
shù jù zì diǎn
  • data dictionary
  1. 为PowerBuilder扩充数据字典功能

    To Extend Data Dictionary Function for Power Builder

  2. 基于Turbine的数据字典管理系统模型

    Data dictionary management system model based on turbine

  3. 基于XML数据字典的元数据对象分级控制模型的研究

    Research on Meta Data Model based on XML Data Dictionary

  4. 它同时也拥有集中的数据字典,以及对不同的CASE工具的接口,可以直接从开发环境生成产品交付使用。

    It also used a centralized Data Dictionary , interfaced with various CASE tools , and could deploy to production from development .

  5. 例子包括用数据字典、注释或本体论(ontology)来描述。

    Examples include descriptions in data dictionaries , annotations , or ontologies .

  6. 基于VBA和ASP的两例Oracle数据字典应用

    Two Applications of Oracle DD Basing on VBA and ASP

  7. 数据库模块实现了数据字典的设计并对数据库进行了优化,在SqlServer上建立数据库。

    The database module designs the database and builds it in SQL Server , it also does the optimization work .

  8. 共享池&为存储解析的SQL语句、PL/SQL过程的数据字典信息而分配的内存。

    Shared Pool & Memory allocated for storing parsed SQL statements , PL / SQL procedures and data dictionary information .

  9. 电测量仪器表头的维修VFP数据字典工具及其应用系统维护

    The tools of VFP data dictionary and the maintenance of VFP application system

  10. 该环境面向MIS,提供了支持该分析方法的图形化编辑器、小说明语言及支撑设施、自动数据字典等工具。

    This environment , MIS oriented , includes graphical editors , formal requirement specification language ( FRSL ) and automatic data dictionary .

  11. 用dBASEⅢ设计数据字典的方法

    A Method for Designing Data Dictionary / Directory with dBASE ⅲ

  12. 用Foxpro实现数据字典系统

    A Data Dictionary Achieved upon Foxpro

  13. 数据字典(DD)工具是结构化分析方法的重要工具。

    Data Dictionary ( DD ) tool is an important tool for supporting structured analysis .

  14. 表属性管理模块通过扩展SQL语句,结合数据字典,对表的属性进行设置。

    The management of table attributes module is to set the attribute of tables according to the data dictionary by expanding the SQL language .

  15. DBASE文件数据字典系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of data dictionary system for DBASE files

  16. 关键词:数据库:公共管理学院网:E-R图:数据字典

    Key words : database Public Management Academic Website E-R chart data dictionary

  17. 其次提出利用SqlServer的数据字典和系统表,设计友好灵活的操作界面,创建新颖的存储过程来具体实现的方法;

    Secondly it provided the way to use SQL server 's data dictionary and the system table , design friendly and flexible operating interface , create the corresponding store process .

  18. DFD数据字典管理工具的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design about Data Dictionary Management Tool of DFD

  19. 此工具能从域定义以及包含在InitiateMDS数据字典表的相关信息生成一个InfoSphereBusinessGlossaryXML导入文件。

    This tool generates an InfoSphere Business Glossary XML import file from the domain definitions and associated information contained in the Initiate MDS data dictionary tables .

  20. C程序切片系统不仅可用于产生C程序的切片,而且可用于观察C程序的框架结构和有关变量的多种数据字典。

    The C program slicing system is not only used to generate the C program slices , but also applied to view the frame of the C program and a variety of data dictionaries related to specific variables .

  21. 定义一个已部署的hub域模型及其与实际的存储位置间的抽象的信息主要在属于数据字典部分的表内定义。

    The information defining a deployed hub domain model and the abstraction between the actual storage location is primarily defined in tables belonging to the Data Dictionary section .

  22. 在现代CAPP技术的基础上,对东方锅集团股份有限公司锅炉集箱CAPP可行性分析指出实施锅炉集箱CAPP的可行性,导出新系统的高级逻辑模型和新系统的数据字典。

    Based on the modern CAPP , the feasibility analysis of the boiler header CAPP indicates the feasibility and educe senior logic mode and data dictionary of new system .

  23. 还阐述了用EJB实现SDAI会话,访问远程repository以及SDAI数据字典和迟联编的实现机制。

    Implementation technologies of SDAI session , access to remote repository , data dictionary and late binding are also described .

  24. 定义的元模型包括:数据字典元模型、数据映射字典元模型、Excel报表到数据表的映射元模型、数据表到Excel报表的数据元模型和结构化数据库之间的映射元模型。

    Defined some meta-model such as : Data dictionary meta-model , Data mapping dictionary meta-model , Excel report to data form meta-model , Data form to Excel report meta-model and structure database .

  25. 数据字典和权限平台是单独的系统,数据字典用于对数据库中的表和字段进行描述进而生成XML的描述文件,权限平台用于对用户权限及数据权限进行配置管理。

    Data dictionary and permissions platform is a separate system , data dictionary used to describe the database tables and fields and then generate the XML description file , permissions platform for configuration management of user rights and data rights .

  26. 本文介绍的物资管理系统,基于MVC设计模式,并采用了数据字典、面向对象技术和单据驱动思想等柔性化方法,具有明显的柔性化特征。

    The flexible material management system , we presented , based on MVC design module , and using data dictionary , Object-Oriented and form-driven technology to realize the system 's flexible feature .

  27. DFD的GE思想,是基于对DFD和数据字典(DD)的形式化描述,通过需求调查工具、DFD工具和DD工具的结合,生成编辑DFD和DD。

    Based on formal description of DFD and Data Dictionary ( DD ), the requirement investigation tool , DFD tool and DD tool integrate with each other and generate DFD and DD.

  28. 本文从建立国家资源与环境数据库的元数据库入手,用国际通用的面向对象的通用建模语言UML来设计元数据的结构,并辅以数据字典加以说明。

    The paper discusses how to establish metadata management system of National Resource and Environment Spatial Database . It gives the designing method of Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) static diagram for metadata framework designing and data dictionary for detail element definition .

  29. 针对数据库设计中的模糊动态查询和字段的中英文转换问题,提出通过建立数据字典方法解决该问题的设计思路,并在Delphi编程环境下,实现了模糊动态查询系统。

    The paper aims at fuzzy and dynamic query and the conversion between Chinese and English , uses the method of creating Data dictionary to solve these problems , and implements the fuzzy and dynamic system in the Delphi environment .

  30. 在此基础上,文章论述了系统实现技术和方法,包括各模块对象类库定义,系统和SESSION字段定义,数据字典等,并给出了系统安全解决方案。

    Based on these work , the paper discusses techniques and methods in system implementation , including the definition of main modules object class libraries , the system and SESSION field definitions , data dictionary and so on , and gives out the system security resolution scheme .