
  • 网络RTCP;TCP;IPCP;protocol
  1. 卫星IP网络中传输控制协议的研究

    Research on TCP in Satellite IP Networks

  2. Linux中传输控制协议的拥塞控制分析

    Analysis of congestion control of TCP in Linux

  3. 一种基于XML的集中会议控制协议

    An XML - Based Conference Control Protocol for Centralized Conference

  4. Internet拥塞控制协议的稳定性

    Stability of Internet Congestion Control Protocol

  5. 一种基于IP的超微蜂窝系统传输控制协议

    An IP Based Transport and Control Protocol for Pico-cell System

  6. 适用于多源IP组播的安全访问控制协议

    Secure access control protocol for multi-source IP multicast

  7. 这个协议就是FAST,也就是快速积极行列管理的可升级的传输控制协议。

    The protocol is called FAST , standing for Fast Active queue management Scalable Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) .

  8. 移动adhoc网络轮询接入控制协议

    A Polling Access Control Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

  9. adhoc网络功率控制协议的研究与改进

    Power Control Research and Double-channel Design of the Wireless Ad hoc Network

  10. 一种面向实时业务的adhoc网络退避自适应拥塞控制协议

    Adaptive Backoff Congestion Control Protocol for Real-time Traffic in Ad Hoc Networks

  11. 传送控制协议(TCP)及其应用

    The Transfer Control Protocol ( TCP ) and Its Application

  12. SIP不依附于任何一种特定的会议控制协议。

    SIP is not attached to and particular conference control protocol .

  13. 尽管TCP协议是一种面向连接的、可靠的传输控制协议,但是分组失序还是会对TCP传输性能产生严重影响。

    Although TCP was a reliable transport mechanism ; packet reordering aff ected its performance .

  14. 目前,已经提出两类TCP友好的实时媒体流拥塞控制协议:一类是基于窗口的控制协议,另一类是基于TCP吞吐量模型的。

    At present there are two kinds of TCP-friendly congestion control protocol for real-time flows .

  15. 改进TCPVEGAS拥塞控制协议及其在无线链路中的应用

    Enhanced TCP Vegas Protocol and Its Application in Wireless Networks

  16. 建立链接并完成身份验证以后,PPP将启动网络控制协议(NetworkControlProtocol,NCP)。

    After establishing a link connection and completing authentication , PPP starts a Network Control Protocol ( NCP ) .

  17. 提出了一种适用于移动adhoc网络的媒体接入控制协议。

    A novel medium access control protocol is presented for the mobile Ad Hoc with multiple channels .

  18. 它是应用层信令控制协议,主要用于IP网络中媒体通信时的会话管理。

    It is the application layer signaling control protocol is mainly used in IP network traffic when the media session management .

  19. WDM网中的分组传输控制协议

    The Control Protocols of the Packet Transmissions in WDM Network

  20. IEEE802.1x也是MAC层上基于端口的网络访问控制协议。

    And IEEE 802.1x is a port-based network access control protocol for IEEE 802 infrastructure .

  21. SIP是一个应用层的信令控制协议,用来创建、修改和终结一个或多个参加者参加的会话进程。这些会话包括Internet电话、Interact多媒体会议、远程教育以及远程医疗等。

    These sessions include Internet telephone calls , multimedia distribution , multimedia conferences , remote education and medical treatment .

  22. 两国领导人同意继续签署核武控制协议,以取代1991年签署、将于今年12月到期的战略核武器削减条约(StartTreaty)。

    The two leaders agreed to work on an arms control pact to replace the 1991 Start Treaty expiring in December .

  23. 介绍了研究传输控制协议(TCP)拥塞控制问题的各种分析模型,指出了研究TCP拥塞控制的主要目标。

    The paper describes the analytical models of all kinds of transmission control protocol ( TCP ) congestion controls .

  24. 标签分配协议是MPLS技术的控制协议,也是MPLS的核心。

    LDP is the control protocol of MPLS , and also the its core .

  25. 随着SIP协议的标准化,该协议成为IP领域内运用广泛的信令控制协议。

    With the standardization of the SIP protocal , it became the popular signal control protocol in the IP field .

  26. IMS系统的一大特点就是采用SIP协议作为核心的控制协议。

    A major characteristic of IMS system is using SIP as a core control protocol .

  27. 因此这是高速WDM网络中行之有效的一种访问控制协议。

    Therefore , it is an efficient protocol for very high speed T / WDM networks .

  28. 其中SIP(sessioninitiationprotocol)作为一种应用层的信令控制协议,在大量的学术文献中被讨论过。

    As a signal-command protocol on application layer , SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol ) is discussed in amount of science literatures .

  29. 另外,许多IP电话技术供应商现在都把SIP作为IP电话技术部署的控制协议。

    Also , many of the IP telephony vendors are now focused on SIP as the control protocol for their IP telephony deployments .

  30. SIP协议是一个简单的、易扩展和实现的,基于文本的信令控制协议。

    SIP protocol is a signaling control protocol which is simply expensing and achieving , based on text .