
  • 网络Political participation;Political Engagement;political involvement;citizen participation
  1. 执政文明向度下的我国公民政治参与

    Citizen 's Political Participation in Our Country of Ruling Civilization Dimension

  2. 现阶段我国农民非制度化政治参与原因初探

    A Probe into Peasants ' Non-institution Political Participation in Nowadays China

  3. 新中国公民政治参与的历史发展

    The Historical Development of New China 's Citizen Participating in Politics

  4. 公民政治参与是衡量政治文明发展程度的重要标志。

    Civic participation in politics marks development degree of political civilization .

  5. 中国私营企业主阶层政治参与研究

    On China 's Politics Participation of the Privy Management Entrepreneur Stratum

  6. 政治参与冲突是政治冲突的规则化形态;

    The political participation conflict is regularity formation of political conflict ;

  7. 我国公民有序政治参与的基本方式

    The Fundamental Way of Citizens ' Participation in Politics in China

  8. 高校青年知识分子的政治参与行为方式研究

    On the Behavior of Political Participation of Young Chinese College Intellectuals

  9. 社会权利配置不均衡导致非制度化生存,私营企业主政治参与中生发的种种消极现象正是非制度化生存的表现或后果。

    Unbalanced social rights dispose causes to non - institutionalized survival .

  10. 新农村建设中破解农民政治参与低效能对策分析

    The Building of New Countryside Farmer Crack Political Participation Inefficient Countermeasures

  11. 近几年,我们已经加深了政治参与。

    In recent years , we have deepened our political engagement .

  12. 当前扩大我国农民有序政治参与研究

    Research on the Current Orderly Political Participation of Chinese Farmers

  13. 农村社会和谐与农民政治参与

    The Social Harmonious of Village and Participation in Political Affair of Peasant

  14. 我国公民政治参与范式转换的新取向

    The Political Participation of Chinese Citizen : A New Tendency

  15. 公民有序政治参与有科学的理论依据。

    Order - political participation of citizens is based on scientific theory .

  16. 论文对公民网络政治参与的相关理论进行阐述。

    The paper describes the relevant theoretical of Citizen e-participation .

  17. 这种局面造成了私营企业主热衷于政治参与。

    This situation resulted in the private entrepreneurs interested in political participation .

  18. 论互联网对我国公民政治参与的影响与对策

    Influence and countermeasures of internet on people 's political participation

  19. 虚拟世界中的政治参与:问题与消解

    Political Participation in the Virtual World : Problems and Solutions

  20. 公民意识的提高是扩大公民政治参与的前提;

    The major premise is to increase citizens ' awareness of participating ;

  21. 当前我国特殊经济利益集团的政治参与

    On Present Chinese Special Economic Interest Groups ' Political Participation

  22. 影响美国少数种族政治参与程度的因素

    The Factors Affecting the Extent of American Minority Ethics ' Political Involvement

  23. 当前公民政治参与有序化问题研究

    Study on the Currently People 's Political Participation in China

  24. 有序政治参与的目标功能分析

    The Analysis of the Goal and Function in an Orderly Political Participation

  25. 借鉴国外农民政治参与的有益经验。

    Learning useful and successful experiment about peasants ' political participation abroad .

  26. 扩大当代大学生有序政治参与的路径探析

    Ways to Expand Orderly Political Participation by Modern College Students

  27. 公民网络政治参与问题及治理策略研究

    Study on the Problems and Governance of the Citizen E-Participation in China

  28. 我国政治参与的传统政治文化因素分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Counterplan for China Traditional Political Culture on the Political Participant

  29. 加快发展我国公民政治参与

    Quicken the Development of the Political Participation of the Citizens in China

  30. 当代大学生有序政治参与的含义和特征

    Implications and Features of Contemporary College Students ' Orderly Participation in Politics