
shù zhóu
  • number axis
数轴[shù zhóu]
  1. 机器数在数轴上的表示方法

    A geometrical expressive method of the machine-readable data concerning number axis

  2. 试用反向对应重合数轴法证明哥德巴赫猜想

    The proof of goldbach conjecture with the method in opposite direction of superimposed number axis

  3. 小Fresnel数轴对称光腔场分布计算

    Calculation of laser field distribution of an axially symmetrical resonator with small Fresnel number

  4. 定义数轴和端点,如果您识得创建一列数字的类Python片段符号,这是相当显而易见的。

    Defining axes and points is fairly obvious once you recognize the Python-like slice notation to create a list of numbers .

  5. 整数把数轴分成无穷多个半开区间。

    The integers divide the number line into infinitely many half-open intervals .

  6. 我想以传统直线时间数轴理论上就是不可能实现的。

    I would like to traditional linear time-axis is theoretically impossible to realize .

  7. 船用螺旋桨计算机辅助设计及立体成形船用螺旋桨作叶轮的高比转数轴流泵的设计原理

    Computer Aided Design and Cubic Model of Ship Propeller

  8. 小模数轴齿轮自动滚齿机半自动数显锥齿轮滚动检查机

    Fine pitch automatic pinion shaft hobbing machine semi-automatic bevel gear tester with digital display

  9. 将真数形象化的最方便的途径是通过数轴。

    One convenient way to visualize the real numbers is by the way of a number line .

  10. 用时间数轴方法可以使学生们从感官上清晰直观的了解英语自然时体的空间意义。

    The students can understand the space meaning of the Tenses and Aspects from the time axis directly .

  11. 而是处在同一数轴上的正负两个相对原心的方向上。

    But at the same number of plus or minus two-axis the relative direction of the original heart .

  12. 通过多年的教学实践我们发现数学法中的数轴法和错位相加法对辅助英语自然时体教学很有帮助。

    We found a new effective method & Mathematics Assistant Approach to the Teaching of English Tenses and Aspects .

  13. 解答分式不等式,选用数轴标根法比代数方法有更高的正确率。

    In solving rational inequalities , using the number line yields a higher correctness rate than using algebraic manipulations .

  14. 并要求儿童找出不同的数字,并描述与数轴上其他数字的关系。

    The child could be asked to point to different numbers and to describe their relationship to other number on the line .

  15. 提出了用数轴判断中心原子轨道杂化方式的方法、应用及规律。

    This paper gives a method of judging the hybridization form of central atomic orbital by number axis , its applications and laws .

  16. 绝大多数学生选取代数方法,很少的学生选取图像法,有部分学生使用数轴标根法。

    While most of the students use algebraic manipulations , some adopted the method of using the number line , and still some few solve by sketching the graphs .

  17. 这一步结束后,就要用材料建立数轴把数据放进去。不同颜色和形状的珠子被用来代表不同的变量。

    Once it 's done , material is used to construct more axes to plot data on , with colour and shapes of different beads used to indicate different variables .

  18. 介绍了机器数在数轴上的几何表示方法,并用此方法分析了补码运算的溢出问题。

    A geometrical expressive method of the machine-readable data concerning number axis is introduced , and with this method , the question of overflow related to complement arithmetic is analyzed .

  19. 数学中的数轴、平面直角坐标系、空间直角坐标系为形而下之数;

    Abstract Number axis , plane right angle coordinate and space right angle coordinate in maths are the " numbers " of concret . The vertical axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system .

  20. 将这些分支的运动领域映射在数轴上,用雅可比矩阵的系数行列式的符号和相应构件角位移的正弦符号来识别。

    Let the motion domains of these branches be mapped on number axis , the discrimination can be made by comparing the symbol of coefficient determinant of Jacobian matrix with the sine symbol of angular displacement .

  21. 通过数轴凝聚,对1998、1999年常州市气象站的逐日蒸发量的变化范围并结合天空状况等因素进行分类,以此作为晾晒指数等级的划分标准。

    Combined with the sky conditions etc , the changing range of Changzhou Meteorological Station ′ s day evaporation in 1998 and 1999 is classified by condensing number axis , which is used for the dividing criterion of drying index grade .