
dí hài
  • enemy;animal which harms other living beings
敌害 [dí hài]
  • [harmful animal] 危害某种动物的动物,叫做这种动物的敌害

  • 青蛙遇到它的敌害--蛇时,往往便逃之夭夭

  1. 蜜蜂的敌害&胡蜂的研究进展

    Advances in Research on Honey Bee 's Natural Enemy & Wasp

  2. 盐生杜氏藻品系选育、营养调控和敌害防治

    Dunaliella Salina Strain Breeding , Nutrition and Harmful Organism Control

  3. 水产养殖中使用氰化钠毒杀敌害生物对海洋生态环境影响的探讨

    Research on the Effect of Cyanide used in Aquiculture on Marine Environment

  4. 养殖贝类附着敌害生物的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Marine Harmful Fouling Organisms and Control in Cultivation of Shellfish

  5. 烟草的霉变炭化是烟草储存过程中主要敌害之一。

    It will make the tobacco mildew during a long storage in some environment .

  6. 贝类病害学研究进展&Ⅲ.贝类的敌害学和肿瘤病学研究

    Advances in Studies on Marine Molluscan Diseases & ⅲ . Pestology and Neoplasia of Marine Molluscs

  7. 该藻对环境突然变化的适应能力也很强,并具有较强的抗敌害生物污染能力,易于培养。

    The alga has shown a strong adaptability to both abrupt changes of environment and bio-contamination .

  8. 伟大的勇士常常为最值得尊重的人类部族而战,带领他们远离敌害。

    Great warriors would often war over the most esteemed human tribes , leading them on journeys far from their rivals .

  9. 每5~7天清池一次,及时清除敌害及残饵,以保持水质清新和水环境稳定。

    The pond should be cleaned every 5-7 days in order to eliminate harmful organisms and residual feed to keep good water quality .

  10. 如果这些敌害或斗争者,因气候稍微改变而得到最微小利益,就可增加个数。

    If these enemies or competitors be in the least degree favoured by any slight change of climate , they will increase in numbers .

  11. 在很多时候,人类和其他动物都是通过运动视觉认识环境结构,从运动中发现敌害或寻找猎物。

    Frequently , the mankind and other animals know the environmental structure through the moving vision , find the harmful animal or look for preys from the sport .

  12. 它们通常会伪装成树枝或树叶逃避敌害;有时它们也会利用毒气或多刺的节肢来对付天敌。

    Although some use noxious sprays or prickly spines to deter their predators , generally the bugs assume the shape of sticks and leaves to avoid drawing attention .

  13. 嗅器和犁鼻器是无尾两栖类最重要的嗅化学感受器,对觅食、繁殖及逃避敌害等方面有着重要的作用。

    The olfactory organ and vomeronasal organ are the most important chemistry sense organs in anura . They play important roles in feeding , reproduction , predator avoidance and so on .