
  • 网络Hostile takeover;Hostile Acquisition
  1. 格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte .

  2. 今年夏天,陈宁宁对香港上市的中国东方集团(ChinaOrientalGroup)发起了敌意收购。

    This summer , Ms Chen launched a hostile takeover for Hong Kong-listed China Oriental Group , which controls a mid-sized steel mill in Hebei province .

  3. 医院运营商CommunityHealthSystems(CHS)本打算今年以30亿美元敌意收购竞争对手TenetHealthcare,结果碰了一鼻子的灰。

    Community health systems suffered a bloody nose this year with a botched $ 3 billion hostile takeover of tenet healthcare .

  4. 去年,它对日本北越制纸(HokuetsuPaper)发起了一项前所未有的敌意收购,最终未获成功。北越制纸是一家规模较小的竞争对手。

    Last year it launched an unprecedented and ultimately unsuccessful hostile takeover bid for Hokuetsu Paper , a smaller rival .

  5. SK集团表示,不会考虑对中国燃气发起敌意收购。

    SK Group said it was not considering a hostile takeover of China Gas .

  6. 艾博年和前任董事长保罗斯金纳(PaulSkinner)去年11月拒绝了必和必拓提出的敌意收购,并在今年带来了100亿美元债务。

    He and former chairman Paul Skinner rejected a hostile offer from BHP in November and incurred $ 10bn of debt this year .

  7. 因此,有一项主张很令人费解:即bp必须引入一位核心投资者(比如一家主权财富基金),以提供新股本,并且(或者)保护自己免遭敌意收购。

    So it is hard to understand the notion that BP must take on a core investor such as a sovereign wealth fund to provide fresh equity and / or protect it from a hostile Raider .

  8. 在东京证券交易所一部上市的日本公司中,超过15%的公司已实施“毒丸计划”(poisonpills),以保护自己免遭敌意收购。

    More than 15 per cent of Japanese companies listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange have implemented " poison pills " to protect themselves against hostile takeovers .

  9. 力拓的善意收购报价规模,超过了竞购加拿大铝业的对手&美国铝业(Alcoa)早些时候提出的275亿美元敌意收购出价。

    Rio 's friendly bid trumped an earlier hostile $ 27.5bn offer from Alcan 's US rival Alcoa .

  10. 宝能集团(BaonengGroup)对万科(ChinaVanke)的投资面临被迫变现,除非它能满足迫在眉睫的追加贷款保证金要求。这展示了利用杠杆积累股权、实施敌意收购的风险。

    Baoneng Group faces the forced liquidation of its investment in China Vanke unless it can meet impending margin calls on its borrowing - in a demonstration of the risk of using leverage to build a stake for a hostile bid .

  11. 力拓的股价昨日暴跌17%,至23.57英镑,比竞争对手必和必拓(BHPBilliton)全股票敌意收购该集团的价格低了很多。

    Rio 's shares plunged 17 per cent to 23.57 , a sizeable discount to rival BHP Billiton 's hostile all-share offer for the group .

  12. 昨日,澳大利亚MurchisonMetals向竞争对手、铁矿石开采商MidwestCorporation提出了敌意收购报价,突显了日本与中国在澳大利亚矿产资源问题上的战略竞争。

    The strategic rivalry between Japan and China over access to Australia 's mineral resources was highlighted yesterday when Murchison Metals launched a hostile bid for rival iron ore miner Midwest Corporation .

  13. 在绰号“粉碎机弗雷德”(FredtheShred)的弗雷德•古德温(Goodwin)的领导下,苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)赢得了“无情收购者”的名声,成功地敌意收购了国民西敏寺银行(NatWest)和荷兰银行(ABNAmro)。

    RBS under Fred " the Shred " Goodwin had a reputation as a ruthless acquirer , winning hostile takeovers for NatWest and ABN Amro .

  14. 上月,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)以担心力拓的债务规模为由,放弃了对力拓620亿美元的敌意收购,这动摇了投资者对力拓的信心。

    Investor confidence in Rio was shaken last month when BHP Billiton dropped its hostile $ 62bn take-over bid , citing worries about the size of Rio 's debt .

  15. 尽管如此,中国中化集团(sinochem)与必和必拓(bhpbilliton)正面对抗,对加拿大钾肥公司(potashcorp)发起敌意收购的几率,几乎为零。

    That said , the chances of Sinochem of China going head-to-head with BHP Billiton in launching a hostile bid for PotashCorp are slim to vanishing .

  16. 此次主动突袭针对的是必和必拓(BHPBilliton)对力拓的敌意收购。作为力拓的矿业竞争对手,必和必拓几年来一直渴望与力拓合并。

    The unsolicited move was a response to a hostile bid for Rio by rival miner BHP Billiton , which had been keen to merge the companies for several years .

  17. 但分析师表示,这家瑞士食品集团可能会把一部分资金用于收购,包括有可能参与竞购英国糖果集团吉百利(cadbury)后者正面临卡夫食品(kraftfoods)的敌意收购。

    But analysts suggested the Swiss foods group could divert part of the proceeds to acquisitions including possibly entering the battle for Cadbury , the UK confectionery group facing a hostile bid from Kraft Foods .

  18. 伦敦证交所(LSE)昨日预计,随着其近来展开针对美国竞争对手纳斯达克(Nasdaq)敌意收购的防御战,该交易所电子交易平台成交量将急剧放大。

    The London Stock Exchange yesterday forecast a dramatic increase in trading volumes on its electronic trading platform as it launched its latest defence against a hostile bid by US rival Nasdaq .

  19. 但当竞争对手苏格兰银行(bankofscotland)向规模更大的natwest发起敌意收购时,乔治爵士和弗雷德爵士他于一年前加盟苏格兰皇家银行,担任副首席执行官受到触动,觉得应该做出回应。

    But when the rival Bank of Scotland launched a hostile bid for the much larger NatWest , Sir George and Sir Fred who had joined RBS a year earlier as deputy chief executive felt moved to respond .

  20. 敌意收购活动将继续保持活跃态势,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业希望采取战略行动,它们不会因为收购目标不情愿而止步。

    Hostile activity will remain high , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley . Corporates want to make strategic moves and will not be deterred by reluctant targets .

  21. 英国巧克力生产商吉百利(cadbury)猛烈抨击卡夫食品(kraft)的敌意收购,声称一颗“企业宝石”被这家美国食品集团收购没有任何战略或财务上的好处。

    UK chocolate maker Cadbury has launched a stinging attack on hostile bidder Kraft , declaring there is no strategic or financial merit in a " corporate jewel " being bought by the US food group .

  22. 公司管理者融资收购(MBO)是杠杆收购的一种,在改善公司治理结构,对付敌意收购、国有经济市场退出等领域具有重要意义。

    The MBO has been an important type of LBO in some advanced countries such as the British and the US since 1980s . The MBO has great meaningfulness to the improvement of construct of company governance and the withdrawal of state-owned economy from the market .

  23. 但是到了1995年,面对敌意收购的威胁,ICI的管理层宣布:我们的目标是实现股东价值最大化,专注于具有市场领先地位、技术优势和全球成本优势的业务。

    But , by 1995 , the threat of a hostile bid galvanised the management , and the company declared : Our objective is to maximise value for our shareholders by focusing on businesses where we have market leadership , a technological edge and a world competitive cost base .

  24. 最近,阿克曼做空了营养品公司康宝莱(Herbalife),还敌意收购了制造瘦脸除皱注射剂保妥适(Botox)的爱力根公司(Allergan),成了媒体关注的焦点。首先,巴菲特不在股市做空,也不参与金融衍生产品交易。

    First , unlike Ackman , who has lately made headlines for his short position in Herbalife ( HLF ) and hostile bid for Botox manufacturer Allergan ( AGN ) , Buffett doesn 't short stocks or trade in derivatives .

  25. 对敌意收购的不同评价直接决定着对反收购的不同态度。

    The different evaluations toward takeover mean different opinions on anti-takeover .

  26. 分析了有关敌意收购和反收购功能评介的各种观点;

    It analyzes different viewpoints about hostile bids and anti takeover ;

  27. 直到上世纪九十年代末,高盛还谢绝为敌意收购方提供咨询服务。

    Goldman refused to advise on hostile takeovers until the late1990s .

  28. 在这两个国家,来自海外的敌意收购仍是陌生概念。

    Hostile bids from abroad are still unknown in both countries .

  29. 这使敌意收购方不能放手吸引投资者。

    This has restrained the hostile suitors from a determined wooing .

  30. 南非政府憎恶敌意收购,尤其是外国人发起的此类收购。

    The government detests hostile takeovers , especially by foreigners .