
  1. 他挖呀挖呀,直挖得双臂酸软无力。

    He dug and dug until his arm gave out .

  2. 大老鼠挖呀挖。

    The big mouse worked and worked .

  3. 小男孩在石头的周围挖呀挖,成功地把它从泥沙中挖了出来。

    The boy dug around the rock , managing to dislodge it from the dirt .

  4. 这俩朋友挖呀挖呀,经过十分钟的辛苦努力,他们终于成功了。

    The two animals dug and dug , and after ten minutes ' hard work they were successful .

  5. 小男孩在石头的周围挖呀挖,成功地把它从泥沙中挖了出来。接着,他有点吃力把石头往沙箱上推。

    The boy dug around the rock , managing to dislodge it from the dirt . With a little bit of struggle , he pushed and nudged the rock across the sandbox by using his feet .

  6. 各位感觉怎么样小宠物挖呀挖呀挖呀忙呀忙呀忙呀地震啦你这死家伙哪里去了爱丽丝在哪儿超时空魔球在哪儿

    Hello ! What do you think , pets ? Oh , dig , dig , dig . Work , work , work . Earthquake . Where the devil have you been ? Where 's Alice ? Where 's my chronosphere ?

  7. 黄昏时他坐到了咖啡室的壁炉前,像早上等待早餐一样等着晚餐,这时他心里又在匆匆忙忙地挖呀,挖呀,挖呀,在燃烧得通红的煤块里挖。

    When dark , and he sat before the coffee-room fire , awaiting his dinner as he had awaited his breakfast , his mind was digging , digging , digging , in the live red coals .

  8. 在这样想象中的对话之后,那乘客又在幻想中挖呀,挖呀,挖个不止有时用一把铁锹,有时用一把大钥匙,有时用手要把那可怜的人挖出来。

    After such imaginary discourse , the passenger in his fancy would dig , and dig , dig now , with a spade , now with a great key , now with his hands to dig this wretched creature out .