
  • 网络Dubin-Johnson;elimination disorder;Less-Excretor
  1. 泪液排泄障碍的术前及术后超声评价

    Presurgical and postsurgical ultrasound assessment of lacrimal drainage dysfunction

  2. 鼠急性肝损伤对钠水负荷的排泄障碍

    Effects of acute hepatic damage on natriuresis and water excretion after acute normal saline loading in rats

  3. 而胆汁淤积是由于各种原因导致胆汁形成、分泌和排泄障碍时所产生的一种临床综合征。

    The cholestasis is due to all causes of bile formation , secretion and excretion of obstacles arising from a clinical syndrome .

  4. 实际上是伴有腺体扩大的继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进,它是由慢性肾衰血磷排泄障碍所致。

    This is actually " secondary hyperparathyroidism " with enlarged glands as a consequence of chronic renal failure with impaired phosphate excretion .

  5. 结论兔先天性青光眼的房水排泄障碍部位可能在小梁,兔眼球壁对高眼压的耐受力弱,在高眼压下容易出现眼球扩张,视功能损害。

    Conclusions The location of aqueous humor drainage obstacle might be at trabecular meshwork of the congenital glaucoma , whose poor endurance of high intraocular pressure could result in the globe expansion and optic disc damage .

  6. 另62例两侧肾图类型均不相同,约2/3病例的病变较轻一侧肾图,为不同程度的上尿路排泄障碍,另外近1/3还伴有功能损害。

    In about 2 / 3 of these cases , there was excretory impairment of varying degree on the side with milder changes , and in approximately 1 / 3 of them , there was also impairment of renal function .

  7. 脑卒中后出现的排泄功能障碍包括尿便和汗液排泄障碍。

    Excretory dysfunction after stroke , including fecal dysfunction , voiding dysfunction , sweating dysfunction , affects the activities of daily living and worsen mental health .