
xìn xī kù
  • information bank/base
  1. 在Internet网上建立实验动物资源信息库系统的研究

    Establishment of Internet Laboratory Animal Resource Information Database

  2. 基于WindowSDNA的Web信息库开发技术

    The Web Information Database Programming Technologies Based on Windows DNA

  3. windows正在创建驱动程序信息库,请稍候。

    Please wait while windows builds a driver information database .

  4. windows正在更新硬件信息库,请稍候。

    Please wait while windows updates the hardware information database .

  5. Arc/Info平台下综合性规划信息库的建立

    Creation of Synthetic Plan Infomation Database on Arc / Info Platform

  6. 通过离线训练,更新IP地址信息库,优化HMM参数。

    HMM and IP address database is trained separately though off-line training .

  7. 在AutoCAD中利用数据库技术建立基础地理信息库

    Construction of Fundamental Geographic Information Library Using Database Technology within AutoCAD

  8. 地理信息库支持下的SAR影像信息提取

    SAR Information Extraction Based on Geo-database

  9. 网络地址转换(NAT)的应用网络地址转换管理信息库研究

    The Application of Network Address Translation Research on NAT management information base

  10. SNMP管理信息库的移动轮询

    Mobile Polling for SNMP Management Information Base

  11. 由于XML的使用率在不断增长,而且大型XML文档信息库目前也非常普遍,所以对高效XML压缩工具的需求非常大。

    Because XML use continues to grow and because large repositories of XML documents are currently pervasive , the demand for efficient XML compression tools is great .

  12. 玉米本地化生物信息库的构建和QTL的整合、比较及元分析

    The Construction of Local Maize Bioinformatics Database and Integration , Comparison and Meta-analysis of QTL

  13. 数据挖掘(DATAMINING,DM)是从存放在数据库、数据仓库或其它信息库中的大量数据中挖掘有趣知识的过程。

    Data Mining ( DM ) is the process of discovering interesting knowledge from large amounts of Data stored either in Databases , Data Warehouses , or other information repositories .

  14. TMN中管理信息库的设计及评价标准

    Designing Methods and Evaluation Criteria for MIB in TMN

  15. 利用GIS信息库根据森林结构及空间格局分类,将森林声音景观资源分类为九类森林声景观。

    We classify the forest landscape resources classification as nine categories of acoustic landscape forest by GIS information database base on the forest structure and spatial pattern classification , 2 .

  16. 海洋与水产相关学科SCI源期刊信息库

    Prospectus for the source periodicals of Science Citation Index ( SCI ) for the subjects interrelated with marine and fisheries

  17. 建议企业以事项法理论为基础建立一个环境事项信息库,并按照REAL模型运作该信息库,存储生产经营活动中发生的各项与环境问题相关活动、交易和事件。

    The author Advised enterprises to set up the environmental event information database which based on event approach , running according to REAL model , depositing various environment-related activities , transactions and events in enterprise production operation .

  18. GPON网管系统从代理端管理信息库的设计与实现

    Design and realization of ONU management information base in GPON network management system

  19. 第3章针对HFC网络设备的特点,对HFC网络管理的模式、管理信息库和管理对象进行研究,对MIB参数的设定及应用进行了详细的讨论。

    The chapter three : Researched HFC network management mode , Management Information Base , and management objects .

  20. 企业会计人员利用Intranet对环境事项信息库中各项环境事项及其对企业造成的影响进行适时处理与反映,形成基本环境会计信息并以此编制单独环境会计报告。

    Accountants process and reflect environmental events in this database via the Intranet , forming basal environmental accounting information and compiling independent environmental accounting report .

  21. 分析了SNMP的协议层次、运行原理,以及管理信息库(MIB)的结构和变量表示方法。

    Analysis of the SNMP 's architecture and principle , and the structure of Management Information Base ( MIB ) .

  22. Internet的迅速发展使其成为当今世界上最大的信息库,它是全球范围内传播信息的重要渠道,其中以WWW的发展最为迅速。

    The fast-growing Internet is the largest information depository in the world and plays an important role in the information spreading . The World Wide Web ( WWW ) develops quickly .

  23. 它还向学者们提供研究补助,支持他们研究所谓的“疟疾信息库”(MalariaBox)中的化合物,这些化合物已显示出治疗疟疾的潜力,但缺乏开发资金。

    It has also awarded research grants for academics to pursue assets from its so-called Malaria Box of compounds that have shown potential against the disease but have lacked funding for development .

  24. 根据岳阳楼滨水区土地利用现状图、地形图和现状调查,以GIS为技术平台,建立岳阳楼滨水区景观分类信息库。

    According to the current situation map of land use and topographic map , combining on-the-spot investigation , taking GIS as the technological platform , landscape classification information storage of YueYang Tower waterfront was established .

  25. 软件信息库SIB及它与数据流图(DFD)工具的集成

    Software information base ( sib ) and its integrating with data flow diagram ( dfd ) tool

  26. 建立了预警卫星系统对战术弹道导弹(TBM)弹道进行预警的一种数学模型,其中包括预警卫星系统信息库的信息模型;用预警卫星探测信息确定TBM坐标的模型;

    Through systematical analysis , a mathematical model has been established for early warning satellite to forewarn the TBM ( Tactical Ballistic Missile ) trajectory .

  27. 对于描述房间关系、功能及物品归属关系的全局拓扑地图是以RFID标签为节点,利用谱聚类算法实现,并完成语义信息库设计。

    The global topology map describe the relationship of rooms , functions and objects attribution based on RFID tags as nodes , build by spectral clustering algorithm . and design the semantic repository .

  28. 典型用法包括使用来自集群HTTP会话的用户id,缓存从请求中的信息库(如数据库)检索的用户对象。

    Typical usage would involve caching a user object retrieved from a repository ( for example , a database ) in the request by using the user id taken from the clustered HTTP session .

  29. 而网络管理信息库(MIB)包含了管理信息的定义,是网络管理的核心部件。

    However Management Information Base ( MIB ) including the definition of management information , and it is the core of network management .

  30. 随着Internet的快速发展,特别是WWW的飞速发展,网络成为了一个全球最大的分布式的信息库,为信息共享、资源共享提供了一个良好的平台。

    With the fast development of Internet Intranet , especially WWW , the network , which provides a sound platform for information and resource sharing , has become the largest distributive information warehouse all over the world .