
  • 网络subject indexing
  1. 文献主题标引中的组配问题

    A study of Assembly in Document Subject Indexing

  2. 详述提高文献主题标引质量的4点意见,并就如何减少文献标引过程中的误差提出建议。

    Explores four major factors that improve the quality of subject indexing , and puts forward the suggestions to reduce the errors in subject indexing .

  3. 试论高校学报文献主题标引及其质量控制

    Discussing the subject indexing of journal document of University and its quality controls

  4. 如何提高文献主题标引的质量

    The Major Factors Improving the Quality of Subject Indexing

  5. 文献主题标引问题分析

    Analysis of the Problems of Document Subject Indexing

  6. 计算机类文献主题标引一致性的探讨

    A Study of Consistency in Indexing Computer Documents Discussion on the Strategies for Purchasing Computer Books

  7. 综述了计算机类文献主题标引不一致的四种表现,分析了引起标引不一致的原因,在此基础上探讨了计算机类文献主题标引一致性的方法。

    This paper explores the methods of enhancing indexing consistency when indexing computer documents , on a basis of summarizing four types of inconsistency and analyzing the causes of inconsistency .

  8. 文献主题标引就是对文献进行主题分析并赋予主题检索标识的过程。

    The Subject Headings of literatures is just to analyze the subject for literatures , and it is also a process to endow with the searching mark for the subject .

  9. 一致性是衡量主题标引质量的主要要素,本文探讨了提高地方文献主题标引一致性的几种措施。

    The Coherence is the main factor to judge the quality of Subject indexing . This paper put forward some measure to improve the quality of Subject indexing of Local Document .

  10. 西文文献的主题标引一般采用《美国国会图书馆标题表》(LibraryofCongressSubjectHeadings简称LCSH)。

    The Subject Headings of western literatures usually adopts Library of Congress Subject Headings ( for short LCSH ) .

  11. 基于反馈规则学习的医学文献主题自动标引系统

    An Automatic Subject Indexing System Based on Feedback Rule Learning

  12. 本文介绍了档案文献主题词自动标引算法,该算法合理地构造了主题词切分词典,并将切分关键词和标引主题词的实现过程融为一体,使标引与检索算法变得简单清晰。

    This paper describes an algorithm of indexing descriptors for archive .

  13. 加强医学文献检索课主题标引教学的探讨

    Study on strengthening the teaching of subject indexing in medical literature retrieval

  14. 医学文献光盘数据库主题标引规律的探讨

    Discussion on the Law of Subject Indexing of Medical Literature CD ROM Database

  15. 通过其在高校档案文献主题词自动标引系统&AISCAU中的具体应用,表明该方法具有较好的聚焦特性,可得到如下统计结果:标引综合评价指标92%,人工与自动标引的平均标引深度比为5:6.3。

    Through its application in AISC-AU , this method shows a better character of focusing on , and some statistic re-sults can be obtained as follows : the precision of overall correct indexing is 92 % , the ratio of manual and automatie indexing average lengths is 5:6.3 .

  16. 黄土高原林业文献主题分析模式及标引方法

    Subject Analysis and Indexing Method of Forest Documents of Loess Plateau

  17. 文献主题中位置因素标引方法刍议

    On the indexing methods of location factor in subject structure

  18. 文献主题因素的常见标引误差分析

    An Analysis of Index Errors Concerning Documentary Subject Elements

  19. 文献数据库中的主题标引

    Subject Indexing in Document Data Base