
  • 网络mathematical symbols;mathematic symbols
  1. 但是,要在不使用预定义元素的情况下引用数学符号,您可以使用元素:myfun。

    However , to refer to mathematical symbols without a predefined element , you can use the element : myfun .

  2. 伟大的自然之书是以数学符号编写的。

    The great book of nature is written in mathematical symbols .

  3. 在C语言还有一些其他,编程语言里有很多数学符号。

    You do have mathematical operators in C and most every language .

  4. Chris代数方程式使用数学符号

    Chris , algebraic equations use mathematical statements

  5. 本文应用HMM概率模型和神经网络结合,对联机手写数字和数学符号进行识别。

    We recognize on-line handwritten figure and some mathematic characters using the HMM neural networks , and achieve a better result .

  6. 数学符号是理科,尤其是数学工作者进行信息交流、存储的主要载体,但由于OCR的软件技术缺陷,到目前为止计算机仍然不能对其进行识别,这已经成了数学信息输入的瓶颈。

    Mathematics symbol is science , especially mathematics worker prosecute intercommunion and Storage mostly carrier , yet due to OCR software technology disfigurement . Computer however cannot versus those recognition prosecuting Up to now , this already is input - bottleneck about mathematics information .

  7. 形式化方法使用数学符号来描述系统的性质,它具有精确性、无二义性和一致性等优点。

    Formal method describes the characters of a system with notations .

  8. 课堂教学中应注重数学符号语言的教学。

    Sign language teaching should focus on the teaching of Mathematics .

  9. 常用数学符号的选取规律

    Some Rules of the Selection of the Common Mathematic Symbols

  10. 编排校中易出错的数学符号

    Easily confusing mathematical symbols in typesetting , editing and proofreading

  11. 数学符号双重含义的运用和辨析

    Application and Discrimination of Mathematics Symbol , s Double Meanings

  12. 基于小生境遗传算法的数学符号识别方法的研究

    Study on Mathematical Symbols Recognition Based on Niche Genetic Algorithm

  13. GB3102.11-1993物理科学和技术中使用的数学符号

    Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology

  14. 第三章介绍了金融市场的基础概念和基本理论,并且用数学符号及公式描述了金融市场的基本内容。

    Chapter 3 introduces the basic knowledge and theory on the financial market .

  15. 拓扑结构特征提取及其在脱机手写数学符号识别中的研究与应用

    Off-line Handwritten Mathematic Symbols Recognition Using Topological Feature Construction

  16. 科技书刊中数学符号的标准化

    Standardization of Mathematic Symbols in Technological Books and Periodicals

  17. 加强数学符号语言向文字语言的转化的教学;

    Strengthening transformation from sign language to word language ;

  18. 零号代表不存在数量的数学符号(0);

    The mathematical symbol ( 0 ) denoting absence of quantity ; zero .

  19. 论数学符号系统的特点与功能

    On characteristics and functions of system of mathematical symbols

  20. 然后像往常一样用简明优雅的数学符号把它表示了出来

    expressed , as usual , in elegant symbols .

  21. 全世界都采用相同的数学符号。

    Throughout the world come into use the same signs and symbols of mathematics .

  22. 数学符号越来越脱离物质实体。

    Mathematical symbols became less and less obliged to correspond directly with physical entities .

  23. 数学符号与数学理解的关系

    The Relation of Mathematical Symbols and Mathematical Understanding

  24. 理解每一个数学符号的含义是学好数学的关键。

    Understanding the meaning of each mathematical symbol is the key to learning mathematics .

  25. 两个数学家各自单独工作,发明了相似的数学符号。

    Working separately both mathematicians developed similar notations .

  26. 正确运用数学符号语言,有利于数学抽象思维的发展;

    The appropriate implement of mathematical symbol language will benefit the mathematical abstract thinking .

  27. 数学符号的历史渊源及实质

    The Origins of Mathematical Symbols and Their Implications

  28. 数学符号及其历史和作用

    Mathematical Symbols and Their History and Roles

  29. 识别数学符号的神经网络方法

    Neural Networks for Recognition of Mathematical Symbols

  30. 数学符号在数学中的作用

    Math Symbols and Their Roles in Mathematics