
sǎ bō
  • broadcast;broadcast sowing;sow broadcast;sowing;scatter
撒播 [sǎ bō]
  • [broadcast sowing] 用均匀撒散的方法播种

  • 在草场上撒播种子

撒播[sǎ bō]
  1. 冬小麦撒播栽培技术的研究与应用

    Application and Study on the Technique of Broadcast Sowing in Winter Wheat

  2. 把播种机播种地的产量与撒播地的产量比比看。

    Just compare the yields of a drilled acre and a broadcast acre .

  3. 报春花应该开始沿着陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。

    The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside .

  4. 他竭力在社区内撒播猜疑的种子。

    He is devoting much of his energy to implanting an element of distrust in the community .

  5. 为了地面利用小火箭有效地对云大量撒播介乙醛,我们设计了一种用TNT分散介乙醛的药桂。

    A projectile with ground-air rocket by the burst of TNT has been designed for dispersing metaldehyde ( MA ) into the clouds on a large scale .

  6. 营养球、营养块、撒播每667m2高粱平均产量较直播(CK)增产80.5%、77.5%和60.1%。

    The average yield with the nutrition ball , nutrition piece , broadcasting with nutrition soil are 80.5 % , 77.5 % and 60.1 % higher than that with the direct seeding separately .

  7. 方法大面积投毒采用ES-2药饵撒播机,间隔约80m进行条投。

    Methods The big area throws in the poison adoption poison ES - 2 sowing machine , the partition is about 80 metres proceeding a forms throw in .

  8. 较早播种大播量的撒播(SD1Q3或SD2Q3)小麦在孕穗期及开花期时具有较大的叶面积指数(LAI),但在开花后其LAI却迅速下降。

    The leaf area index ( LAI ) was higher at booting and anthesis stage under the treatment with early sowing date and large sowing quantity in broadcast sowing ( SD1Q3 and SD2Q3 ) . while decreased rapidly after anthesis .

  9. 在适度晚播及晚播条件下,小麦的最高产量均为撒播大播量处理,其产量值分别为7122kgha-1和6667kgha-1,较之条播同处理的产量分别提高了13.1%和11.5%。

    Under the treatment of moderate late and late sowing , the highest yield appeared in the multi-sowing quantity of broadcasting wheat , the yield was 7122 kg ha-1 and 6667 kg ha-1 respectively , which was 13.1 % and 11.5 % higher than the same treatment of drilling wheat .

  10. 撒播爱念,为给予的机会而欣喜

    To give away love , rejoicing in the chance to give

  11. 第一个游戏在整个金融系统撒播有毒资产。

    The first game scattered toxic assets across the financial system .

  12. 这台新机器能够在农田里均匀快速地撒播种子。

    This new machine distributes seed evenly and quickly over the fields .

  13. 撒播好的服务;甜蜜的回忆会使它们成长。

    Sow good services ; sweet remembrances will grow them .

  14. 我不知道,春天的花粉为何撒播一地?

    I do not know , why the spring pollen spread to one ?

  15. 条播稍好于撒播,覆土远胜于不覆土;

    Drill and soil coverage were better than broadcasting and no coverage respectively .

  16. 飞机把这种草籽大量地撒播在地上。

    The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes .

  17. 他们在那些荒凉的山丘上撒播草籽。

    They planted grass seed on the desolate hills .

  18. 他在一片土地上撒播草种。

    He sowed a plot of land with grass .

  19. 农民们把种子撒播在田里。

    The farmers scatter seeds over a plot .

  20. 那是一种生长迅速的草籽。他们在那些荒凉的山丘上撒播草籽。

    Which would grow quickly . They planted grass seed on the desolate hills .

  21. 撒播虽产苗量高但苗木质量较差,生产上一般不宜采用。

    Throwing produced large volume of seedlings but the quality of seedlings was poor .

  22. 农夫把种子宽广地撒播在田里。

    The farmer sowed the field broadcast .

  23. 在飞机播种造林中,如何使空、地勤合理配合引导飞机在播区内均匀撒播种子是飞播造林的关键技术之一。

    The key technology is how to guide the aeroplane to evenly spread the seeds .

  24. 主要适用于农田耕前撒播底肥、耕后播种及草场、牧场的种肥混合撒播作业。

    Mainly applicable for spreading fertilizer , sowing seeds and mixture of fertilizer and seeds .

  25. 种子用撒播法下种。

    The seeds were sown broadcast .

  26. 将种子深度定为12-20毫米,采用直播比撒播优越。

    The certain placement of seed at the 12-20 mm level necessitates drilling rather than broadcasting .

  27. 这种谷物是撒播的。

    The grain was sown broadcast .

  28. 对大豆使用农田机械条播或用飞机撒播是有兴趣的事。

    There is interest in solid drilling or broadcasting soybeans either by field equipment or by airplane .

  29. 噢,我神哈努曼!您驱散邪恶,您照亮黑暗,您撒播智慧。

    You are the dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom .

  30. 因为爱是连接人与人之间的纽带,只有把爱处处撒播,生活才会变的更美好。

    Because love is the connection between people , only love , live broadcasting everywhere will become better .