
  • 网络math problem;Mathematical problems
  1. 然而随着网络发展对安全要求的提高,RSA已经难以满足网络安全的发展需求,相比之下,ECC基于比RSA更难的数学难题,也即具备有更高的安全性。

    However , the security requirements of networks are improving along with the network development , RSA is already difficult to meet the demand for the developing need of the network security . Compared with RSA , ECC based on more difficult mathematical problems , namely , have higher security .

  2. 你需要对这些符号以及运用这些符号解开数学难题的训练。

    You need training in the symbols and in the manipulation of those symbols to work out mathematical problems .

  3. 她在做一道数学难题。

    She is working at a difficult problem in mathematics .

  4. 另一组只因做对了简单的题目就获得奖励的无助儿童,并没有提高他们解决数学难题的能力。

    Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded for their success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve hard math problems .

  5. 他全神贯注地在算那道数学难题。

    He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem .

  6. 椭圆曲线密码体制(ECC)建立在解椭圆曲线离散对数问题(ECDLP)这一数学难题的基础上。

    ECC is set up on the basis of solving this mathematics difficult problem of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem ( ECDLP ) .

  7. ShaoZ与HeWei-hua等人中提出了所谓同时基于大整数分解和离散对数问题的数字签名方案,其意图是只要这两个数学难题不同时被攻破,则其方案就是安全的。

    Shao Z and He Wei-hua proposed some digital signature schemes which were expected to have the security property that any reasonable attack should solve the discrete logarithms problem ( DLP ) and the factoring problem simultaneously .

  8. 确定Ramsey数是著名的组合数学难题之一,不仅具有重大的理论意义,而且在计算机科学、通信、管理决策等许多领域有实际应用。

    The determination of Ramsey numbers is a very difficult problem in combinatorial mathematics . Ramsey numbers not only have important theoretical significance , but also may be applied to computer science , Communications , decision-making , and so on .

  9. 他竟会算出那道数学难题?

    How could he work out the difficult problem in mathematics ?

  10. 请帮我解答这个数学难题好吗?

    Will you please help me to solve this maths problem ?

  11. 这道数学难题大部分学生都做错了。

    The hard maths problem tripped up most of the students .

  12. 老师帮助吉姆解答了一道数学难题。

    The teacher helped Jim ( to ) solve a math problem .

  13. 孩子以不同的方法处理这个数学难题。

    The boy dealt with the maths problem in a different way .

  14. 在乘坐汽车长途旅行中,我用解决数学难题来打发时间。

    On long car journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles .

  15. 椭圆曲线密码体制就是基于这个数学难题构造的。

    The security of elliptic curve cryptosystem is based on this mathematic problem .

  16. 没有真才实学,这道数学难题不会轻易就可以解出来。

    Without sturdy knowledge , this mathematical problem can 't be solved easily ;

  17. 这个学生做数学难题总是慢慢吞吞。

    The pupil always dallies over difficult math problems .

  18. 他正在算一道数学难题。

    He is working on a maths problem .

  19. 那本书上的一些数学难题我实在做不出来。

    Some math problems in that book are more than I can work out .

  20. 算出这个数学难题很难。

    It 's very the math problem .

  21. 只要你能在两年内求证一个著名的数学难题,这些钱就是你的了。

    Crack a notoriously difficult mathematical enigma within two years and the money 's yours .

  22. 杰克很聪明,因而他能很快的解出数学难题。

    Jack is so smart a boy that he can work out difficult maths problems quickly .

  23. 把密码方案的安全基础建立在已知的数学难题上是密码设计常用的一种方法。

    It is a common measure that employing some mathematical hard problems in crypto scheme designing .

  24. 她从不愿让任何一个问题半途而废,甚至是数学难题。

    She was never willing to leave a problem unfinished , even difficult problems in mathematics .

  25. 请您为我详细地解释一下怎样计算这道数学难题,好吗?

    Please explain how to work out the math problem for me in detail , will you ?

  26. 我很乐意,但是我马上要帮约翰解决数学难题。

    I 'd love to but I have to help John with his math problems right now .

  27. 我们当中有一些人,一遇到数学难题就轻易放弃。

    Some of us are ready to give up when there is a hard example in math class .

  28. 悬赏百万美元证明数学难题

    A Million-Dollar Maths Question

  29. 她能够解答出许多复杂的数学难题,而我将会教她如何写出优美的文章。

    She made some complex arithmetical problems clearer and I explained to her how to write an essay better .

  30. 教室里有四十个学生,他们都在努力地计算一道数学难题。

    There are forty students in the classroom , all of whom are working hard at a problem in mathematics .