
  • 网络digital design
  1. 除此之外,本研究的研究成果也可以为数位设计课程建立一个新的学习范例。

    Moreover , the results of this research can be the new learning paradigm for digital design studios .

  2. 对本课程内容的良好理解将会是住后数位设计与计算机结构及系统这两门程的重要基础。

    A good grasp of the material is essential for later courses in digital design , computer architecture and systems .

  3. 本课程在于介绍与了解数位设计应用在商业设计的方法与理论。

    The purpose of the curriculum lay in the introduction and understanding the digital design application in the commercial design method and the theory .

  4. 摘要本研究旨在探讨专业数位媒体设计主管其平衡于理想及现实之间实务考量、这些考量的互动关系,以及设计主管的决策行为。

    This research is aimed at exploring the decision-making considerations , the interplay among these considerations , and the decision-making behavior of the expert producer in the digital media design field .

  5. 本论文包含两个主题,第一个主题是动态二维旁通低功率数位乘法器设计;

    Power management has become a great concern in VLSI design in recent years , this thesis focuses on the improvement of fixed-width multiplier design , by reducing transition or switch .

  6. 本文根据一项针对佛学数位图书馆所设计的辞汇建议介面所进行的使用者研究提出报告。

    This study reports the results of an experiment conducted to test the effectiveness and usefulness of a Term Suggestion Interface for a Buddhism study collection .

  7. 本提案作品研讨课程包含大量麻省理工学院建筑研究所三年级硕士生之实物及数位提案作品设计创意。

    The portfolios section of this class contains a large number of portfolio design ideas , both physical and digital , from third year students in MIT 's Master of Architecture program .

  8. 透过本研究了解使用者对于专题地图内容资讯的需求性,提供日后传统或是数位化地图互动设计的依据。

    Penetrates this research to understand the user regarding the topic map contents information demand , will provide in the future traditional perhaps several maps interactions design basis .

  9. 目标是加强学生应用数位多媒体之知识,学生能应用数位设计软体,以表现建筑设计之概念。

    Goal is to strengthen the students to apply knowledge of digital media , students can apply digital design software to demonstrate the concept of architectural design .

  10. 本课程之教学目标为使学生了解数位电路的基本概念,从而增进其数位系统的设计能力。

    The teaching goal of this course is to make students understanding the basic conception of digital circuit , thereby promoting the students'design ability of digital system .