
  • 网络gongshu district
  1. 西门子PLC在拱墅区政府大楼中央空调控制系统中的应用

    Application of SIEMENS PLC in Center Air-conditioning System of Government Building of Hangzhou Gongshu District

  2. 拱墅区外来流动人口公共卫生服务与需求研究

    The Study of the Alien Floating Population 's Public Health Service and Demands in Gongshu District

  3. 拱墅区政府还计划拨款一亿元用来推进学校建设。

    The Gongshu District also planned to allot 100 million yuan to further improve the conditions of schools .

  4. 其中,拱墅区开展了两轮声势浩大的截污纳管工作,取得了较为显著的成效。

    Corresponding to the call , Gongshu District carries out two rounds of high-powered sewerage cutoff work , and has made remarkable achievement .

  5. 同时,杭州市的拱墅区政府承诺:在本区工作的教师将享受比政府官员更高的工资和福利。

    Meanwhile in Hangzhou , the Gongshu District government pledged that teachers working in the district would enjoy higher salaries and better welfare than government officials .

  6. 效益分析结果表明,拱墅区住宅小区雨水管网水污染问题应采取管理与技术双管齐下的解决策略,即实现排水设施市场化运作,实行漏排生活污水及初期雨水的就地处理与利用。

    The problem of water pollution of rainwater pipe network can be solved through market operation of drainage facilities , on-site treatment of leak sewage and rainwater by benefits analysis .

  7. 目的:通过调查,了解杭州市拱墅区涉苯企业职业卫生现状,分析职业危害的影响因素,并对员工健康风险进行评估。

    Objectives : to investigate occupational health status of enterprise with benzene hazard of Gongshu district in Hangzhou . analysing the influence factors of occupational hazards , and to evaluate health risks of employee .