- 网络urai

Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall , but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village ?
A very short track between Yun-Hsian Amusement and the cable car station , Wu-Lai , Taipei County .
Taiya Popo , a restaurant on Wulai 's main drag , serves traditional Atayal cuisine , much of it vegetable-based like pumpkin dumplings , rice-stuffed bamboo and stir-fried fern .
The Atayal tribe , which inhabits this mountainous region , has been developing its musical heritage for hundreds of years , cultivating the sounds that play such an important role in tribal traditions .
The Atayal are proud to demonstrate their unique musical style , so next time you are in Wulai , check out an aboriginal show and gain some insight into Taiwan 's ancient , musical past .
Wulai , a mountain township and a protected water reservation area 25 minutes from Taipei by taxi , is known for its mountainous hot springs , river-tracing excursions , a combination of hiking , climbing and swimming up the turquoise Nanshih River ,