
zhǔ yào
  • main;major;primary;principal;first;leading;essential;chief
主要 [zhǔ yào]
  • [main;chief;principal;major;leading;essential;primary;first] 事物中关系最大、起决定作用的

  • 主要条款

  • 主要凭证

主要[zhǔ yào]
  1. 现在是今晚主要新闻综述。

    Now for a summary of tonight 's main news stories .

  2. 这个党正提出低税收,以此作为其主要的诱人举措。

    The party is offering low taxation as its main enticement .

  3. 他游历了许多地方,主要在非洲和亚洲。

    He 's travelled widely , chiefly in Africa and Asia .

  4. 雄鸟黄色的喙是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。

    The male 's yellow beak differentiates it from the female .

  5. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。

    New roads will link the principal cities of the area .

  6. 总之,这些是人们主要关注的方面。

    These , then , are the main areas of concern .

  7. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。

    It was the main focus of attention at the meeting .

  8. 这份报告不用费事就可划分为三个主要部分。

    The report can be conveniently divided into three main sections .

  9. 他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象。

    He 's the police 's prime suspect in this case .

  10. 价格高是使潜在买主却步的主要因素。

    The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers .

  11. 他在建立这个系统的过程中扮演了主要的角色。

    He played a major role in setting up the system .

  12. 每个主要政党都选派出300多名候选人。

    Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates .

  13. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。

    This is the main factor driving investment in the area .

  14. 谈判代表们在主要问题上的意见大致相同。

    The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues .

  15. 旅游业是这个地区的主要收入来源。

    Tourism is a major source of income for the area .

  16. 跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。

    The principal reason for this omission is lack of time .

  17. 交谈的主要话题是汤姆的新女友。

    The main topic of conversation was Tom 's new girlfriend .

  18. 记账是我的主要工作。

    Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job .

  19. 他晚年主要从事慈善工作。

    His later years were devoted largely to charitable work .

  20. 这个广告的对象主要是十几岁的青少年观众。

    The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers .

  21. 权力主要集中在少数精英人物的手里。

    Power is largely concentrated in the hands of a small elite .

  22. 这家旅馆位于中心地带,去往所有主要景点都很方便。

    The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions .

  23. 这主要是个反复实验的问题。

    It was largely a matter of trial and error .

  24. 我们不能让枝节问题掩盖主要问题。

    We mustn 't let these minor details obscure the main issue .

  25. 作为领导,他的主要目标就是要使党内各派团结起来。

    As leader , his main aim is to reunite the party .

  26. 我们这次活动的主要目的是募款。

    Our campaign 's main purpose is to raise money .

  27. 她一直是这场运动的主要人物。

    She has been a central figure in the campaign .

  28. 吉维尼主要的景点是莫奈花园。

    The main attraction at Giverny is Monet 's garden .

  29. 围绕王室成员的飞短流长是小报的主要内容。

    Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press .

  30. 大多数人说赚取报酬是他们工作的主要动机。

    Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working .