
  • 网络performance of government;The Government Performance
  1. 构建政府绩效指标的几个要求&平衡记分卡特征的启示本文研究的主要内容为关键绩效指标(KeyPerformanceIndicators)管理体系在中层管理人员中的应用。

    Several Requirements of Building Government Performance Indicators The theme is about the application of Key Performance Indicators to the performance management of middle managers .

  2. 基于DEA模型评估江西省五市政府绩效实证研究

    Empirical Study on Regional Government Performance Evaluation of Jiangxi Province by DEA Model

  3. 基于WEB的政府绩效目标考核管理系统的研究和开发

    Research and Development Assessment by Object Management System Based on the Web for Achievement of Government

  4. 基于DEA的政府绩效评估探析

    Research About Evaluation of the Government 's Performance Based on DEA

  5. 提出了具体的基于RSS技术的政府绩效信息聚合与推送的方法,为现实存在的异构系统向一体化系统平滑过渡,提供了切实可行的解决方案。

    To presents the concrete method to integrate and deliver the government performance information based on RSS technology .

  6. 结合基于主成分的产出DEA和多策略赋权综合评价两种方法,形成了一套科学合理的地方政府绩效评价体系。

    Together is based on principal components and multi-output DEA comprehensive evaluation strategy for empowerment are two ways to form a set of scientific and rational local government performance evaluation system .

  7. 但是,内生于这种激励结构的相对绩效评估又造成了城乡和地区间收入差距的持续扩大、地区之间的市场分割和公共事业的公平缺失等问题。基于DEA模型的政府绩效相对有效性评估

    In the meantime , the relative evaluation-based incentive schemes lead to inter-regional market segmentation , increasing inter-regional development gaps and unequal provision of certain public goods . The Application of DEA Model to Government Performance Evaluation

  8. 第三部分在总结政府绩效评估和企业绩效评估的差异的基础上,对KPI在政府绩效评估中应用的条件做出了归纳和说明。

    The third part mainly concludes and explains the conditions of KPI applied in government performance evaluation based on summarizing the difference between government performance evaluation and enterprise performance evaluation ;

  9. 论述当前地方政府绩效评估的价值取向问题,分析传统GDP评估方法的局限性,提出用绿色GDP作为修正,并根据目前绿色GDP实行的困境给出大体的路径安排。

    The article elaborates on the subject of value orientation of the local government 's performance evaluation . It analyzes the limitation of old GDP , and poses the new amendatory method by Green GDP , and gives some ways to overcome current difficulties executed .

  10. 其次对绩效、政府绩效、地方政府绩效评估的相关概念以及地方政府绩效评估的理论基础进行了全面阐述,并对本文用到的因子分析方法和DEA分析方法进行了介绍。

    Secondly , the author explains relevant concepts comprehensively , such as performance , government performance , performance evaluation of the local government and theoretical basis of local government performance assessment . Factor analysis method and DEA analysis method are also introduced in this article .

  11. 萍乡市政府绩效考评的问题与对策研究

    Pingxiang City Government Performance Evaluation Study of the Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 国际政府绩效审计研究:一个文献综述

    The Study on International Government Performance Auditing : A Literature Review

  13. 第一章:政府绩效审计的本质与功能。

    The second chapter : Nature and functions of performance audit .

  14. 中外政府绩效管理的行政生态学比较

    Comparison of Administrative Ecology on Internal and External Government Performance Management

  15. 构建我国政府绩效审计模式的研究

    Research on the Contribution to Performance Auditing in the Chinese Government

  16. 科学的指标体系是政府绩效评估的关键。

    Scientific index system is the key of government performance evaluation .

  17. 基于贝叶斯网络的地方政府绩效评估的研究

    A Study on Local Government Performance Evaluation Based on Bayesian Network

  18. 地方政府绩效考核指标体系与方法的研究

    Study on the Local Government Performance Evaluation Index System and Method

  19. 美国政府绩效审计方法的变迁及启示

    Approach Change of Governmental Performance Audit in USA and Its Enlightenment

  20. 第四,改革政府绩效考核体系。

    Fourth , the reform of government performance appraisal system .

  21. 地方政府绩效评估:经验、困境与出路

    Local Government Performance Evaluation : Experience , Plight and the Way Out

  22. 政府绩效审计与项目评估:实践特征及融合

    Government Performance Audit and Program Evaluation : Practical Characteristics and Its Integration

  23. 公共行政的核心环节之一是政府绩效评估。

    Evaluation of government performance is one core part of public administration .

  24. 我国政府绩效管理价值取向实践偏差及其重塑

    On the bias of Government Performance Management value Practice and its remodeling

  25. 政府绩效的复合概念与评估机制

    The Compound Concept of Governmental Performance and Its Evaluation System

  26. 政府绩效评价是公共管理的前沿课题。

    Performance evaluation of government is the frontier topic in public management .

  27. 地方政府绩效评估指标体系构建及其应用研究

    Construction and Appliance of the Index System of Local Authority Performance Appraisal

  28. 政府绩效评价的主体选择及体制构建

    The Appraiser Selection and System Construction for Government Performance Evaluation

  29. 政府绩效评估的理念与方法

    The Ideas and Method for the Evaluation of Government Performance

  30. 政府绩效评估的可持续发展研究

    The Sustainable Development Study on the Review to Government Achievement and Efficiency