
pái shuǐ guǎn
  • drain-pipe;pipe weep;exhaust water pipe;fall tube;scupper pipe;scupper shoot;drain;culvert
排水管 [pái shuǐ guǎn]
  • [scupper pipe;scupper shoot] 排水用的管道,如由舱面室(甲板室)屋顶通向排水口或由甲板通向舷侧的排水管子

排水管[pái shuǐ guǎn]
  1. 水玻璃水泥砂浆在排水管接口中的应用研究

    Study on application of water-glass cement mortar in drain-pipe joints

  2. 排水管水力计算的理论不复杂,但其计算重复,查表频繁。

    The theory of the hydraulic calculation of the drain-pipe is not complicate , but the design calculation is repeated constantly and the various tables are looked up frequently .

  3. 我对她讲了他从排水管爬上去的事儿。

    I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe

  4. 他安装了雨水檐沟和排水管。

    He installed rain gutters and downspouts .

  5. 我们看见几个年轻人爬上了排水管,后来就见他们提着一台电视机和音响跑掉了。

    We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-fi

  6. 那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉,但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。

    That won 't flush out all the sewage , but it should unclog some stinking drains .

  7. 他没时间修理堵塞的排水管。

    He has no time to repair the blocked drain .

  8. 排水管里可能有阻塞物。

    There may be an obstruction in the drainpipe .

  9. 这房子的排水管需要修理。

    The main of the house needs repairing .

  10. 排水管被污物堵住了。

    The drain was choked up with dirt .

  11. 户外用PVCU给排水管及窗用型材粉化现象的防止

    Pulverization preventing of outdoor PVC U service and drain pipes and window sectional materials

  12. Ben,排水管塞了知道

    Ben , the drain 's stopped up . Yeah .

  13. 建行大厦建筑用ABS排水管施工技术

    Construction technology of ABS drainage pipe for construction

  14. HDPE埋地排水管专用树脂的工业开发

    Industrial development of HDPE special resin for underground drainage pipe

  15. 本文介绍了用PE缠绕双壁矩形中空肋壁管内衬法修复大口径混凝土排水管工程中在其环形空隙中采用水平注浆的方法及其工艺和特点等。

    This article introduces the method of splining PE spirally winding double wall ribbed pipe for rehabilitation the big concrete sewer pipeline .

  16. 当Drew在前进时Omar先生的排水管却停住了

    While Drew was moving up , Mr.Omar 's drain was stopped up .

  17. 介绍了我国PEHD埋地排水管发展现状;

    Present development situation of non pressure PE HD plastics pipes for drainage and sewerage in China was introduced .

  18. 通过调整工艺改善PVC-U排水管的冲击性能

    Improving the impact property of the PVC-U drainpipe by adjusting the technics

  19. PE系列塑料管材生产线主要用于生产农用给排水管、建筑给排水管、线缆等产品。

    PE series plastic pipe production line is mainly used for producing pipe of water supply and drainage in the field of agriculture and construction , cable etc.

  20. PVC-U排水管与排水铸铁管在建筑中的应用

    The application of PVC-U drainage pipe and drainage cast iron pipe in construction

  21. PVC-U排水管降噪三通接头研究

    Research on the noise-reducing tee for PVC-U drain pipes

  22. 介绍了新型(W型)管箍式离心铸铁排水管的组成、结构特点与其他类型排水管的比较。

    Assembly and structural features of W type cast iron drain pipe in centrifugal casting were introduced . Comparison with other types of drain pipes was conducted .

  23. UPVC排水管的特点及安装时应注意的问题

    Characteristics of UPVC drainage pipe and attentive problems in installation

  24. PVC-U螺旋消音排水管与柔性接口排水铸铁管的对比

    Comparison between PVC-U Drain with Spiral Muffle and Cast Iron Drain with Flexible Joint

  25. 浅谈UPVC螺旋排水管的性能与设计安装

    On Performance of Spiral Drain Tube UPVC and Installation

  26. UPVC排水管安装中存在的问题

    Questions existed in installation of UPVC drainage pipe

  27. Omar先生家的排水管还是堵塞着

    Mr. Omar 's drain wastill clogged ,

  28. UPVC芯层发泡排水管生产技术

    Processing technology of UPVC core foamed drainpipe

  29. 浅谈建筑UPVC排水管设计与施工中应注意的问题

    Analysis of the Issues Concerning the Design of UPVC Drains and the Problems During Construction

  30. 对安装埋设式未增塑的聚乙烯(pvc-u)排水管和下水道的推荐技术

    Recommended techniques for the installation of unplasticized poly ( viny chloride ) ( pvc-u ) buried drains and sewers