
  • 网络Benefit audit;performance auditing;performance audit;effectiveness auditing
  1. 对公共工程投资项目效益审计的探讨

    Discussion on Performance Auditing of The Public Investment Project

  2. 价值链导向下的企业效益审计方法体系构建

    Methods System Establishment of Enterprise Performance Auditing Within the Direction of Value Chain

  3. 作为完整的经济效益审计方法,应包括技术方法,思想方法和工作方法。

    As a complete method of economic efficiency auditing , it includes the spheres of technology , ideology and working methodology .

  4. 基于AHP的公共环境投资项目效益审计评价指标体系的构建

    The Construction of Performance Auditing & Evaluation System for Public Environmental Invest Project Based on AHP

  5. 政府绩效审计是对被审计单位在履行职责过程中使用资源的经济性、效率性、效果性进行的审查和评价也称为三E审计或效益审计。

    Government performance auditing , also called " 3E Audit " or " Benefit Audit ", is the examination and evaluation regarding to economy , efficiency and effectiveness of audited units , in which government can audit the corporations about their using of resources in the process of their duties .

  6. 首先,本论文在综合前人的研究成果基础上,对经济效益审计的实质进行了分析,明确了以EVA指标为效益审计评价指标,以统计描述预测数据作为评价指标标准;

    First , on the basis of the previous research achievements , the thesis analyzes the essence of economic efficiency audit , and defines the EVA index as the efficiency audit evaluation index , and the statistic descriptive prediction data as the standard of the evaluation index .

  7. 我国高校经济效益审计体系构建初探

    A Study on Constructing University Benefit Audit System in Our Country

  8. 黄金矿山企业开展经济效益审计的思考

    The considerations of the gold mining enterprises developing economic benefit audit

  9. 3强化节约意识,注重效益审计;

    To strengthen economy consciousness and pay attention to benefit audit ;

  10. 建设项目财务效益审计系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Construction Project Finance Evaluation Auditing Information System

  11. 高校经济效益审计系统分析初探

    Preliminary Analysis of the Economic Benefit Audit Systems of Universities

  12. 基本建设工程项目经济效益审计的探索

    A probe into economic result auditing of capital construction projectss

  13. 试论高等教育的效益审计

    A Trial Discussion of the Benefit Audit of Higher Education

  14. 基于改进逻辑框架法的公共投资项目效益审计研究

    Study of Improved Logical Framework Approach on Public Investment Project Performance Audit

  15. 效益审计调查问卷方法的应用研究

    Research on the Utilization of Questionnaire in Performance Audit Investigation

  16. 趋势分析法在基本养老保险效益审计中的应用

    Application of Trend Analysis Approach to Basic Endowment Insurance for Benefit Audit

  17. 投资效益审计目标及内容研究

    A Discussion on the Auditing Goal and Contents of the Investment Benefits

  18. 公共资金效益审计评价体系的研究

    A Study on Public Fund Performance Audit and Evaluation System

  19. 现代企业经济效益审计综合评价体系的构建

    Construction of modern enterprise economy efficiency auditing comprehensive evaluation system

  20. 铁路运输经济效益审计的若干问题

    Some Issues about Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit for Railway Transportation in China

  21. 建筑企业施工项目经济效益审计初探

    Discussion on Economic Benefit Audit of the Construction Enterprise Project

  22. 新形式下审计的新视角&效益审计

    Under the New Form Audits New Angle of View & Benefit Audit

  23. 商业银行开展经济效益审计的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Economic Performance Audit of Commercial Banks

  24. 真实合法审计与效益审计并重关系的研究

    Equal Relationship of Reality and Compliance Audit and Performance Audit

  25. 试析我国国有商业银行的效益审计

    On the Profit Audit of State-owned Commercial Banks of China

  26. 《经济效益审计学》案例教学方法改革初探

    On the Cases Teaching Methods Reform of Economic Benefit Audit

  27. 理顺效益审计与其他审计的关系。

    Recognize the relationship between benefits audit and other audits .

  28. 效益审计的理论分析与目标确定

    On the Theory of Performance Audit and the Objectives Establishment

  29. 关于行政事业单位效益审计的若干思考

    Considerations about the Benefit Audit of the Administrative Institutions

  30. 把预算资金的效益审计作为重点;

    The efficiency audit of budget should be treated as a key point .