
shòu quán lì fǎ
  • authorized legislation;delegated legislation;facultative legislation
  1. 社会保险法立法中授权立法和政府自由裁量权问题研究

    On Authorized Legislation and Governmental Discretional Power in Social Insurance Legislation

  2. 自然垄断产业授权立法成本的控制模式

    Control Mode ot Authorized Legislation Cost in Natural Monopoly Industry

  3. 随着入世,国内法与WTO规则的接轨在即。中国经济特区要发挥授权立法试验优势为全局立法导航。

    To join WTO , China 's special economic zone is bound to be a link-up between WTO regulations and China 's law through the advantage of delegated legislation .

  4. 如何合理地规范和限制税收授权立法?

    How shall we regulate and restrict the tax legislative authorization ?

  5. 深圳特区授权立法十年成果彰显

    Ten Years of Delegated Legislation in Shenzhen SEZ Reap Remarkable Results

  6. 授权立法正当性缺陷的矫正机制

    The Rectification of the Defect in Rightfulness of Authorized Legislation

  7. 经济特区授权立法制度应被废除

    The system of delegated legislation to Special economic zone should be abolished

  8. 这可能造成职责混乱,授权立法互相冲突。

    This may make for confusion in responsibilities and contradictory delegated legislation .

  9. 我国的法律文本中同样存在大量授权立法条款,而应该怎样设置授权立法条款才更加规范是本文的中心任务。

    There are many authorized legislation clauses in Chinese legal texts , too .

  10. 我国的授权立法制度

    On the system of authorized legislation of our country

  11. 授权立法制度是立法制度的重要组成部分之一。

    Legislation authorized the legislative system is an important part of the system .

  12. 授权立法是社会发展的需要。

    Delegated legislation is the needs of social development .

  13. 论立法法中的授权立法浅析我国的旅游立法

    On Legislation of Chinese Tourism Law

  14. 中国授权立法研究

    Research on China 's Authorized Legislation

  15. 论授权立法的合法性

    Theory of Legitimacy of Delegated Legislation

  16. 与此形成对照的是,我国的授权立法实践却极为活跃。

    In contrast to this , the practice of China 's authorized legislation is pretty active .

  17. 在我国,授权立法基本是在改革开放以后才开始发展起来的,由于我国立法欠债太多,而经济的迅速发展又亟需法律为之提供保障和引导。

    In our country , Delegated legislation has developed since the reformation and opening to the outside .

  18. 作者由此出发提出了七项措施:完善授权立法;

    In this paper , the author raises for discussion seven measures : Perfect our authorized legislation ;

  19. 授权立法自产生以来,在各国的社会生活中发挥了重要作用。

    Enabling legislation since its inception , the social life in the country played an important role .

  20. 因此,为完善我国的授权立法制度,就要在这两个方面下功夫。

    So to perfect the system of it , we should try our best in the two aspects .

  21. 立法法第9条与第56条相呼应确立了我国的授权立法制度。

    In the Legislative Law , Article 9 and Article 56 establish a authorized legislation system of China .

  22. 最后,强调只有对授权立法进行监督,授权立法的效力才能得到体现。

    Finally the paper stresses that only through strict supervision can the validity of authorized legislation be guaranteed .

  23. 授权立法理论是法学理论中的一个较小的问题,学术界对其研究并不踊跃。

    Authorized legislation theory is a minor matter in the law and academic researchers are not enthusiastic on it .

  24. 在税权的横向划分上,我国不同层级政府间税权的有关法律都大经授权立法方式制定。

    Secondly , In transverse intergovernmental tax powers divisions , legislation about tax rights are largely established through authorization .

  25. 产生这些分歧的主要原因在于将授权立法的位阶与授权立法的效力两个概念相混用。

    The main reason of the differences is that they mix up the status and validity of delegated legislation .

  26. 在我国,行政授权立法的肇始及其发展始终伴随着争议、碰撞和理解错位。

    In our country , disputes , collision and misunderstanding accompany the starting and development of delegated legislation of administration .

  27. 在这些对宪法的改变可以被做到之前,必要的授权立法须得先通过。

    Before these changes to the constitution can be made , the necessary enabling legislation will have to be passed .

  28. 进入20世纪后,授权立法在西方主要的资本主义国家中都得到了迅速、广泛的发展。

    Beginning of the 20th century , enabling legislation in the major Western capitalist countries have grown rapidly , extensive development .

  29. 但我国授权立法在授权主体、授权笼统和超越授权以及转授权等方面也存在一些问题,本文对这些问题作了分析,并提出了相应的对策及建议。

    But there are some problems about authorized legislation in our country . This article will analysis these problems and countermove .

  30. 这一授权立法条款是授权立法类型中法条授权的具体表现形式,为国内外立法所广泛应用。

    Authorized legislation clause is the specific expression of authorized legislation , and it has been widely used all over the world .