
  1. 档案馆是社会文化事业机构,它的发展需要社会公众的支持与合作。

    Archives is cultural institution of society whose development needs public support and cooperation .

  2. 档案馆是社会性的公共文化事业机构,把公关理念引入并应用到档案工作中具有重要的现实意义。

    The archive establishment is a social cultural institution , and introducing and applying the public conception into the archive work has important practical significance . Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

  3. 本表机构数均指由文化(文物)主管部门管辖的文化(文物)事业机构。

    Institutions in this table refer to those under the administration of cultural ( cultural relics ) departments .

  4. 文化馆是中华人民共和国建国后普遍建立起来的,为开展群众文化工作、活跃群众文化生活而设立的文化事业机构,主要的任务是宣传和辅导,主要在农区活动。

    After founding a state cultural museum is generally set up to carry out the work of mass culture , an active cultural life of the masses and the establishment of cultural institutions , the main task is to conduct propaganda and guidance , mainly in the area of activity .