
  • 网络Construction of teacher team;construction of teaching team
  1. 教学团队与高水平教师队伍建设是高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程中的重要项目。

    The construction of teaching team and high level teachers ' team in colleges and universities is an important item of the undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform project .

  2. 教师是教育改革和学校改进的关键,加强教师队伍建设对振兴教育事业、促进社会进步有着重要意义。

    Teachers are the key to educational reform and school improvement , therefore strengthening the construction of teaching team has far-reaching significance for vitalizing education and promoting social progress .

  3. 加入WTO后高校教师队伍建设面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges and Countermeasures in Building Qualified College Teaching Staff after Joining the WTO

  4. 本研究主要采用调查研究法,通过问卷调查与访谈,对H学院就业指导教师队伍建设的现状进行了全面了解。

    Through the analysis of questionnaires and interviews , the author has obtained the comprehensive knowledge of the current situations of Career guidance teachers ' construction .

  5. 本文以CG学院教师队伍建设为例,通过问卷调查分析CG学院教师激励机制的现状和存在的问题,提出建立和完善教师激励机制的思路和措施。

    In this paper , CG College as an example , the survey analysis by CG College teacher incentive system status and existing problems , and proposed to establish and improve incentives for teachers ideas and measures .

  6. 新办院校教师队伍建设工作初探

    Discussion on the Construction of Teachers ' Group in New Colleges

  7. 青年教师队伍建设的认识与实践

    Understanding and Practice of the Construction of Ranks of Young Teachers

  8. 五是加强教师队伍建设。

    Fifth , we will improve the ranks of our teachers .

  9. 双师型教师队伍建设的探索与构想

    Exploration and Design of the Construction of Double-quality Teachers ' Team

  10. 开发人才资源,加强我校青年教师队伍建设

    Exploitation of Human Resource for the Training of Qualified Young Teachers

  11. 我校现阶段教师队伍建设

    Discussion on the Faculty Construction in Our University at Current Stage

  12. 我国非发达地区高校教师队伍建设对策初探

    Problems and Countermeasures of College Teachers ' Construction in Non-developed Area

  13. 加强青年教师队伍建设管窥

    Restricted View of the Development of the Young Teachers ' Team

  14. 浅论市场经济与高校教师队伍建设

    On Market Economy and Cultivation of Teachers in Universities and Colleges

  15. 农村中小学教师队伍建设研究

    The Construction of Teaching Staff in the Rural Primary and Secondary School

  16. 第三,高素质思想政治理论课教师队伍建设的培养是重点。

    Third , cultivating high-quality teachers is the key point .

  17. 对北京林业大学体育教师队伍建设状况的分析与对策

    On Development of Physical Education Team in Beijing Forestry University

  18. 加强实验教师队伍建设的探索和举措

    Exploration and Measures to Strengthen the Laboratory Technician Team Construction

  19. 党校学习型教师队伍建设刍议

    Group Construction of Studying Type Teacher of the Party School

  20. 现代远程教育中电大教师队伍建设

    Construction of the Ranks of Teachers in Modern Distance Education

  21. 高职院校会计专业双师型教师队伍建设探讨

    Vocational Colleges Accounting Professional " Double-qualified " Teachers to Explore the Building

  22. 骨干教师队伍建设亟待加强;

    The key teachers ' construction needs strengthening , too .

  23. 市州院校教师队伍建设的问题与对策

    Problems and Strategies of Teaching Staff Construction in Local Higher Educational Institutes

  24. 高职高专教师队伍建设目标研究

    On Targets of Faculty Build up in Higher Vocational Institutions

  25. 柔性人才政策与地方高校教师队伍建设

    Flexible Talents Policy and Teacher Recruitment in the Local Colleges

  26. 高等职业教育中的双师型教师队伍建设

    " Double-qualified Teacher " Team Construction in Higher Vocational Education

  27. 示范性高职院校新双师教师队伍建设研究

    On Construction of New Double-qualification Teachers in Demonstrative Vocational Colleges

  28. 农村教师队伍建设存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and countermeasures of the construction of rural teaching staffs

  29. 双师型教师队伍建设存在的问题及其原因分析

    Analysis On The Problems And Reasons About Training Double-qualified Teachers

  30. 创新性人才的培养与高素质教师队伍建设

    Cultivation of Creative Talents and Construction of High-quality Teachers Team