- scatter

Calculation of Mobile Location Based on Scatter Information Using Two Base Station
Relationship between Different Lasing Mode Emission and Scatter Density in the Random Laser
New Algorithm for Calculating Poles of a Thin Wire Scatter by FFT Method
Investigations on the effects of scatterers on the MIMO channel characteristics in LOS environment
Computation Scattering Field of Various Microwave Scattering Bodies Excited by TE Wave
The Mesh Fitting to the Scatterer Surfaces in FDTD Algorithm
Fast calculation of wide angle RCS of 3-D objects
The RCS Analysis and Synthesis of the Elementary Scatterers
Numerical results for perfectly conduction and homogeneous penetrable circular cylinder are presented and compared with the solutions by using second-order differential operator B2 type absorbing boundary condition .
The Application of Electromagnetic Similarity in the Calculation of RCS of the Basic Scatterer
However , the coherent of SAR interferogram reduces due to the surface scattering change over time and the long spatial baseline of SAR platform .
Research on the Fast Calculation Method of Wide Angle and Wide Band RCS Pattern of Scatter Based on FDTD
Fast RCS Calculation of 3-D Objects over a Frequency Band Based on Domain Decomposition Method in Conjunction with Asymptotic Wave Evaluation Technique
The inverse scatter-ing problems of PEC scatterers under transverse electric ( TE ) wave has been a difficult problem in computational electromagnetics .
Based on the RCS of typical targets , the bistatic RCS of a missile model was calculated , demonstrated the applicable of this technique .
During the computation of RCS we transform the physical optics integral over the surfaces of the scatterer into the dual integral of nurbs parameter field .
In order to reconstruct the shape of scatterer D , we establish the relation between the scatterer and the far field pattern . The relation can be fixed by so called far field operator F.
Scatter targets of complex terrain surfaces with random orientation product random fluctuating echoes . This leads to a confused classification by directly using target decomposition on full polarimetric SAR ( PolSAR ) image .
Radial Local Forming Techniques of Pipe Fittings In order to image metallic cylinders , LSF method was used .
The largest band gap appears when the proportion of length and width of scatterers ' rectangle cross-section is 1.2 for XY mode and is 1 for Z mode ;
With the general expression for an arbitrarily simple-shaped scatterer 's scattering characteristics as a starting point , the RCS varieties during the respective change of each parameter are analyzed .
After a great deal of computation , the Mie phase functions of the single particle or polydisperse particles are given here in numerical expression .
Also , it is shown by numerical tests that the complexity of inverse is effectively reduced with the help of the wavelet transform , that is useful in the RCS computation .
A new method for analyzing the Radar Cross Section ( RCS ) of a complex scatterer is put forward in the paper , which is a method of frequency characteristic extrapolating .
It not only can be applied to the measurement of the RCS of usual electrically small scatterers but also could be applied to the measurement of Delta RCS of UHF RFID passive tags .
Employing the Mueller matrix solution of random non-spherical particles , fully polarimetric scattering from heterogeneous canopy surfaces with 3-dimensional spatial structure is calculated .
The paper by using array analysis technology and moments method discusses the two-dimension periodic various microwave scattering bodies RCS . And expressions of scattering field of various microwave scattering bodies excited by TE wave were also derived .
Although the twins in a martensite grain corresponding the same twinning plane exhibited the same EDP , the electron waves from these twins were noncoherent scattering each other .
We take the scatters in tissue as spherical or ellipsoidal particles with different sizes and optical property . And the scattering property of the equivalent scattering particle is discussed with Mie theory .
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar ( InSAR ) is new microwave imaging radar that can obtain information about three-dimensional earth surface and movement of sea surface scattering . The source of information is the phase extracted from the complex data of synthetic aperture radar .