨别者”。“显而易见”团队把这种斗争性人工智能称为“生成式对抗网络”。

    The algorithm that eventually created an original image had two parts that worked against each other , called the Generator and the Discriminator ; they dubbed this combative AI " generative adversarial network " ( GAN ) , Caselles-Dupr é explained .

  22. 矛盾的斗争性是无条件的、绝对的,只有不断创新法律制度,解决社会现实矛盾,才能实现全人类共享发展繁荣的和谐社会理想。

    The belligerence of the contradictions is absolute and unconditional . We have to innovate the legal system and solve the social conflict so that the harmonious social dream of the social development and prosperity shared by all human beings could be realized .

  23. 构建社会主义和谐社会包含着丰富的辩证法思想,体现了物质与意识、矛盾的普遍性与特殊性、主要矛盾与次要矛盾、矛盾的同一性和斗争性的辩证法原则。

    To build a socialist harmonious society contains abundant dialectical ideas , and it also embodies the dialectical principle of material and ideology , the universality and particularity of contradiction , principal and nonprincipal aspects of a contradiction and the identity and struggle of opposites .

  24. 这就是每一斗争的暂时性。

    Herein lies the temporary nature of each struggle .

  25. 认为哲学(宗教哲学)不是一种反省,而是一种斗争&同理性崇拜不屈不挠的斗争。

    Regarding philosophy as a struggle against rational worship but not an introspection .

  26. 反贫困斗争的长期性和艰巨性要求法律机制的介入。

    The anti-poverty is a long-term and arduous struggle that demands the introduction of legal mechanism .

  27. 现在的政策,是综合联合和斗争的两重性的政策。

    The present policy is a dual policy which synthesizes " alliance " and " struggle " .

  28. 二者是对抗、交溶、和谐、斗争、多样性与统一性有机融合的整体存在。

    They are an integral being blending organically conflict , integration , harmony , struggle , diversity and unity .

  29. 试析唐代反宦官斗争的艰巨性&与东汉时期对比分析

    An Analysis of the Hardship in Fighting against the Eunuch in Tang Dynasty & Comparing with Eastern Han Dynasty

  30. 不过,尽管利比亚是阿拉伯民众起义中一个令人遗憾的阶段,但不一定代表着斗争会永久性地受挫。

    While Libya is a sad phase in the Arab uprising , it will not necessarily represent a permanent setback .