
  • 网络scattering;Subsurface Scattering
  1. 基于GPU的地球大气散射现象可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation of Atmospheric Scattering on Earth Based on GPU

  2. 主要研究了连续谱X射线在透射式ICT中射入待测物质体内时发生的康普顿散射现象和二次射线辐射的散射问题。

    Compton scattering phenomenon and the second-order radiation of continuous spectrum X-ray transmitting into materials have been studied mainly .

  3. 并同时与H2介质的受激喇曼散射现象作了分析比较。

    Furthermore , the comparison of the SRS in CH_4 with that in H_2 are made .

  4. 除此之外,还发现了明显的二阶Stokes光调谐输出相干散射现象。

    The phenomenon of the coherent tunable second-order Stokes light scattering is also observed . 5 .

  5. 在X射线源透射式工业计算机断层扫描成像技术(X-TICT)中,X射线透射物质时,发生了Compton光子散射现象,有用信息连同散射光子一起进入探头形成伪影。

    In the case of a polychromatic source in X-ray TICT , the phenomenon of Compton photon scattering in material takes place .

  6. 研究了如何选择探地雷达系统中的发射源,借助于MATLAB和C语言混编,对脉冲的发射及散射现象进行了模拟仿真。

    Explain how to choose the ground penetrating radar system emission source . By means of MATLAB and C language , the emission and scattering of the pulse phenomenon is simulated .

  7. 通过求解运动方程得到离子团结构随时间的演化过程,并采用MonteCarlo方法模拟了爆炸过程中的多重散射现象。

    The evolution of the Coulomb explosion of the cluster 's structure is derived by solving the motion equation while taking into account the multiple scattering effect which was simulated by Monte Carlo method .

  8. 从γ射线在射入物质体内时发生的康普顿散射现象出发,在忽略三次(及以上)散射、光电吸收的前提下,从理论上讨论了二次散射对工业CT机图像质量的影响。

    Based on the Compton Scattering phenomenon , this paper theoretically investigates the effect of the second order scattering of γ radiation to the images of Industrial Computed Tomographic ( ICT ) when γ radiation transmit into materials via ignoring the three or higher order scattering and photo electric absorbent .

  9. 通过MonteCarlo方法模拟蓝绿激光在海水传输过程中的散射现象以及散射中的退偏度变化与海水深度的关系,发现随着海水深度的增加,散射后的光斑半径、退偏振度将逐渐增大。

    A Monte Carlo algorithm was presented to model the relation between the scattering phenomenon , depolarization changes and sea water depth , It is discovered that the radius of scattering point and the degree of depolarization increase with increasing of the sea water depth .

  10. 平均囊径100nm,其水溶液为红色透明液体,丁达尔散射现象明显。

    The nano-microcapsule 's average diameter was 100 nm , and its watery solution was red transparent liquid in which , Tyndall scatter phenomenon was obvious .

  11. 本文的研究围绕各种非理想散射现象而展开。首先对非理想散射中心进行了分类。

    In this paper , we do research about the nonideal scattering centers .

  12. 粗糙银表面微结构在表面增强喇曼散射现象中的作用

    The role of cluster in surface enhanced Raman scattering

  13. 脉冲激光加工散射现象研究

    Study on scattering phenomena in pulse laser processing

  14. 细菌视紫红质高分辨图象存储中吸收和散射现象的实验研究

    The absorption and the scattering in the high resolution image storage using bacteriorhodopsin film

  15. 根据声波在水下的散射现象,分析了水下混响的形成机理;

    The production mechanism of underwater explosion is also analyzed on the basis of dispersion phenomenon .

  16. 因此,混浊介质中光的散射现象的研究又成了生物光学的研究热点。

    So , the study about scattering phenomena of turbid media is a hotspot of the photobiology .

  17. 这一现象是与该晶体光折变后出现的异常光散射现象相联系的。

    The phenomenon is associated with the anomalous light scattering process occured after photo-induced refractive index change in crystals .

  18. 医学超声图像在应用中遇到的一个重要问题是如何消除图像中由于散射现象的相干本质而引起的多径乘性散粒噪声。

    Ultrasonic image quality is generally affected by multiplicative speckle noises caused by the coherent nature of the scattering phenomenon .

  19. 利用平面波展开方法,对光子晶体光纤的前向布里渊散射现象中的声波带隙特性进行了数值仿真。

    The theory study of a plane-wave expansion method based on the effective medium technique in the two-dimensional photonic crystal ;

  20. 电磁波在煤矿井巷的传输不仅会因巷道壁的吸收引起大的衰耗,更主要的是会频繁地发生反射和散射现象,形成多径效应。

    Electromagnetic waves will be attenuated greatly by the wall in mine tunnels , mostly come into multi-path because of continual reflections and dispersions .

  21. 但是随着光纤激光源输出功率不断的提升,热效应和受激布里渊散射现象会成为限制功率增长的障碍。

    However , scaling of the output power from the high-power fiber laser sources is limited by the stimulated Brillouin scattering and thermal effects .

  22. 对脉冲激光加工中空间散射现象的研究是分析材料吸收激光束质量,提高加工精度的重要方法。

    Studying on spacing scattering phenomena in pulse laser machining is an important method to analyze quality of laser bean absorbed by material and improve machining precision .

  23. 本文的目的在于,利用康普顿散射现象,开发一种新的浓度和含量的分析测试技术。

    This thesis is to exploit a new analysis and testing techniques to measure the concentration and the content of the scatterer through the Compton scattering phenomenon .

  24. 在天体物理、大气物理、海洋物理中人们早就开始了对混浊介质中光散射现象的研究,并因此而产生了研究混浊介质中光散射现象的各种理论。

    In astrophysics , atmospheric optics , marine optics , scattering phenomena of turbid media was studied early , and many kinds of theories about it were produced .

  25. 由于大气散射现象的原因,在雾,薄雾,雨和雪等恶劣天气条件下的图像有具有对比度低、颜色失真的特点。

    Because of atmosphere scattering , images which are captured under bad weather conditions such as fog , mist , rain , and snow have poor contrasts and colors .

  26. 本论文基于光纤中受激拉曼散射现象的基本原理,围绕拉曼光纤放大器和多波长拉曼光纤激光器展开研究。

    Based on the principle of Stimulated Raman Scattering ( SRS ) in fiber , the dissertation is focused on the study of Raman fiber amplifiers and multiwavelength Raman fiber lasers .

  27. 随着激光器的能量密度和功率进一步提高,用以传输激光的大型光学元件中的横向受激布里渊散射现象越来越受到人们关注。

    Transverse stimulated Brillouin scattering ( TSBS ) in large optics has been paid more and more attention in recent years with the gradual improvement of laser 's energy density and power .

  28. 当进一步增加拉曼放大器的抽运功率,出现了前向级联的多阶受激布里渊散射现象,拉曼放大器的增益下降,被放大的信号功率转换为受激布里渊散射,噪声变大。

    The forward cascaded multiple stimulated Brillouin emerged when the pump power is increased further , and the amplified signal power is translated into SBS with stronger noise when the gain decreased .

  29. 首先对色散补偿光纤中不同拉曼抽运功率下的布里渊瑞利散射现象进行实验研究,详细分析和说明了输出光谱特性以及输出光谱随抽运功率的演化特性。

    We have experimentally studied the Brillouin-Rayleigh scattering in dispersion compensation fibers under Raman pump of different powers , and analyzed the characteristics of output spectra and the variation of the spectra with pump power in detail .

  30. 由于高数多模光波导的制造工艺的原因,它的粗糙性造成的散射现象不可忽略,于是传统的光线追迹算法必须对于粗糙界面的反射和透射的散射问题进行扩展。

    Due to the manufacturing process of the waveguides , surface roughness will lead to scattering , so the classical ray tracing has to be extended in order to consider the reflection and transmission behavior of rough dielectric interfaces .