
  • 网络teaching staff;Academic Staff;faculty;Teaching Fellow
  1. 设计和教授课程的教学人员都是全职,其中包括教师、作家和编辑。

    The full-time faculty including instructors , writers and editors create and teach the courses .

  2. 而2010年大学物理教学人员中只有14%的女性。

    And women made up just 14 percent of physics college faculty members in 2010 .

  3. 该方案不仅使得软件的升级和维护更易实现,而且还提供给物理教学人员和普通学生一个专业计算机水准的、具有二次开发功能的物理CAI演示软件开发平台。

    The environment is not only easy to be maintained , but also an embedded system that allows students easy to develop professional physics CAI software having the feature to support user 's math model .

  4. 难怪在这方面做得最好的学校,是那些专门提供定制教育、而不是用mba课程甚至本科课程教学人员任教的学校。

    Unsurprisingly those schools that have done best in this area are those that have specialised in customised education , rather than using faculty who teach on the MBA and even undergraduate programmes .

  5. 优秀临床护理教学人员人格特征的研究

    A study on personality characteristics of excellent clinical nursing teaching staffs

  6. 高校教学人员考核可拓评价模型

    Extension Evaluate Model for Checking the University Staff 's Achievement

  7. 高校图书馆知识受众的类型主要有以下四类:管理人员、教学人员、学生和其他人员。

    They are managers , teaching and research facilities students and other personnel .

  8. 本文提出了非计算机专业的教学人员自选开发多媒体教学软件的方法。

    A way is advanced here for non-computer-major teachers to exploit multimedia teaching softwares .

  9. 基于职业倦怠背景下的高校教学人员的心境管理研究

    Mind Management and Burnout of University Teaching Staff

  10. 提高教学人员素质;

    To improve the teaching staff quality ;

  11. 非教学人员组(铨叙事项)

    Non-Teaching Staff Unit ( Establishment Matters )

  12. 来自工人阶级家庭的教学人员可以做这些学生的辅导工作。

    Faculty members who come from working-class backgrounds could serve as mentors for these students .

  13. 在偏远地区,食物、医疗设施以及教学人员总是数量不足。

    Food , medical facilities , and teaching staff are always under-resourced in remote areas .

  14. 因此大学毕业后,他就成了一所著名大学全体教学人员的一名。

    So after his college life , he joined the faculty of a famous university .

  15. 创建学习型组织,促进远程教学人员的专业发展

    Create Learning Organization , Promote Professional Development

  16. 队员们都非常钦佩教练。非教学人员组(铨叙事项)

    The team felt great admiration for the coach . Non-Teaching Staff Unit ( Establishment Matters )

  17. 我们可以在家里通过看电视或电脑屏幕上的教学人员的讲课进行学习。

    We can study at home by watching educators on TV or on a computer screen .

  18. 你想看一下学生助教的教学人员名单吗?

    Would you like to look through the list of these faculty members looking for student assistants ?

  19. 教学人员还建议学生们练习前几年的作业与试题。

    The teaching staff also recommends that students practice on problem sets and exams from previous years .

  20. 有五分之一的学生和三分之一的教学人员来自国外。

    One fifth of the student population and one third of the teaching staff come from abroad .

  21. 有着数百个资深的合格教学人员;并因其学术质量而多次获奖。

    It employs hundreds of highly qualified faculty and has won many awards for the quality of its academic programs .

  22. 凡是教学人员,都必须力争学术上出色,积极发展个人的价值。

    All faculty members should be devoted to the pursuit of academic excellence and the positive development of personal values .

  23. 语言教学人员,除了必须了解语言变异,同时也应该防止语言出现变异。

    Not only should language teachers understand regional language variation , they should also prevent further variation from taking place .

  24. 这一就业现状对高等旅游教育造成严重困扰,怎样才能培养出符合行业需求的旅游管理专业人才,成为旅游高校管理和教学人员普遍探讨研究的问题。

    This status brings serious trouble to college tourism education . How to train industry-demand professionals has become a general academic topic .

  25. 指导教师是负责指导学生运营模拟联合国社团并训练模联代表团的教学人员。

    Faculty Advisor is a teacher or faculty responsible for advising students to run a Model UN club and training a delegation .

  26. 本研究旨在调查及了解澳门中小学教学人员对于实施教师评鉴制度之看法,及检视本澳现阶段的评鉴情况。

    The aim of this dissertation is to investigate and identify secondary and primary teachers attitude towards implementing teacher evaluation system in Macao .

  27. 对于教学人员来说,使用这款软件的成本低至391美元,其中包括软件及25项授权。

    The cost of entry for educators is low at $ 391 , which includes the software plus 25 licenses of the game .

  28. 到第二年,他被晋升为监督拥有5000个学生的英语课程,并管理和指导外国教学人员团队。

    The following year , he was promoted to oversee the English program for5000 students , and run the team of foreign teaching staff .

  29. 其次,本文详细的对《标准》进行了解读,并分析了《标准》的结构特征、《标准》中对教学人员的能力要求,以及体现出来的评价要点。

    Secondly , this paper interpreted the standard detailedly , and analysed the structural characteristics , capable demand and evaluating emphasis of the standard s.

  30. 教学人员非常专业,极富经验并致力于在一个支持的、充满关怀的、纪律严明的环境中为学生提供高质量的学习经历。

    Teaching staff are highly professional , experienced and committed to providing high quality learning experiences within a supportive , caring and disciplined environment .