
wén wù
  • cultural relic;antique;antiquity;historical relic;cultural treasures;patrimony
文物 [wén wù]
  • [cultural relic;cultural treasures] 历代遗留下来的具有历史、艺术价值的东西;指礼乐制度

文物[wén wù]
  1. WD-10在石质文物表面封护中的应用

    Application of WD-10 in the surface protection of the lithoid cultural relic

  2. 法院将于未来一年,决定是否把遗物的拥有权拨归RMST,还是将有关文物卖掉后,再将收益交还该公司。

    The court in next one year , will decide whether to allocate to the relic ownership RMST , after is sells out the related cultural relic , again the income returns this company .

  3. 这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。

    The museum is full of historical curiosities .

  4. 20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。

    In the 1930 's , The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain 's patrimony of threatened country houses .

  5. 我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了。

    Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists .

  6. 展出的古代文物都标明了年代。

    The antiques on display are all marked with dates .

  7. 文物按年代顺序展出。

    The cultural relics are displayed in chronological sequence .

  8. 地下文物迭有发现。

    Archaeological finds have been made one after another .

  9. 斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在ebay上追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。

    Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology . he 's been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years .

  10. 近年来,地下文物迭有发现。

    Recently , many buried relics have come to light .

  11. 许多珍贵的历史文物完整地保存了下来。

    Many valuable historical relics have been preserved intact .

  12. 这些文物显示出中国古代劳动人民的高度智慧。

    These cultural relics demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people of ancient china .

  13. 他们无意中发现了一些古代文物。

    They accidentally unearthed some ancient relics .

  14. 布赖恩·埃诺曾写道:“说文物具有价值,就像说电话可以交谈一样”。

    " Saying that cultural objects have value , " Brian Eno once wrote , " like saying that telephones have conversations " .

  15. 盗墓者和文物窃贼的鼎盛时期已经过去了

    The heydays of grave robbers and relic thieves are over .

  16. 中国顶级的文物古迹急需顶级的管理、研究和保护。

    Our top-level cultural relics1 need first-class management and preservation2 .

  17. 当年3月,英警方截获扣押大量文物。

    British police seized all the items in an operation that March .

  18. 展览馆里陈列着许多出土文物。

    Many unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall .

  19. 在斯里兰卡,对佛像和佛教文物不敬是绝对的禁忌。

    Mistreatment of Buddhist15 images and artefacts is strictly16 taboo17 in Sri Lanka .

  20. 大多数出土文物仍保持完整无损。

    Most of the unearth relics remain intact .

  21. 2020年10月,伦敦大都会警察局将这批文物交接给中国驻英使馆。

    The Metropolitan Police Service handed the artifacts to the Chinese embassy in October .

  22. 10月20日,装在定制盒子中运送的文物完好无损地抵达北京。

    The relics were transported in tailor-made cases and landed intact in Beijing on Oct 20 .

  23. 出土的重要文物包括金面具、铜面具、铜器、100多个象牙、纺织物以及玉器等其他工艺品。

    Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks , bronze ware among other artifacts .

  24. 1998年,经过执法部门的合作、诉讼及谈判,3000余件返还文物回国。

    In 1998 , over 3000 relics were returned to China after cooperation by law enforcement units , a lawsuit .

  25. 3月20日,“考古中国”重大项目工作进展会在成都举行,通报了四川广汉三星堆遗址重要考古发现与研究成果。考古学家宣布,四川广汉三星堆遗址新发现的6座三星堆文化“祭祀坑”中已出土500余件文物。

    Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan , Sichuan province .

  26. 展厅面积3400平方米,展出1100多件精选出来的党史文物。

    More than 1100 selected items that highlight the Party 's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3400 square meters .

  27. 这些文物时间跨度从春秋到清代,质地多为陶瓷,地域分布江西、安徽、福建、河南、陕西、河北、贵州等。

    The cultural relics . They are from provinces including Jiangxi , Anhui , Fujian , Henan , Shaanxi , Hebei and Guizhou .

  28. 其中一些青铜器上面还装饰有龙、牛的图案。这些文物都是1986年发掘时没有发现的。

    Such artifacts were not found in 1986 . Some of the bronze ware items have been decorated with dragon and ox patterns .

  29. 出土文物“上新”在三号坑,考古学家发现了大量青铜器,其中有两个正方形青铜尊,是中国古代典型的青铜祭器。

    In No 3 pit , a rich reservoir for bronze ware , archaeologists found two square zun jars , a typical ancient Chinese bronze ritual vessel .

  30. 我国将拓展藏品入藏渠道,健全考古出土文物和执法部门罚没文物移交工作机制,鼓励公众向博物馆无偿捐赠藏品。

    China will also expand museum collections , improve the mechanism of handing over archaeological relics by law enforcement departments , and encourage the public to donate collectibles .