- 名indicator species

The scores of ordination were then used for a two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ) to the species .
62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .
TWINSPAN and DCA were adopted to analyze their distribution pattern on the basis of their degrees of coverage .
As a result , this oyster appears to be a reliable bio-indicator for monitoring copper , cadimium and zinc , although its use to monitor lead requires further study .
The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .
The method of TWINSPAN quantitative classification is applied to classify mixed forest and therefore a succession serial and law of mixed forest has been gotten .
The classification and ordination of the grassland vegetation are studied with the numerical methods of TWINSPAN ( Two-way indicative species analysis ) and DCA ( Detrended correspondence analysis ) .
Based on Two-Indicative-Species-Analysis ( TWINSPAN ), eight site groups were identified on site-environment variable two dimensions graph , the main components of communities and their relationship with environmental factors were analyzed .
Based on 75 recorded moss species and their coverage , Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) were used to analyze their distribution patterns .
Investigate vegetation and soil by sampling method and Line transects from June to August between 2005 and 2009 , and come to understand status and recovery of vegetation in Yanchi county by using TWINSPAN two-way indicator species classification and Plant diversity calculation .
Based on the survey of community plots , a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senticosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ), detrended correspondence analysis ( DCA ) and canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) . The communities of A.
Oyster Ostrea rivularis as an indicator of heavy metals pollution
The sparrow can be used as the designation of the pollution of the environment .
Indicator , umbrella and flagship species : the concepts and their applications in conservation biology
A Preliminary Study on Bio-indicator Species for Heavy Metal and Oil Pollution in Liaoning Coastal Waters
The diversity , dominant species and the best indicator species of each community varied seasonally . 3 .
Polychaete Capitella capitata is an excellent indicator of polluted environment and attracted the attention of marine scientists .
In this paper , 52 species of the genus Scenedesmus from China have been studied by means of numerical taxonomic methods .
The microalgae are the key primary producer of Antarctic biological chain , and the Antarctic ice algae are good indicator species for the ecological environment .
From the changes of the biological indicators , it could be able to predict the trends of changes of river water quality and seasonal variations .
Birds are sensitive to the change of environment , they can reflect the quality of environment as indication species , and the research of diversity are used extensively in the practical work .
The main results and conclusions of the study were as follows : ( 1 ) The study investigated the tendencies of major climatic factors of typical regions and different indicator species of the grasslands in the loess plateau .
From Feb to Dec.2003 , the seasonal changes in the ecological feature of phytoplankton community , including species composition , population size , dominant species , saprobic indicators , water quality , were studied at 15 sampling station in Jinjiang River .
The seasonal ecological features of phytoplankton community including its species composition , population size , dominant species , saprobic indicator , diversity index and diatom biotic index were preliminarily studied at 22 sampling stations in the Chaohu Lake , Anhui Province .
There were 74 fish species in these waters , belonging to 8 orders , 16 families , most were indicator species in North China Region , Ningxia-Mongolia Region and West China Region . Also , there were some representative species in East China and South China .
The following table indicates which options are available for each application type .
Identification of Indicator Species of Paralytic Shellfish Poison
These nouns all refer to a state or an instance of ill fortune or bad luck .
Indicates a dependency relationship in which one element requires another element for its full implementation or operation .
The lighting system of cars takes on two functions , lighting and signaling , which are the main parts of the automotive safety performances .