
  • 网络Authorized operation;franchise
  1. 国有资产授权经营公司的产权管理制度

    Property Rights Management Systems in Companies Authorized to Operate State-owned Assets

  2. 森工企业集团实行国有资产授权经营的探讨

    Management authority for state-owned property in forest industrial enterprise group

  3. 试论国资授权经营的法律问题

    On Legal Problems in the Authorized Operation of State Assets

  4. 透视我国国有资产授权经营中的资产运营主体问题

    Perspective on Management Subject in Authorized Running of State-Owned Assets in China

  5. 高校经营性资产授权经营的探讨

    A Probe into the Authorized Management of Operational Capitals of Higher Institutions

  6. 国有资产授权经营存在的问题与对策

    Problems and countermeasures for authorized operation of the state-owned assets

  7. 国有资产授权经营与国有资产管理体制的改革

    Authorized Operation of State-owned Property and the Reform of Its Management System

  8. 那个时候我大概还不知道“授权经营”这个词。

    I don 't believe I knew the word at that time ;

  9. 国有资产授权经营制度的剖析及其重构

    Analysis and Reconstruction of the Delegated Management of State-owned Property

  10. 北京市国有资产授权经营制度研究

    A Study on the System of the State-owned Assets Authorizing Management in Beijing

  11. 简议国有资产授权经营的意义和作用

    On Significance and Functions of National Property Management Authorized

  12. 国有独资公司股东授权经营法律制度研究

    Research on the Authorized Operation Legal System of Solely State-Owned Company 's Shareholder

  13. 国有资产授权经营法律结构分析

    An Analysis on the Legal Structure of Authorized Management of State - owned Property

  14. 经营管理者是那些企业所有者授权经营的商业人士。

    The managers are those individuals who the owners have authorized to operate the business .

  15. 关于国有资产授权经营问题的探讨

    Authorize Operation About State-owned Asset Problem Discuss

  16. 国有资产授权经营的局限与出路

    A Tentative Approach to Outlet for limitations of Authorized - running of State - owned Assets

  17. 我国授权经营集团公司是在建立以产权关系为纽带的企业集团的过程中产生的。

    During the course of building group companies based on property rights , authorized operation group companies appeared .

  18. 第四部分,阐述了授权经营法律关系的构建。

    Part four , the author elaborated the structure of the legal relationship of the authorized management and operation .

  19. 而国际授权经营以及国际间的合资经营的海外运作涉及一些投资,但一般而言,也有限度。

    Franchising and joint ventures tend to require some investment in foreign operations , but to a limited degree .

  20. 第二部分,充分论述了授权经营主体的相关内容。

    Part two , the author focused on the related issues of the main body of authorized management and operation .

  21. 授权经营是一种新的委托-代理制,具有制度创新性质;

    " Management under authorization ", a new form of " entrusting - proxy " system , is itself an innovation .

  22. 建议电力多经企业实施授权经营+以股代薪的综合改制模式;

    The second is to suggest power diversifications to implement an integrated model that consists of management authorization and giving pay with shares .

  23. 西方主要画廊纷纷在中国授权经营,这种趋势似乎表明,艺术界进入了国际主义的新阶段。

    The trend of major Western galleries now franchising in China seems to point to a new phase of internationalism for the art world .

  24. 家具专卖店是专门经营或被授权经营某一品牌家具为主的零售业态,是国内家具行业内最常见的终端经营场所。

    Furniture store is a special operating or authorized to operate a particular brand based furniture retail formats , domestic furniture industry the most common terminal premises .

  25. 其中两个以上的保险福利机构授权经营延期,但如果这个月底它们没能募集到私人资本,依然逃脱不了政府的手掌心。

    Two more cajas have been granted an extension but will also fall into state hands if they can 't find private capital by the end of this month .

  26. 就本保险业务统计数字之用途而言,指根据《保险公司条例》只获授权经营再保险业务的保险公司。

    In relation to its use in this Insurance Business Statistics , means an insurer which is authorized under the Insurance Companies Ordinance to carry on reinsurance business only .

  27. 分公司经授权经营证券自营业务或者证券资产管理业务的,不得经营其他业务。

    A branch that has been authorized to engage in securities business for the account of the securities company or securities asset management business may not engage in other businesses .

  28. 央广传媒发展总公司是中央人民广播电台全资公司,授权经营中央人民广播电台广告等全部可经营性资源,是中央人民广播电台对外加强市场开发的重要载体。

    Yangguang Media Development Corporation , wholly-owned by CNR , is authorized to operate advertisements and other business resources , and plays an important role in marketing China National Radio .

  29. 在本部分中笔者还探讨了授权经营在不同历史时期的沿革发展以及授权经营的目的和方式。

    Furthermore , the author also discussed about the development of the authorized management and operation in different historical time , and the goal and means of authorized management and operation .

  30. 我国国有资本经营管理体制的基本框架是政府、国有资本经营管理委员会、国有资本投资公司之间的授权经营。

    The basic framework of China 's state owned capital system is the delegated operation between governments , management and operation committees of state owned capital and state owned capital investment corporations .