
  • 网络Several times;Slitherlink;Slither Link
  1. 对提浓塔的理论塔板数、回流量和进料位置等参数进行分析,得到了最优化的设计参数。

    The main design parameters , such as NTS , reflux ratio and feed location are analyzed in detail to get the optimized design of the ethyl acetate concentration column .

  2. 综放工作面生产能力受到工作面长度、割煤速度、移架速度、放煤速度、班进刀数、回刀速度等各种参数的综合影响。

    Production capability of fully mechanized sub level caving face is synthetically influenced by many factors such as face length , cutting velocity , velocity of support moving , drawing velocity , shift cutting advancement and cutting free velocity .

  3. 该数模的回代正确率为100%。

    The correct rate of back substitution of discriminating is 100 % .

  4. 小鼠不同细胞数骨髓移植后回巢与生存率观察

    Effect of transplanted cell number on homing and survival rate after bone marrow transplantation in mice

  5. 请把此表格连同支票或银行入数纸正本寄回儿童心脏基金会。

    Please return this form together with cheque or original deposit slip to the Children 's Heart Foundation .

  6. 请将填妥之表格连同划线支票或入数纸一并寄回本会。

    Please complete this form and send it together with a crossed cheque or pay-in-slip information to our Association .

  7. 频率的上限也必须满足马赫数、沃姆斯莱数、回热器微孔直径以及膜振动平均位移计算前提(ka<0.5)。

    The upper limit of frequency must meet the limits of Mach number , Womersley , the diameter of the regenerator tiny hole and the average displacement of membrane vibration ( ka < 0.5 ) .