
  • 网络The Era of Big Data
  1. 例如,Hadoop(其代码是在雅虎(Yahoo!)开发的,而后在开源论坛发布)正逐渐成为大数据时代的基础性技术之一。

    For example , Hadoop code developed at Yahoo before it was released in open source form is becoming a foundational technology for the era of big data .

  2. 电脑天才们宣称,大数据时代已经来临。

    The era of big data is here , the nerds proclaim .

  3. 随着大数据时代的到来,Internet时时刻刻都在释放出海量数据。

    With the arrival of the era of big data , the Internet is releasing lots of data .

  4. 维克托?迈尔-舍恩伯格和肯尼思?库克耶的《大数据时代》(BigData)将帮助您把信息转变为强大的资产,不会因为试图搞清每项数据而迷失。

    Big Data , by Viktor Mayer-Sch ? nberger and Kenneth Cukier , will help you turn information into a powerful asset without getting lost in trying to understand every nugget .

  5. 文末,对EDI中心未来的发展方向进行阐述:建立实体经营企业,思考智慧港口及大数据时代的来临带来的变更。

    In the end , the article describes the future development of EDI : establishing an entity-business-enterprise to bring about the wisdom of port and big data era change .

  6. 大数据时代的巨大机遇已经开启:据国际数据公司(IDC)预计,大数据的价值将会从2010年的32亿美元增至2015年的169亿美元。

    Welcome to the big data opportunity : research firm IDC expects big data to grow from $ 3.2 billion in 2010 to $ 16.9 billion in 2015 .

  7. 随着互联网金融的深入及大数据时代的到来,CRM有着容易与公司的营销战略结合在一起的性质,所以引进CRM等于营销的等式自然而然成立。

    With the fast development of internet finance and the arrival of big data era , CRM has the special attributes to easily combine with corporate marketing strategy , so it is natural to introduce CRM into marketing field .

  8. 这标志这大数据时代的到来。

    This marks the arrival of the big-data age .

  9. 随着互联网的蓬勃发展,人们已经走进了大数据时代。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , the era of big data is coming .

  10. 云计算的发展是信息技术快速进步和大数据时代的必然产物。

    The development of cloud computing is an inevitable product of information technology and time of big data .

  11. 随着大数据时代的到来,商业智能领域也迎来了一场变革。

    With the era of big data coming , there is a revolution in the field of business intelligence .

  12. 伴随着知识经济时代和信息时代的到来,大数据时代已经向我们展开了巨幅画卷。

    With the advent of the knowledge economy and the information age , the period of big data has arrived .

  13. 结论部分提出大数据时代的国产动画品牌发展设想。

    The conclusion part puts forward the ideas of the development of domestic animation brand in the age of big data .

  14. 欢迎来到航空业的大数据时代。从很多方面来看,航空业都是大数据最早的参与者之一。

    Welcome to the big data era in the airline industry , which in many ways was one of its earliest participants .

  15. 大数据时代的到来,加快了云计算技术的发展和推广,众多涉及海量数据处理的云平台蓬勃涌现。

    The age of big data speeds up the development of the cloud computing , so the cloud platforms emerge in large numbers .

  16. 随着大数据时代的到来,信息的产生量越来越多,储存数据共享变得越来越迫切。

    With the arrival of big data era , the volume of information is constantly increasing , and data sharing is becoming more and more urgent .

  17. 随着教育信息化和大数据时代的来临,对教育数据的分析结果能为教育决策提供实证依据。

    With the coming of the era " Education informatization " and " Big Data ", the analysis results of education data provide empirical evidence for educational decision-making .

  18. 互联网技术的发展,推动着在线社会网络应用的进步,社交网络的火爆预示着大数据时代的到来。

    The development of Internet technology promote the progress of online social network applications , and the popular social networking herald the arrival of the era of big data .

  19. 随着大数据时代的到来,数据开始呈爆炸式的增长,互联网用户越来越被淹没在数据的海洋之中。

    With the advent of the era of big data , data begin to grow explosively , more and more Internet users are drowning into the sea of data .

  20. 由于近年来移动互联网的兴起及大数据时代的到来,现有的蜂窝网络远远不能满足日益激增的数据量要求。

    In recent years , due to the rise of mobile Internet and the advent of big data era , the existing cellular network is far unable to meet the increasing demand for data traffic .

  21. 传统的商业智能恐慌的寻找扩展的良方却难如人意,新生的敏捷商业智能或将迎头而上,统领这个大数据时代。

    The traditional BI ( Business Intelligence ) companies are panicky to look for a good extended method but dissatisfied . Newborn Agile BI , is likely to rise suddenly and dominate the big data era .

  22. 在大数据时代的众多数据类型中,时间序列因其在众多领域内的广泛应用而受到普遍关注,包括降维、索引、查询在内的诸多技术被广泛研究。

    Among all sort of data types in big data era , the time series has received increasingly attention . Technologies including dimension reduction , indexing and similarity searching on time series have been well studied .

  23. 随着互联网金融大数据时代的到来,传统的风险管理水平已经无法满足日益增加的企业融资需求,尤其中小企业的迅猛发展使得融资需求更加的迫切。

    With the coming Internet finance and big data era , traditional risk management has been unable to meet the increasing demand for corporate finance ; especially the rapid development of SMEs makes more urgent financing needs .

  24. 大数据时代的数据具有数据量剧增、数据结构更复杂化的特点,导致数据存储和处理的难度加大。

    In the era of big data the data has characteristics of the data amount increasing sharply and the more complicated data structure , the situation like that can lead to the more difficulty in data storage and processing .

  25. 在大数据时代即将来临的条件下,互联网的广泛应用为客户体验数据的获取提供了便利,也为从客户体验的角度来开发保险产品创造了可能。

    In the coming era of big data , the widespread application of the Internet provides convenient for getting the customer experience data , and also creates a kind of possibility to develop insurance products from the perspective of the customer experience .

  26. 云计算应运而生,云存储作为云计算的一个具体应用,为大数据时代的个人,中小企业和政府部门的提供了一个相对高效,可靠,成本较低的存储平台。

    Cloud computing emerge as the times require , cloud storage as a specific application of cloud computing which provides a relatively efficient , reliable , low cost storage platform personal for small and medium-sized enterprises and government departments in big data era .

  27. 目前,我们没有理由认为,必须对知识产权体系进行彻底改革,才能确保知识产权在大数据时代中的安全。我们应该考虑的是,前文所述的情形将给商标制度带来的新机会。

    At present , there is no reason to believe radical changes are needed in the IP system to render it safe for the advent of the data era . New opportunities for the trademark regime along the lines described above should be considered .

  28. 当前互联网已经发展到移动互联网时代,不仅仅只有传统的PC机可以浏览互联网,手机、平板电脑等各种移动设备也可以接入互联网,计算机的信息处理已经进入大数据时代。

    The Internet has developed to the mobile Internet age , it is not only the traditional PC can browse the Internet , cell phones , tablet PCs and other mobile devices can access the Internet . Computer information processing has entered the age of big data .

  29. 他们可都渴望着这么做呢,既然知道未来必然是移动数据的时代,那么就肯定会有大把的金钱可以赚了。

    All are aching to do so , as they know that mobile data is the future , so there 's much money to be made on it .

  30. 在这个混搭、webAPI和数据项目时代,这是一个重要特性。

    In this age of mash-ups , web APIs , and data projects , that is a valuable characteristic .