
pái gǔ
  • ribs;spareribs;pork ribs;entrecote
排骨 [pái gǔ]
  • (1) [spareribs]∶带少量肉的猪、牛、羊等的肋骨、脊椎骨

  • 糖醋排骨

  • (2) [entrecote]∶从肋骨间割切出来的牛排

排骨[pái gǔ]
  1. 来一份宫保鸡丁和糖醋排骨!

    I will have kung-pao chicken and sweet and sour pork ribs !

  2. 粉蒸排骨滑嫩多汁的秘诀!

    Secret to tender and juicy steamed pork ribs !

  3. 将排骨煎至两面呈棕黄色。

    Fry the chops until brown on both sides

  4. 这块排骨上没什么肉。

    There 's little meat on this pork chop .

  5. 吃完后,吝啬鬼说:“既然我们还在桌子边,让我们连晚饭也吃了吧。”这次上桌的有排骨、煮土豆和杂烩青菜。于是两个人又吃起来。

    When they had finished , the cheap farmer said , " While we 're still at the table , let 's have supper too . " They were now served steak , boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables , and they ate once more .

  6. ~(60)Coγ辐照对酱排骨杀菌效果的研究

    Sterilization of Chinese Spiced chop by ~ ( 60 ) co γ - irradiation

  7. 糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。HPLC测定清肺合剂中鱼腥草素的含量

    The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops , the Steamed Carp , the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus . Determination of decanoyl acetaldehyde in Qingfei oral liquid by HPLC

  8. 最早的天价汉堡源自2001年,一个名叫DanielBoulud的厨师将鹅肝和排骨融入了汉堡的制作。

    But the truck is closed until May.The original expensive burger was created by chef Daniel Boulud in 2001 , when he combined foie gras and ground short ribs at db Bistro Moderne .

  9. 烤好后,他们分析了这些排骨的PAHs,即多环芳香烃类物质,这些都是在烟熏火烤后肉类食物中已经被证实存在的化学物质,也许有致癌风险。

    After cooking , they analyzed the chops for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , or PAHs , which are found in smoked and grilled meats , and may up your risk of cancer .

  10. 除了异常开胃的素烧排骨以及白灵菇(mushroomcutlet)这两道菜外,福和慧的午餐套餐单上再无其它“假肉菜”了。

    Apart from the " spare rib " appetiser and a mushroom cutlet , there were no fake meat dishes on our lunch menus at Fu He Hui .

  11. 这种食物被称为“豉油西餐”(soy-sauceWestern),其中一种是烤猪排骨点缀在番茄酱甜意面上,散发着油炸过的独特味道。

    This food , called " soy - ­ sauce Western , " included things like baked pork chops on ketchup - ­­ sweet spaghetti with the distinct taste of the wok 's fire and oil .

  12. 举个例子,游客可以到离福和慧不到一英里的玉佛寺(JadeBuddhaTemple)素斋餐厅品尝由豆腐、素排骨做成的“素烤鸭”、“素火腿”以及“素炒蟹粉”。

    Less than a mile from Fu He Hui , for example , you can drop into the restaurant at the Jade Buddha Temple for some " roast duck " and " ham " made with tofu , or vegetarian " pork chops " and " stir-fried crabmeat . "

  13. 小份量的“三品”因应了佛教的素餐观:“糖醋排骨”由插入莲藕的一截李子、压成宝葫芦(calabashgourd)样的素鸡以及裹着一把马兰头的豆腐皮做成。

    A trio of small bites offers a nod to Buddhist vegetarian cooking : a sweet , glossy " spare rib " made of a plum impaled on a strip of lotus root ; spiced tofu pressed into the form of a calabash gourd ; and a bundle of Indian aster leaves wrapped in tofu skin .

  14. 这家餐馆糖醋排骨很有名。

    This restaurant if famous for its sweet and sour ribs .

  15. 那你何不点炸鸡或排骨?

    Why don 't you order fried chicken or ribs then ?

  16. 排骨灵化学成分的研究剁锉机噪声的测试分析

    Experimental Study on the Noise Sources of File Cutting Machines

  17. 红李餐馆以美味排骨而著称。

    The red lea restaurant specializes in serving great ribs .

  18. 我的糖醋排骨做好了吗?

    Has my sweet and sour spare-ribs been ready yet ?

  19. 在这儿。不过今天的小排骨看来不太好。

    Here they are , but they don 't look good today .

  20. 那里曾经卖过排骨,卖过鸡翅…

    It 's been a ribs place and a chicken wings place ...

  21. 你们家的酱排骨是最好吃的。

    As good as the one at your place .

  22. 餐厅推出的卤排骨、卤猪手深受顾客喜爱。

    Restaurant launched the brine ribs , halogen Zhushou by the customer favorite .

  23. 你觉得小的那个排骨是不是瘦了点?

    You think that little one 's ribs are too small to eat ?

  24. 629.排骨店老板让血滴到庄稼上。

    629 . The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops .

  25. 剩下的排骨有很多分给了我们。

    We were served huge portions of spare ribs .

  26. 我可以为您点一份牛腰排骨吗?

    Shall I order some sirloin steak for you ?

  27. 他一辈子都吃不厌的食物就是烧排骨。

    His favorite pig out food is barbecued spareribs .

  28. 腿骨和肉片、关节和排骨。

    Shanks and cutlets , joints and ribs .

  29. 不,我喜欢吃虾。我们不该要这排骨。

    We shouldn 't have ordered the spareribs .

  30. 让我们点一份糖醋排骨。

    Let 's order sweet and sour pork .