
kònɡ zhì zhōnɡ xīn
  • control center;control of the center;nerve centre
  1. 我的办公室是此次行动的控制中心。

    My office is the nerve centre of the operation .

  2. 10年前的今天,美国疾病控制中心敷衍其事地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。

    Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic .

  3. 然后,地球上的休斯顿控制中心呼叫我,让我用胶带把扶手的底部绑起来,然后把它从望远镜上拔下来。

    Then Houston , the control centre on the earth , called up and told me to use the tape to tape the bottom of the handrail and pull it off the telescope .

  4. 系统采用PLC作为控制中心。

    This system use PLC for controll center .

  5. DSP是本系统的控制中心。

    DSP ( Digital signal processor ) is the control center of the system .

  6. 在设计中,核心部件梯度波形发生器采用了基于PCI总线,以FPGA为主要逻辑控制中心的构架。

    PCI based gradient waveform generator adopted FPGA for its logic controlling .

  7. 同时对控制中心计算机与MODEM进行通信的软件实现也作了简单介绍。

    Also , the communication software design between computer and MODEM is briefly introduced .

  8. 利用电话网,实现控制中心PC对现场PLC的远程监控。

    Using the telephone network , the remote monitoring to local PLC by the control center PC was implemented .

  9. 控制中心能够及时接收到GPS发回的短信息,在强大的GIS地图上显示被监控终端设备的每一个精确地理位置,实现了实时监控。

    The operations center received the short message and displayed each exact position of the supervised terminal in the screen .

  10. 论文以ARMCPU为核心设计了住宅控制中心,实现了对远程访问的响应以及对住宅内设备的控制。

    The control center is carried out based on the ARM CPU , and takes on the home gateway function .

  11. 控制中心采用可编程控制器(PLC)和触摸式液晶显示人机界面,可实现平面复杂焊点的全自动焊接。

    The PLC and the touch pane are used in the equipment , so the complex welding can be carried out automatically .

  12. 移动adhoc网络(MANET)是一种特殊的无固定控制中心的多跳网络。

    Mobile Ad Hoc Network ( MANET ) is a special multihop network without a centralized administration .

  13. 农村地区实施疾病控制中心模式(CDC)的可行性论证

    The feasibility of centers for disease control model in rural areas

  14. 基于Linux内核的CORS控制中心软件的研究

    Design to the Software of Smc in CORS Based on the Linux Kernel

  15. 针对AGV与自动化仓库控制中心之间的通讯问题,提出了一种实用的无线通讯方法。

    A practical communication method between AGV and auto-warehouse is presented .

  16. 控制中心也把调度命令、生产任务、NC程序等传输到生产现场,操作人员通过辅助控制器的液晶显示屏看到后即执行之。

    The operation can gain communication such as the production mission the NC programme etc from the control centre and carry out it .

  17. GPS车辆导航系统由导航控制中心、车载导航终端和GPRS通信网络3大部分组成。

    The vehicle navigation system was constituted by three parts : navigation and control center , vehicular terminal and GPRS communication network .

  18. 监控式DGPS指挥控制中心的设计研究

    Research on DGPS Based on Command and Control Center

  19. 随着越来越多的消费者涌向社交媒体,加之许多企业都把Facebook和Twitter纳入了自己的商业战略体系,如今社交媒体控制中心正在成为大企业的标准配置。

    With consumers flooding social media , and companies integrating Facebook and twitter into business strategy , command centers are becoming standard equipment .

  20. 整个系统的设计包括三部分内容,即区域控制中心、数字化无绝缘轨道电路、ATP车载设备。

    All the design of the system includes three parts & Controlling center , Digital rail circuit without insulation and loading equipments .

  21. 一种SCTP变种:以接收方为控制中心的流控制传输协议

    A SCTP Variation : Reception Control Stream Control Transmission Protocol

  22. 美国官方公共卫生机构疾病控制中心(CentersforDiseaseControl)正敦促人们少喝甜饮料,以减轻肥胖程度。肥胖可能导致心脏病、中风、癌症和糖尿病。

    The Centers for Disease Control , the official public health agency , is urging a reduction in sweetened drinks to reduce obesity , which has been linked to heart disease , stroke , cancer and diabetes .

  23. 控制中心还可以通过SD卡中工作记录列表管理文件来查阅、调用历史工作记录,方便进行文件管理和维护工作。

    The control center could also query the historical records from the log files stored in SD , for ease of managing and maintaining the files .

  24. 西门子信息化电能管理系统集成了配电系统现场智能设备、先进可靠的PLC和功能强大的控制中心,拥有负荷管理、成本管理以及电能质量分析等功能。

    Siemens electrical energy management system based on the information was introduced which has integrated local intelligent devices of power distribution system , advanced and reliable PLC and powerful control center .

  25. 每个联锁位置与操作控制中心(occ)直接通信。

    Each interlocking location communicates directly with the occ .

  26. 可编程控制器(PLC)技术作为一种以微处理器及其存储器为控制中心的自动化装置,在工业自动化控制领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Programmable Logic Controller is a kind of automation device with microprocessor and memorizer as its control center , which play a more and more important role in the field of industry .

  27. 控制中心模块采用Windows的操作系统PC机作为服务器,以VC作为编程语言环境,接受和处理下位机采集的实时参数信息。

    Control Center module uses the Windows operating system PC as the server , VC as a programming language environment to accept and deal with the real-time parameter information collected by .

  28. 半透明化的菜单频频出现,新的控制中心就是其中一个例子,iOS7看起来颇有嬉皮士风范。

    Semi-transparent menu layers , like those seen in the new control center , lend an updated , hipper look .

  29. 在模拟测试中,先利用foundation软件模拟功能完成对各功能模块的模拟,然后利用单片机模拟远程控制中心完成系统功能验证。

    During designing , we complete function simulation and timing simulation based on the Foundation software . In order to verify the whole function , we build a small simulative system in which the MCU act as a remote control center .

  30. CPC技术将终端对环境的感知任务集中到一个中心器件上(即CPC控制中心),降低了终端的运算量,极大地减小了延迟。

    CPC technology will focus the perception of environment task on a central device ( CPC control center ), which reduces the terminal operations and delays greatly .