
  • 网络library statistics
  1. 谈如何加强高校图书馆统计工作

    Talk about How to Tighten up University Library Statistics Work

  2. 图书馆统计分析:从理论到实践

    Library Statistics and Analysis : from Theory to Practice

  3. 网络环境下图书馆统计与评估

    On the statistics and evaluation of the library under network environment

  4. 数字图书馆统计标准框架设想

    On the Framework of Statistical Standards for Digital Libraries

  5. 公共图书馆统计工作探讨

    Discussion on Statistic Job of Public Library

  6. 初探图书馆统计分析工作

    Initially Searches Library Statistical Analysis work

  7. 论图书馆统计工作

    Statistical work of library

  8. 图书馆统计工作纵横谈

    Discussions On Statistical Work

  9. 该调查结果与最新公布的公共图书馆统计数据结果一致。该数据显示,仅仅10年的时间,女人们已厌弃传统的家庭爱情故事和浪漫的言情小说,她们开始迷恋恐怖小说,且内容越让人毛骨悚然越好。

    The findings correspond with public library statistics , published recently , which showed that in only 10 years the nation had ended its love affair with family sagas and books about romance and was devouring thrillers -- the more ghoulish the better .

  10. 文章初步探讨了网络环境对图书馆统计工作的影响,建议构建一套完善的图书馆统计评估指标体系,对读者满意度及服务品质进行评估分析。

    This paper makes a tentative analysis of the statistics and evaluation of a library under network environment , and proposes that a comparatively perfect assessing system be established to value the index of satisfaction of users and the service work of a library .

  11. 本文从阐述图书馆统计分析的概念、作用、步骤出发,对图书馆统计分析的主要方法(对比分析、相关分析、动态分析、分组分析、结构分析)及其具体应用进行了论述。

    Starting from interpreting the concepts , functions and steps of library statistics and analysis , the author discusses the main methods of library statistics and analysis ( contrast analysis , correlation analysis , dynamic analysis , division analysis and construction analysis ) and their specific applications in libraries .

  12. 清华大学图书馆业务统计工作模式的创新与实践

    Innovation and Practice of Statistical Model of the Tsinghua University Library

  13. 图书馆业务统计分析方法的作用研究

    Research on the Functions of Statistical Analysis Technique of Library Service

  14. 图书馆业务统计工作失误与对策初探

    Preliminary Study on Library Professional Statistic Mistake and Its Countermeasures

  15. 现代文献信息服务环境中的图书馆分类统计分析

    Classification Statistical Analysis at Libraries in the Modern Document and Information Service Environment

  16. 十年来我国数字图书馆研究统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of the Papers on Digital Libraries

  17. 新时期高校图书馆读者统计方法与途径

    Statistical Methods and Channels for the Readers of University Library in the New Period

  18. 强化图书馆的统计工作

    Strengthening the statistical work of libraries

  19. 高校图书馆流通统计分析及最佳藏书结构的研究

    The Research about the Analysis of Book - circulation Statistics and the Best Structure of Book - collection of University Libraries

  20. 根据国家图书馆的统计,2014年该国家出版的书籍之中,诗歌类列第三,位居小说和艺术之后。

    Poetry was the third-largest category of books published in the country in 2014 , after fiction and the arts , according to figures from the national library .

  21. 麦迪森的一位学生巴特?范?阿克现任世界大企业联合会的首席经济学家,他认为麦迪森敦促自己走抛开图书馆和统计局大胆前行。

    One of his students , Bart van Ark , now chief economist of the Conference Board , says Maddison urged him to venture beyond libraries and statistical offices .

  22. 本文从图书馆业务统计角度出发,分析了在文献资源建设的发展决策中可供利用的几类调查统计数据。

    Based on the statistics work in libraries , the article analyzes some kinds of surveys and statistics data which can be used to help make information resources construction decisions .

  23. 阐述现代文献信息服务环境中图书馆分类统计分析对象的意义和步骤,并列举几种分类统计比率及其在图书馆工作中的应用。

    Discusses the object and process of library classification statistical analysis at libraries in the modern document information service environment , and lists ratios of several classification statistics and their applications at libraries .

  24. 应用VFP语言设计并实现了图书馆读者满意度统计分析软件。

    The software is designed and realized with VFP .

  25. 公共图书馆报刊读者统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Newspaper and Journal readers of Public Library

  26. 厦门市图书馆信息咨询统计分析

    An Statistical Analysis of the Information Consultable Service in Xiamen Library

  27. 节能环保;公共图书馆;计量统计;

    Energy-saving Environmental Protection ; Public Libraries ; Measurement and Statistics ;

  28. 图书馆电子文献统计问题研究

    The Research on Statistics of Electronic Publications in Libraries

  29. 图书馆图书借阅统计分析对比&以重庆文理学院图书馆为例

    Statistical analysis and contrast on borrowing and reading books in library & Taking Library of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences for example

  30. 利用ASP技术开发图书馆网络数据库使用统计程序

    Using ASP Technology to Develop a Statistical Program of Readers ' Utilization of Web Database in Libraries