
  • 网络decant
  1. 一般来说不需要,至少一开始不必换瓶。

    Generally , no-at least , not at first .

  2. 胚胎换瓶时经历了可怕的冷冻。

    By the time they were decanted the embryos had a horror of cold .

  3. 福斯特先生被留在了换瓶车间。

    Mr.Foster was left in the Decanting Room .

  4. 当然,如果换瓶的目的是为了过滤陈酒里的沉淀物,那是另外一回事。

    Of course , if a wine needs to be separated from sediment , that 's another matter .

  5. 却已经有一千二百七十个孩子,有的已经换瓶,有的还处于胚胎状态,可仍然健壮。

    Over twelve thousand seven hundred children already , either decanted or in embryo . And still going strong .

  6. 换瓶室走道那边的伯纳·马克思偷听到两人的谈话,脸色苍白了。

    From his place on the opposite side of the changing-room aisle , Bernard Marx overheard what they were saying and turned pale .

  7. 电梯里满是从阿尔法换瓶间里来的人。列宁娜一进门就有好几个人向她点头微笑,打着招呼。

    The lift was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms , and Lenina 's entry wars greeted by many friendly nods and smiles .

  8. 在病人输液治疗过程中通常会有输液管路堵塞、液体输完和换瓶接续输液的情况发生。

    During transfusion treatment , several situation would be faced , such as jam in the transfusion tube , drug driptup and changing the bottle .

  9. 其结果是:到换瓶时它们已经成了不孕女——生理结构完全正常(‘只是’,他不得不承认,‘她们确实有一种很轻微的长胡子的倾向’),但是不能生育。

    Result : they 're decanted as freemartins-structurally quite normal ( except , " he had to admit , " that they do have the slightest tendency to grow beards ) , but sterile .

  10. 他提示了所谓的“换瓶伤害”的严重性,阐述了种种预防措施,用以对瓶里的胚胎进行适当的训练,把那危险的震动减少到最低限度。

    Hinted at the gravity of the so-called " trauma of decanting , " and enumerated the precautions taken to minimize , by a suitable training of the bottled embryo , that dangerous shock .

  11. 地下室的巡回线有一条在地面高度,有一条在一阶长廊高度,还有半条在二阶长廊高度。第二百六十七天早上日光照进换瓶室。

    One circuit of the cellar at ground level , one on the first gallery , half on the second , and on the two hundred and sixty-seventh morning , daylight in the Decanting Room .

  12. 范尼在换瓶车间工作,她也姓克朗,但是因为行星上二十亿居民只有一万个姓,这种偶合不太令人吃惊。

    Fanny worked in the Bottling Room , and her surname was also Crowne . But as the two thousand million inhabitants of the plant had only ten thousand names between them , the coincidence was not particularly surprising .

  13. 如果尝一口后觉得酒味过于涩,需要“呼吸”一下,那么就可以换瓶。假如一开始就去醒酒,结果发现葡萄酒的一些果味流失在空气之中,那就没有后悔药可吃了。

    If we taste a wine and it 's so tight that it needs decanting , we can decant ; if we decant first and then find that the wine lost some fruit to the air , there 's no going back .

  14. 真不好意思,你是要退钱还是要换一瓶新的?

    Oh , I am so sorry , Do you want to refund or a new one ?

  15. 换了瓶的胎儿哭了,护士立即拿来外分泌瓶。

    The decanted infant howls ; at once a nurse appears with a bottle of external secretion .

  16. 我要拿这两瓶换那一瓶。

    I 'll swap these two bottles for that one .

  17. 我打算过去,换一下调味瓶。

    I 'm gonna go over there and change the shakers .

  18. 我并不是有意要瞒着你们,我只是花掉全部的钱把小瓶的古龙水换成大瓶的,我真的不想再那么自私了。

    I didn 't mean anyone should know till the time came . I only meant to change the little bottle for a big one , and I gave all my money to get it , and I 'm truly trying not to be selfish any more .

  19. 简单的做法比如将塑料杯换成玻璃杯,或者将一次性塑料瓶换成不锈钢瓶,日久天长,就能带来大的改变。

    Simple swaps steel bottles instead of single-use plastics can go a long way to making a difference .