
  1. 实施效益型就业战略

    Implementing the Beneficial Type of Employment Strategies

  2. 对走质量效益型发展战略道路的初探

    Development by Quality Effectiveness

  3. 面对巨大的就业压力,只有实施效益型就业战略,方能开拓国际国内市场,创造有效的就业机会。

    Facing up to great employment pressure , only implementing the beneficial type of employment strategies , the internal and external market can be developed as well as the effective employment opportunities can be created .

  4. 本文阐述了在市场经济条件下,要实现企业的经济发展目标,就必须走质量效益型发展战略的道路,并对质量效益发展战略的内涵进行了初步的探讨。

    It was presented that the only way for enterprises to achieve the economic development target in the market is by quality effectiveness , and the content and implication of development by quality effectiveness was discussed .

  5. 而与之相随的是汽车产业市场竞争的日益加剧,选择质量效益型道路的经营战略已被汽车行业企业广泛采用。

    Accompanying the increasing competition in the automobile industry market , the business strategy of quality and efficiency has been widely used by the automotive industry .