
  • 网络arithmetic function;number-theoretic function;number theoretic function
  1. 一类数论函数及其模N原根的均值分布

    The distribution of mean value on a class of the number-theoretic function and primitive root module N

  2. 一个数论函数及其均值误差项

    A number theoretic function and its error term of mean value

  3. 关于数论函数σρ(n)

    On the Arithmetical Function σ _ ρ( n )

  4. 样条函数在微分方程数值解中的应用Matlab语言在求初等数论函数值的应用

    Application of Matlab language in solving function value of elementary number theory

  5. 研究一个关于n原根的数论函数的渐近性质,给出了一个较为精确的渐近公式。

    In this paper , we have studied the asymptotic formula of a number theoretic function about the primitive roots modulo N , and given a more precise asymptotic formula .

  6. 本文详尽地讨论了Euler函数的性质,以及它与其它数论函数之间的联系。

    In this paper , we discuss properties of Euler 's function , and relations it and other number theoretic functions .

  7. 本文在第一章中首先介绍积性数论函数,Dirichlet卷积,Abel求和公式,Dirichlet级数以及RiemannZeta函数等一些基本概念及结果,并研究了数论函数的均值问题。

    In the first chapter of this paper , we introduce the multiplicative function , Dirichlet product , Abel 's identity , Dirichlet series , Riemann zeta function and so on .

  8. 给出了3N+1猜想中周期为l的周期数的概念、数论函数potpn的定义以及二进制中的横和数的定义:A(xi,2),高斯函数[x];

    After the introduction of the conception of periodic numbers in 3N + 1 conjecture , numerical theory function was defined , the definition of sum-line number in binary bit : described and the Gauss function given .

  9. 结论促进了这两个新的数论函数的研究。

    Conclusion Properties of the two new arithmetical functions are developed .

  10. 高斯函数是一个非常重要的数论函数,其应用非常广泛。

    Gaussian function is one of the important number theory function .

  11. 结果给出两个新的数论函数均值的渐近公式。

    Results Two new asymptotic formulae on their mean value are given .

  12. 关于余切数论函数的级数表示

    On the Series Expression of Number Theory Function of Cotangent

  13. 结论获得了关于这个数论函数的一些较精确的渐近公式。

    Conclusion Some accurate asymptotic formula for it was proven .

  14. 论某一类数论函数值的分布问题

    On the distribution of the values of a class of arithmetical functions

  15. 一类数论函数均值的误差项

    The Error Term for a Kind of Number Theoretic Functions

  16. 一类数论函数的均值问题

    The mean value question of the number - theoretic function

  17. 一些新的数论函数及其均值公式

    Some New Arithmetical Functions and Their Mean Value Formulas

  18. 一个新的数论函数及它的渐近公式

    A new number theoretic function and its asymptotic formula

  19. 讨论了一个数论函数,给出了它的一些重要性质,并用初等方法给出了它的证明。

    We discussed and given some important qualities of a number theory function .

  20. 数论函数中的R-空间的一个性质

    A property of r - space in arithmetic functions

  21. 关于两个数论函数的一个整除式

    On a divisibility relation of two arithmetic functions

  22. 摘要目的研究两个新的数论函数的性质。

    Aim to study two new arithmetical functions .

  23. 关于两个新的数论函数及其渐近公式

    Two new arithmetical functions and their asymptotic formulae

  24. 数论函数逆函数的显式表示

    Explicit representations for inverse functions of number-theoretic functions

  25. 利用数论函数(ω),证明了余新河数学题和哥德巴赫猜想。

    The Yu math problem and Goldbach conjecture are proved using the arithmetic function (ω) .

  26. 两个新的数论函数的均值

    Mean Value of Two New Arithmetical Functions

  27. 数论函数的逆函数(Ⅰ)

    Inverse functions of number-theoretic functions (ⅰ)

  28. 一个数论函数的渐进公式

    An Asymptotic Formula of Numbers Function

  29. 一类数论函数加权和误差项之积分平均阶估计

    Integral average order estimation of error term of weighted sum for a class of arithmetical functions

  30. 最终有限循环的数论函数

    Finally Finite Cyclic Arithmetic Function