
zhěng hán shù
  • entire function;integral function
整函数[zhěng hán shù]
  1. 本文推广了Gross的一个结果,证明了:指数型的周期整函数是拟素的。

    The author has proven that every periodic entire function of exponential type is pseudo-prime .

  2. 整函数与其微分多项式IM分担两个值

    Entire function that share two values IM with its derivatives

  3. 关于有完全正规增长的准确零(R)级的整函数

    On entire functions of proximate zero order ( r ) of perfectly regular growth

  4. 整函数与其两个导数CM共享一个值

    Entire Functions That Share a Value CM with Their Two Derivatives

  5. 关于(p,q)级整函数组的Borel定理

    On the borel 's theorem about entire functions with ( p , q ) - order

  6. 缺项整函数Julia方向的分布

    On the Distribution of Julia Directions of Gap Integral Function

  7. 通过构造特别的映射、整函数和BP神经网络,获得一套基于神经网络的无损数据压缩方案。

    A lossless data compression scheme based on neural network is obtained through the structure specific mapping , integral function and BP neural network .

  8. 一般随机Dirichlet级数所表示的整函数

    The Entire Function Expressed by a General Random Dirichlet Series

  9. B-值Dirichlet级数表示的整函数的增长性

    The Growth of Entire Function Represented by B-valued Dirichlet Series

  10. 复指数Dirichlet级数表示的整函数

    Entire Functions Represented by Dirichlet Series of Complex Exponents

  11. 缺项广义Dirichlet级数所表示的整函数的增长性

    The Growth of an Entire Function Represented by Lacunary and Generalized Dirichlet Series

  12. 超越整函数半群的Julia集的连通性

    Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental semigroups

  13. 二重随机Dirichlet级数所表示的整函数线性增长性

    The linear growth of the entire function expressed by the double random Dirichlet series

  14. Laplace-Stieltjes变换所定义的整函数的(R)级准确级的型

    The type of proximate order of an entire function defined by Laplace-Stieltjes transform

  15. Legendre级数所定义的整函数的极大项

    The maximum term of an entire function defined by LEGENDRE SERIES

  16. Orlicz空间中指数型整函数的逼近

    On Approximation by entire functions of exponential type in Orlicz Spaces

  17. 当f(z)为整函数时,上式中的av(z)可为∞或任意次多项式。

    When f ( z ) is an integral function , a_v ( z ) in the above inequality may be ∞ or polynomial of any degree .

  18. 整函数积的Borel方向的分布

    Distribution of the Borel Direction of the Entire Functions Product

  19. 具有Fabry缺项整函数系数的高阶齐次线性微分方程的复振荡

    Complex Oscillation of High Order Linear Differential Equations with Fabry Entire Gap Coefficients

  20. 关于整函数的Borel例外函数

    On the Borel Exceptional Functions of a Entire Function

  21. 主要讨论由容许比较函数所确定的整函数Hilbert空间E2(γ)的生成元,当α,β∈(?)

    In this paper , we study generators of the entire Hilbert spaces E2 (γ) which are determined by admissible comparison functions .

  22. 指数型整函数Birkhoff型缺插值的推广

    A generalization of Lacunary interpolation by entire functions of exponential type

  23. 整函数及其导函数的唯一性和STO方程精确解的研究

    Researches on the Uniqueness about Entire Function with Its Derivative and Exact Solutions of STO Equations

  24. 研究了多元Orlicz空间中球指数型整函数逼近的问题,证明了Jackson型定理。

    In this paper , we studied the approximation problem of functions in Orlicz spaces by entire functions of exponential type , and proved the Jackson theorem .

  25. 得出了Banach空间的超球级数为整函数的充分必要条件,并用新方法证明了Banach空间超球级数的展开定理,推广了前人的结果。

    The necessary and sufficient condition which hyperspherical series on Banach space is entire function is obtained . We also used new method to prove the extended theorem of hyperspherical series .

  26. Laplace-Stieltjes变换所定义的整函数的增长性

    The Growth of an Entire Function Defined by a Laplace-Stieltjes Transform

  27. Laplace-Stieltjes变换所定义的有限级整函数的级与型

    Order and type of entire function of finite order represented by Laplace-Stieltjes transform

  28. 本文证明:超越整函数f(z)由五个值点集(,f)完全决定,其中(z)是f(z)的小函数;

    In this paper , we prove that an entire function f ( z ) can be determined by five sets ( , f ) completely , where ( z ) is a small function of f ( z ) .

  29. 满足Denjoy猜测极值情况的整函数的因子分解

    Factorization of the entire function extremal for denjoy 's conjecture

  30. 本文给出了在Bergman空间中函数被多项式逼近的阶与被逼近函数是ρ级σ型整函数的充要条件。

    In this paper the necessary and sufficient conditions were obtained for the relationship between the order of approximation to analytic functions in the Bergman Space and the order , type of the approximated functions as entire functions .